
Fallen God: Evolved from a dual-cultivation ogre into a titan giant

In a world where a game universe replaces reality, Alexander, out of curiosity, transforms into an ogre with dual cultivation talent. The ogre tribe has beautiful slaves, and these female slaves have many ways of pleasing him, but should he settle for mere pleasure? No! This barren desert is not his destiny. What exactly is his identity? He is a descendant of the Titans! He is the king of the ogres! He is the only ogre with dual cultivation talent! He intends to build the most powerful ogre empire. His ogre empire is not only home to clever and powerful ogre warriors, but also to the Red Dragon Queen, the Succubus Queen, the Medusa Queen, the Elf Queen and more. Capable of instilling fear in countless organisms, these queens behave like gentle kittens in Alexander's presence.

RedBull · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Triangular senses danger

An hour later, Alexander was informed by his clansmen that the chief had summoned him.

Alexander had a hunch about what James wanted to discuss.

A moment later, in the chief's hut, James got straight to the point: "Alexander, there are 112 dark essence crystals, all for you."


Alexander had barely sat down and hadn't even had a chance to sip his hot soup when James tossed a bag of dark essence crystals in front of him.

"Just carry on, drink your soup, and I'll speak," 

Alexander nodded, glancing at the bag of crystals, suppressing his excitement, forcing himself to remain calm.

So, Alexander resumed drinking his soup.

"I've discussed it with Elder Ferrer, and we've decided to give you all the dark essence crystals. Not for you to consume, but for the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus."

"Even the dark essence crystals we harvest in the future will be dedicated to the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus until it evolves into a level seven magical beast."

Upon hearing this, Alexander narrowed his eyes, finished his soup in one gulp, and silently watched Chief James, waiting for him to continue.

"I thought you'd object or be unable to contain your excitement, stand up and celebrate loudly!"

"Alexander, I can hardly believe you're an ogre. After all, what kind of calm and powerful ogre are you?"

Alexander just chuckled, not saying a word, still watching James quietly.

James, seeing no reaction from Alexander, felt a bit disappointed. He then spoke seriously and earnestly, "Alexander, I hope you understand the painstaking intentions of Elder Ferrer and myself. 

Neither you nor I, nor Elder Ferrer, can advance after consuming these dark essence crystals. But the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus is a peak level six magical beast. These dark essence crystals could greatly increase its chances of breaking through to a level seven abyssal beast."

"A level seven abyssal beast is a being above the hero level, equivalent to a chieftain. If our tribe has a chieftain-level magical beast, Alexander, do you understand what that means?"

At this, James suddenly became very excited, stood up, swung open the hut's curtain, and pointed towards the darkness in the distance.

"Once the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus becomes a level seven magical beast, all ogres on the Titan Continent will have to submit to our tribe. Next spring, in the territorial battle, we will defeat all the races in the Black Forest. They too will have to submit to us. The Black Forest will be our territory, completely under our control."

A gust of cold wind blew into the hut, causing the long hair of both James and Alexander to flutter.

"So, can you understand us, Alexander? I know you have the heart of a strong warrior, and this might slow down your progress, but..."

Alexander shook his head, interrupting James.

"What's there not to understand? Enhancing the strength of the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus is enhancing my own strength. I have no issues with this! Moreover, if I have the capability, I'm more than willing to do whatever I can for the ogre tribe."

James was momentarily taken aback by Alexander's response, then his face lit up with excitement.

"Ha-ha-ha... Alexander, I knew you would understand! Well done, Alexander!"

Alexander just shook his head, a smile returning to his face.

In the deepest part of Alligator Turtle Valley, Alexander and James arrived at an open space. Alexander let the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus out. The beast lowered its head, allowing Alexander to stroke its curved head affectionately.

"I visited the Abyss Cave when I was younger," James reminisced. "I was confident I could bond with an Abyssal Cold Spider, but after seeing the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus, I abandoned that idea. Unfortunately, I overestimated myself. I ended up not bonding with the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus, and later, I didn't get the Abyssal Cold Spider either."

James looked at the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus with a hint of envy. Alexander remained silent, knowing that listening is often the best response when others are reflecting.

"Let's start!" James prompted Alexander and then stepped back to give him space.

Alexander took out a bag of dark essence crystals from the Gluttonous Bird's stomach sac and showed it to the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus. The beast's eyes gleamed with fervor, gently nudging Alexander's chest with its enormous head.

Alexander smiled broadly, playfully teasing the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus before finally pouring the bag of dark essence crystals into its mouth.

Gulp! The Abyssal Tyrannosaurus swallowed all the crystals in one go, staring at Alexander with wide eyes.

Soon after, it let out a roar and lay down. To the amazement of Alexander and Chief James, black demonic mist began to emanate from the beast. The mist grew denser, eventually enveloping the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus and forming a black cocoon.

Watching the cocoon, Alexander instinctively thought it resembled a dragon's egg. This scene signified that the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus was evolving into a level seven magical beast.

James was astounded, and so was Alexander. They hadn't expected that just over a hundred dark essence crystals would actually trigger the beast's evolution. However, the transformation of the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus into a level seven magical beast wouldn't happen quickly.

After some thought, Alexander decided to keep the cocooned Abyssal Tyrannosaurus within himself, allowing it to evolve internally.

"Let's hope no disaster strikes before the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus awakens!"

Without the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus at his side, Alexander's strength was only slightly above that of his brother James and Elder Ferrer. His strength was formidable, especially when he activated the Ogre's Wrath skill, pushing his power beyond the hero level. 

However, this level of strength still wasn't enough to dominate large dark creatures.

James reassured Alexander, "Don't worry, I'll assign more people in the next couple of days," and then he returned to his chief hut.

Alexander, too, headed back to his hut. In a few hours, it would be his turn for patrol duty. This time, he planned to take Ravenna and Cassana with him, especially relying on Cassana's Triangular Python to temporarily compensate for the absence of the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus.

Time flew by, and by evening, Alexander, accompanied by Ravenna and Cassana, stepped out of his hut. His ogre guard squad - Zephyrinus, Thadon, Elroyce, and Jorim - were already waiting outside.

Alexander greeted them and headed towards the mouth of the valley. At the stone gate, they met with Gorthok, Brungar, Thragg, and Mordok, four elder ogres, and Alexander received the patrol duties from Elder Ferrer.

"Cassana, summon the Triangular Python!" Alexander instructed. "Let it release its scent. It will save us some trouble."

Upon hearing this, Cassana took out a flute and began to play a strange tune. Soon after, the ground shook slightly, and the Triangular Python, a level five magical beast, poked its enormous head out from a mound of dirt near the stone gate.

The Python hissed but didn't fully emerge, retracting its head back into the hole it had just created. 

Alexander wasn't concerned; his intention was only to release the beast's aura to deter potential threats. If deterrence failed, they would be ready to fight.

Half an hour later, Alexander had dispatched the four elders to patrol the ridges on either side of the valley to prevent other crawling creatures from approaching. Ravenna and Cassana followed close by his sides.

Ravenna, with her beautiful eyes, looked around Alligator Turtle Valley with curiosity. It was her first time stepping out of the bloodline warrior's hut area in many days.

"This gathering place of yours makes a good campsite, easy to defend and hard to attack," Ravenna observed.

Alexander turned, wrapped an arm around her waist, and corrected her, "Not 'your' gathering place, but 'our' gathering place. Ravenna, you are now my wife, understand?"

"I'm sorry, dear!" Ravenna tiptoed to kiss Alexander on the cheek, still adjusting to the fact that she was now part of the ogre community.

"The darkness and cold before us are the same as always, accompanied by the unknown and fear," Ravenna mused just as the Triangular Python suddenly poked its head out of the cave, hissing softly.

"Master… Master, Triangular senses danger!" Cassana's voice trembled slightly, indicating that the Triangular Python's reaction was one of fear and apprehension.