
Fallen Flower Ariezah

My name is Ariezah, princess of the Shiron Kingdom. Today is the day of my betrothal to our allies in the neighboring kingdom of Geyser. Today is the day I meet my new family and my husband, Prince Oliver. As we entered the kingdom of Geyser, I was met with a celebratory greeting from my soon-to-be people. The crowd was huge, and red flowers adorned the roads. The people yelled in glee, their faces alight with joy. Though this arrangement was made without my approval, I am glad the citizens approve of me. Their smiles make me proud to be a princess. It is my duty to protect them and guide them into prosperity. The carriage soon reached the castle gates. My knight guard, Leo, knocked on the door. "Princess, we have arrived." The door swung open in slow motion, and I was soon overwhelmed by the beauty of the castle. The castle was as tall as a mountain, its stone walls adorned with the color of tan sand. The garden was a pure bliss of a variety of flowers that resembled a rainbow.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The City

Ariezah was woken from a peaceful sleep by soft, insistent meows. Blinking against the morning light filtering through her curtains, she saw Elias and Felix, now back in their human forms, standing by her bedside. Their eyes, blue and green respectively, were bright with excitement.

"Good morning, Elias, Felix," she greeted them warmly, sitting up and stretching. "You seem eager today."

Elias grinned, his blue eyes sparkling. "Today's the day we go to the city, remember?"

Felix nodded, his green eyes wide with anticipation. "You promised you'd show us around."

Ariezah chuckled, their enthusiasm infectious. "I did promise, didn't I? Alright, let's get ready. It's going to be a wonderful day."

She quickly got dressed, choosing a simple yet elegant outfit suitable for a day of exploration. She wanted to blend in with the townspeople while still representing her royal status. As she finished, Leo knocked on the door and entered, bowing slightly.

"Good morning, Princess. Everything is prepared for your outing today. The carriage is ready, and I've arranged for a few guards to accompany us discreetly."

"Thank you, Leo," Ariezah said, appreciating his thoroughness. "Let's make sure the boys are ready too."

Elias and Felix, already dressed in fresh clothes provided by the castle staff, were practically bouncing with excitement. Ariezah took each of their hands and led them out to the waiting carriage. Oliver was there as well, looking dapper and relaxed.

"Ready for our adventure?" he asked with a smile.

"Absolutely," Ariezah replied, helping the boys into the carriage before climbing in herself.

The ride into the city was filled with chatter and laughter. Elias and Felix peppered Ariezah and Oliver with questions about what they would see and do. When they finally arrived, the city was bustling with life. Vendors called out their wares, children played in the streets, and the aroma of fresh bread and roasted meats filled the air.

As they stepped out of the carriage, Elias and Felix looked around in awe. The sights, sounds, and smells were overwhelming, but in a delightful way. Ariezah smiled, holding their hands firmly as they began their tour.

Their first stop was a lively marketplace, where colorful stalls displayed everything from exotic spices to handmade jewelry. Ariezah bought the boys some sweet pastries, which they devoured eagerly, their eyes wide with wonder at the array of treats.

Next, they visited a bustling plaza where street performers entertained with acrobatics and music. Elias and Felix were particularly enchanted by a juggler who performed with brightly colored balls and fiery torches. Ariezah clapped along with them, feeling a sense of joy at seeing them so happy.

Throughout the day, Oliver stayed close, occasionally pointing out historical landmarks and sharing stories about the city's past. His knowledge and easy manner made the outing even more enjoyable, and Ariezah found herself admiring his ability to connect with the people around him.

As they wandered through the streets, they came across a group of children playing a game. Elias and Felix watched longingly, and Ariezah encouraged them to join in. At first hesitant, the boys soon found themselves laughing and running with the other children, their tails and ears barely noticed by their new friends.

Later, they stopped at a renowned jeweler, known for his exquisite craftsmanship. Oliver led them inside, where the jeweler, an elderly man with a kindly smile, welcomed them warmly.

"Your Highness, what a pleasure to see you," the jeweler greeted, bowing respectfully.

"Thank you, Master Cedric," Oliver replied. "We are here to show our young friends the beauty of your work."

Cedric smiled at Elias and Felix. "Welcome, young masters. Feel free to look around."

The boys were captivated by the sparkling gems and intricate designs. Ariezah watched as they admired the pieces, their eyes wide with wonder. Oliver, noticing their fascination, spoke quietly with Cedric, who nodded and began preparing something special.

A few minutes later, Cedric presented two small pendants, each with a tiny gemstone set in a simple yet elegant design. "A gift for our young visitors," he said, handing them to Elias and Felix. "To remind you of your visit to the city."

The boys' faces lit up with gratitude and excitement as they accepted the gifts. "Thank you, sir!" they exclaimed in unison.

As the sun began to set, they made their way back to the carriage, tired but happy. The day had been a resounding success, filled with new experiences and memories. Back at the castle, Ariezah tucked the boys into bed, their new pendants clutched tightly in their hands.

"Thank you for today," Elias said sleepily. "It was the best day ever."

Felix nodded, already half-asleep. "Yeah, the best."

Ariezah smiled, brushing a strand of hair from Felix's face. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Sleep well, both of you. Tomorrow is a new day."

As she left their room, she found Oliver waiting in the hallway. He took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You did a wonderful thing today, Ariezah. You've shown them a world of possibilities."

"And with your help," she replied, grateful for his presence.

Together, they walked back to their quarters, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their resolve to make their kingdom a better place for everyone.

Two weeks had passed since Ariezah and Oliver's outing with Elias and Felix. Life in the castle had resumed its usual pace, but the excitement of the annual festival had everyone buzzing with anticipation. The city had transformed into a vibrant tapestry of colors, sounds, and aromas, celebrating the unity and culture of the Kingdom of Geyser.

Leo had offered to take Elias and Felix to see the festival. The boys had been looking forward to it ever since they heard about it, and Leo, ever the protective and caring guardian, was more than happy to accompany them.

"Stay close and don't wander off," Leo reminded them as they made their way through the bustling streets. "We'll see everything, I promise."

Meanwhile, back at the castle, Ariezah and Oliver were deep in discussions about their upcoming wedding. The grand hall was filled with various swatches of fabric, samples of flowers, and sketches of decorations. Servants bustled around, presenting options and taking notes.

"Do you think these flowers will complement the hall's decor?" Ariezah asked, holding up a bouquet of white lilies intertwined with roses.

Oliver examined them thoughtfully. "They're beautiful. Elegant yet simple. I think they'll be perfect."

Ariezah smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her at the thought of their wedding day. "And what about the date? We need to choose a day that's meaningful, but also allows for enough preparation time."

Oliver nodded, looking at a calendar spread out on the table. "How about a month from now? It's enough time for the final preparations, and it gives people time to make arrangements."

"A month from now sounds perfect," Ariezah agreed. "We should announce it during the festival. It will be a joyous occasion, and everyone will be there."

They spent the morning selecting decorations, tasting different cakes, and finalizing guest lists. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and a touch of nervousness, but Ariezah felt confident with Oliver by her side.

In the city, Leo led Elias and Felix through the heart of the festival. They visited various stalls, watched performers, and sampled an array of treats. The boys were in awe of everything, their eyes wide with wonder and delight.

"Leo, look at that!" Elias pointed at a juggler balancing on a unicycle while tossing flaming torches into the air.

Felix tugged at Leo's sleeve, directing his attention to a nearby stall selling colorful trinkets and toys. "Can we get one of those?"

Leo chuckled, enjoying their enthusiasm. "Alright, let's get each of you a souvenir. Choose wisely."

The boys carefully picked out small mementos, tokens of their day at the festival. As they continued to explore, they came across a large stage where musicians were playing lively tunes, and people were dancing joyfully.

"Can we watch the dancers?" Felix asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Of course," Leo replied, leading them to a spot where they could see the performance clearly.

The music was infectious, and soon, Elias and Felix were tapping their feet and clapping along. The sense of community and happiness was palpable, and Leo felt a deep sense of contentment seeing the boys so happy.

Back at the castle, as the sun began to set, Ariezah and Oliver made their way to the balcony overlooking the festival. The city below was a sea of lights and activity, the sounds of music and laughter drifting up to them.

"Are you ready to make the announcement?" Oliver asked, taking Ariezah's hand.

"Yes, I am," she replied, squeezing his hand reassuringly.

They stepped out onto the balcony, and a hush fell over the crowd as they noticed their presence. Ariezah and Oliver stood side by side, projecting an aura of regal confidence and unity.

"Citizens of Geyser," Oliver began, his voice carrying across the square. "We are here to share some wonderful news with you."

Ariezah continued, her voice clear and strong. "We are pleased to announce that our wedding will take place one month from today. We look forward to celebrating with all of you, as we embark on this new chapter together."

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, the joyous news adding to the festival's already vibrant atmosphere. Elias and Felix, from their vantage point with Leo, looked up at Ariezah and Oliver with admiration and excitement.

As the night wore on, the festival continued in full swing, the announcement adding an extra layer of celebration to the evening. Ariezah and Oliver returned to their preparations, their hearts filled with anticipation for the future. The days ahead promised both challenges and triumphs, but with each other and their loyal friends by their side, they felt ready to face anything.

Together, they watched as the festival lights sparkled below, symbolizing the bright future that lay ahead for them and their kingdom.

The week following the festival was a whirlwind of preparations. The announcement of Ariezah and Oliver's wedding had been met with widespread excitement, and the castle was abuzz with activity. Amidst the chaos, a familiar and comforting presence arrived: Ariezah's stepmother, Arua.

Arua had always been a pillar of strength and wisdom in Ariezah's life. With her regal bearing and kind eyes, she was a woman who commanded respect and offered solace. Her arrival was timely, and Ariezah was grateful for her presence.

The two women decided to take a break from the hectic preparations and retreated to a quiet parlor, where they sat down for tea. The room was elegantly decorated, with soft, warm light filtering through the windows and a gentle breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers from the garden outside.

Arua poured the tea, her movements graceful and calm. "You're doing wonderfully, Ariezah. The festival announcement was perfect, and the people are thrilled."

"Thank you, Mother," Ariezah replied, her voice reflecting both relief and lingering anxiety. "There's just so much to do, and I want everything to be perfect."

Arua smiled, handing her a delicate china cup. "Perfection is an illusion, my dear. What matters is that you do everything with sincerity and love. The rest will follow."

They sipped their tea in comfortable silence for a moment before Arua spoke again. "Ariezah, there are things you should know about what it means to be a queen. It's not just about the titles and the ceremonies. It's about the responsibilities and the way you carry yourself."

Ariezah nodded, eager to hear her stepmother's wisdom. "Please, tell me."

Arua set her cup down and looked at Ariezah with a serious yet loving expression. "A queen is the heart of the kingdom. She must be compassionate and just, showing kindness to all her subjects, regardless of their status. You've already demonstrated your empathy by reaching out to Elias and Felix. Continue to show that same compassion to everyone."

"The people will look to you for guidance and strength, especially during difficult times," Arua continued. "You must remain composed and resilient, even when you feel overwhelmed. It's important to have a trusted circle of advisors and friends, like Leo and Oliver, to support you."

Ariezah listened intently, absorbing each piece of advice. "I want to be a good queen, Mother. I want to make a difference and be someone the people can rely on."

Arua reached out and took Ariezah's hand, squeezing it gently. "I have no doubt that you will be. You have a good heart, and that is the most important quality of all. Remember, a queen must also be wise. Learn from those around you, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it."

They talked for a while longer, discussing various aspects of royal life and the challenges Ariezah might face. Arua shared stories from her own experiences, offering practical advice and reassuring words. By the time their conversation ended, Ariezah felt more confident and prepared for her future role.

As they finished their tea, a servant knocked on the door and entered, bowing respectfully. "Your Highness, Prince Oliver requests your presence in the grand hall to finalize the wedding decorations."

Ariezah smiled at her stepmother. "Thank you for everything, Mother. I feel much better now."

Arua stood and hugged her warmly. "You're welcome, my dear. I'll be here for as long as you need me. Now, go and make your final preparations. Your wedding day will be here before you know it."

With renewed determination, Ariezah made her way to the grand hall. The room was a hive of activity, with decorators arranging flowers and banners, and servants setting up tables and chairs. Oliver stood in the center, overseeing the arrangements.

He turned and smiled as she approached. "How was your tea with Arua?"

"Wonderful," Ariezah replied. "She gave me a lot to think about and some very valuable advice."

Oliver nodded, taking her hand. "She's a wise woman. We're lucky to have her guidance."

Together, they walked through the hall, discussing final details and making sure everything was perfect. Ariezah felt a sense of calm and purpose, knowing that with Oliver by her side and the support of her loved ones, she was ready to face the future as a queen.