
Fallen in love with the Loli Princess in novel story

Narumi Amakawa is a prodigious magic engineer renowned for his expertise in building giant mechs and advanced war weapons. He possesses a brilliant mind and has garnered attention and invitations from various private companies and the Imperial Army responsible for safeguarding the galaxy. Despite the numerous opportunities presented to him, Narumi remains undecided about where he should ultimately devote his talents. However, Narumi carries a secret that he has never shared with anyone: he is an avid fan of a series of literature known as "Loli Princess Novel". These novels feature adorable princess characters, and Narumi, in particular, is infatuated with one character named Christina Aurestear. He empathizes deeply with her tragic story and the sacrifices she made to protect her people. Narumi's favorite scene in the series is the one in which Christina meets her unfortunate demise, a scene that deeply resonated with him and many other fans. Narumi harbors a genuine love for Christina Aurestear and fantasizes about piloting his giant mech to protect her and fulfill her unfulfilled wish. However, he recognizes the limitations of her existence as a fictional character confined to the pages of a book. On a fateful day, a mysterious event takes place that Narumi cannot comprehend. A massive warp hole materializes, prompting Narumi to make a decision to venture into it, carrying the Loli Princess Novel book he held and his giant mech. Little does he know that the destination of this unexpected journey is none other than the world depicted in the novel, the very world Narumi has longed for. Story tags : science fantasy, robot anime, technology invention, mix bathing, co-sleeping, seducing, no NTR, happy ending, polygamy, transported to novel world. Character tags : loli, loli-oppai, princess, litte sister, maid, tsundere, innocent, jealous, magic engineer, loli pilot, alluring, naked. === Recomment === Hello everyone! I'm excited to announce that I've published to the end of 1st volume, I'm here to recommend it to all the fans of isekai harem! Here are a few things to keep in mind before diving in: The main focus of this story is on romance and the development of relationships between the protagonist and the heroines. If you're looking for action-packed battle scenes, you may not find them here. Instead, expect a deep exploration of emotions and connections. While this story falls under the sci-fi fantasy genre, it deviates from the usual isekai tropes. There are no elves, dwarves, or beast girls, and you won't find an adventure guild or a slave shop. So if you're seeking a different take on the isekai formula, this story might intrigue you. I hope you give this isekai harem story a chance and enjoy the journey of romance and exploration it offers. Happy reading!

EvilcatNarumi · Fantaisie
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101 Chs

Chapter 2: The Unexpected Journey

One day, Narumi decided to test a new high-spec giant mech that he had just completed in the vast expanse of the Galaxy Dimension Factory. He had poured countless hours into its design and construction, and now it was time to put it to the test.

In the cockpit of his 17.6-meter-high giant mech, Narumi strapped himself in and prepared for the exhilarating experience that awaited him. With a flick of a switch, the battle simulator system roared to life, enveloping him in a holographic display of a virtual battleground.

The simulated environment shimmered into existence, and Narumi found himself surrounded by numerous enemy virtual machines. The sound of their mechanical movements filled the air, but Narumi remained calm and focused.

As his giant mech hummed with power, Narumi initiated the attack sequence. The cockpit lit up with an array of buttons and switches, and he maneuvered his hands with expert precision. The giant mech's weapons systems activated, exuding a formidable aura of destructive potential.

With a calculated maneuver, Narumi's giant mech unleashed a relentless barrage of energy bullets from its shoulder-mounted cannons. their vibrant glow streaking through the virtual landscape, leaving trails of pure energy in their wake. Each bullet soared through the air with astonishing speed, honing in on their targets with pinpoint accuracy.

But Narumi wasn't finished yet. His giant mech wielded a Proton Laser Blade, a weapon of immense cutting power. He swung the blade with masterful skill, slicing through the virtual enemies as if they were mere illusions. The brilliance of the laser blade illuminated the cockpit, casting flickering shadows across Narumi's determined face.

As the battle raged on within the simulated realm, Narumi's concentration never wavered. He anticipated the enemy's movements, responding with calculated strikes and agile evasions. The dance between man and machine was a symphony of precision and power.

Amidst the chaos of the simulated battlefield, Narumi's voice echoed with confidence and determination. "Is that all you've got? You won't be able to defeat me that easily!" he exclaimed, his words laced with a hint of excitement.

With each passing moment, Narumi's skills as a pilot and the capabilities of his newly constructed giant mech became more evident. The battle simulator system strained under the intensity of the virtual clashes, but Narumi's resolve only grew stronger.

After completing the first phase of testing, Narumi found himself physically and mentally exhausted. Sweat trickled down his brow as he slumped in the cockpit of the giant mech, his body yearning for respite. In that moment of weariness, he sought solace and stability. His fatigued hand reached out, finding solace in the familiar weight of the Loli Princess Novel. He clutched it tightly to his chest, drawing comfort from its presence.

"If only... if only I could bridge the gap between reality and fiction, between my magic engineering skills and the realm of novel," he whispered, his voice carrying a deep longing for the impossible.

As if the universe had conspired to answer his unspoken wish, Narumi's thoughts were abruptly shattered by a violent disturbance. The ground beneath him trembled, and the walls of the Galaxy Dimension Factory quivered with anticipation. A surge of energy crackled in the air, forming a mesmerizing display of swirling lights.

"What in the galaxy...?" Narumi gasped, his eyes widening in awe and trepidation. He felt an undeniable pull, a beckoning from the unknown, urging him to take a step forward. In that critical moment, fueled by a surge of instinct and curiosity, Narumi made a daring decision. His grip tightened around the Loli Princess Novel, a cherished symbol of his connection to Christina's world. With unwavering resolve, he control his giant mech and dashing toward the shimmering vortex.

As Narumi's giant mech advanced, each step brought him closer to the heart of the swirling gateway, the powerful gravitational forces threatened to envelop and consume his entire being, as if attempting to melt him away. Yet, not a trace of fear or hesitation crossed his mind. Instead, a steadfast determination and unyielding spirit propelled him forward.

As Narumi's giant mech vanished into the depths of the warp hole, the echoes of his resolute words reverberated through the Galaxy Dimension Factory. His distant voice carried determination laced with a hint of uncertainty. "I don't know where this will lead me, but if it brings me closer to you, Christina, then it's a risk I'm willing to take."

And with those words lingering in the air, Narumi embarked on an unexpected journey, leaving behind the familiar confines of his world and venturing into the uncharted realm where fiction and reality converged. Little did he know that this audacious leap of faith would set in motion a chain of events that would forever alter the course of his own destiny and that of the captivating princess, Christina Aurestear. The boundaries between truth and imagination would blur, intertwining their fates in ways neither could have ever imagined.