
Fallen God: Evolved from a dual-cultivation ogre into a titan giant

In a world where a game universe replaces reality, Alexander, out of curiosity, transforms into an ogre with dual cultivation talent. The ogre tribe has beautiful slaves, and these female slaves have many ways of pleasing him, but should he settle for mere pleasure? No! This barren desert is not his destiny. What exactly is his identity? He is a descendant of the Titans! He is the king of the ogres! He is the only ogre with dual cultivation talent! He intends to build the most powerful ogre empire. His ogre empire is not only home to clever and powerful ogre warriors, but also to the Red Dragon Queen, the Succubus Queen, the Medusa Queen, the Elf Queen and more. Capable of instilling fear in countless organisms, these queens behave like gentle kittens in Alexander's presence.

RedBull · Fantaisie
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Alexander shoots a lot of cum, which greatly satisfies Cassana. She uses her tongue to meticulously lick all of Alexander's cum clean, ensuring that no residue is left behind.

In the two hours prior, Cassana had exerted herself to please Alexander. While she provided him with an extraordinary level of enjoyment, it had significantly drained her energy. Exhausted, she curled up and fell asleep.

Alexander gently covered her with an beast skin before attending to his own affairs.

His recent expedition to the Abyss Cave yielded a significant prize: the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus.

Though powerful, the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus was a glutton. Alexander knew he would have to invest considerable effort in its growth.

At that moment, he was browsing a trading platform, searching for items that could accelerate the growth of his Abyssal Tyrannosaurus.

Alexander was aware that until he found a better dual cultivation partner, his main reliance was on the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus. The stronger it became, the safer he felt.

Upon reaching the trading platform's marketplace, Alexander sifted through numerous items and found what he urgently needed and could afford.

[Beast Nourishment Pills]​

Type: Alchemy Item

Description: Crafted by an alchemist using hundreds of types of beast blood and a mysterious plant extract.

Effect: This pill acts as feed for pets, with a single pill sufficient to satiate a third-level monster. It offers a chance of triggering a pet's evolution, though this probability continues to diminish as the pet's level ascends.

Price: One point per pill

The Beast Nourishment Pills were precisely what Alexander needed. He couldn't always feed the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus with blood.

Upon learning that Alexander had acquired the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus, James and Elder Ferrer initially showed great excitement. However, once their excitement waned, they both became concerned about how to feed the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus.

There was a concern that when winter arrived, not only the tribe of ogres would struggle for food, but feeding the Abyssal Tyrannosaurus would become even more challenging.

Alexander, looking at the Beast Nourishment Pills, didn't buy them immediately. Instead, he opened the seller's information and sent an inquiry.

"Are you there?"

It was a simple, probing message. The trading platform had the advantage of anonymity unless one chose to reveal their identity.

Minutes later, just as Alexander thought the seller might not be monitoring the platform, he received a reply.

"Yes, esteemed customer. How can I assist you?"

Pleased, Alexander thought for a moment before replying. "Do you have a large quantity of Beast Nourishment Pills? I'm interested in making a bulk purchase."

The seller responded quickly, "I have a hundred in stock. Are you buying? The price is non-negotiable!"

Alexander didn't respond immediately. He pondered over the message, sensing a possibility of negotiation despite the seller's firm tone.

While he was contemplating, the seller sent another message.

"If you plan to purchase more Beast Nourishment Pills in the future, I can offer you a 10% discount."

This caught Alexander's attention. He had planned to make these pills a regular diet for his Abyssal Tyrannosaurus.

A single pill could satisfy a third-level monster, but for a sixth-level Abyssal Tyrannosaurus like his, Alexander estimated he would need at least five pills at a time.

More was always better.

After some thought, Alexander replied. "I can agree to a full price for this batch. However, if you can offer me a 20% discount, I'm willing to enter into a long-term purchasing agreement with you, effective as long as I live."

After sending his message, Alexander waited for a response that didn't come for a long while.

The Forest of Forgotten is the homeland of the Wood Elves.

In a large treehouse within the forest, a female Wood Elf with pointed ears furrowed her brows in hesitation. 

Her name was Liraelle, a player from the Centaur Galaxy, and like Alexander, she was one of the 5,000 VIPs. She had arrived in this world much earlier than others.


In fact, it wasn't Earth had 5,000 VIP slots; the entire Universe only had a total of 5,000.

Born into the Wood Elf tribe on the Titan Continent, a race that revered nature and abhorred killing, Liraelle was one of the lucky few. However, this background made it challenging for her to enhance her abilities.

Unwilling to leave her tribe or lose their protection, Liraelle's only way to improve was through the trading platform.

As a Wood Elf, she excelled in cultivating plants. After spending many years accumulating resources, Liraelle invested heavily in an Alchemy Artisan's notebook, embarking on the path of Alchemy.

The Beast Nourishment Pill was her most mature product, which she could mass-produce.

"Should I agree to sell at a 20% discount?" she wondered.

"To gain strength, I should focus on small profits but high turnover. It's just a bit more effort!"

"With the long lifespan of a Wood Elf, this is nothing!"

After much deliberation, Liraelle made her decision and sent a message to Alexander.

"I can sell it to you at a 20% discount, but I need to see your commitment. I want a 20% deposit for your next purchase of the Beast Nourishment Pills."

Alexander's eyes narrowed at this message.

To secure the 20% discount, he would need to pay a 20% deposit.

He wondered if the other party was trying to deceive him, luring him into a trap bit by bit.

After much thought, Alexander decided and sent a reply.

"Fine, in addition to these 100 pills, I'll pre-order another 100 Beast Nourishment Pills!"

Alexander had reasoned it out: the deal essentially meant paying an extra 20% in points. If it turned out to be a scam, he would just have to accept his bad luck, effectively buying the 100 Beast Nourishment Pills at 120% of their price.

Ordering an additional 100 pills was also a way for Alexander to test the waters.

Thus, the deal was struck. Alexander spent 120 points and received 100 Beast Nourishment Pills.

Points had a wide range of uses on this platform, almost anything could be purchased, which was a significant convenience and advantage for Alexander.

His only way to earn points was through dual cultivation.