
Fallen Flower Ariezah

My name is Ariezah, princess of the Shiron Kingdom. Today is the day of my betrothal to our allies in the neighboring kingdom of Geyser. Today is the day I meet my new family and my husband, Prince Oliver. As we entered the kingdom of Geyser, I was met with a celebratory greeting from my soon-to-be people. The crowd was huge, and red flowers adorned the roads. The people yelled in glee, their faces alight with joy. Though this arrangement was made without my approval, I am glad the citizens approve of me. Their smiles make me proud to be a princess. It is my duty to protect them and guide them into prosperity. The carriage soon reached the castle gates. My knight guard, Leo, knocked on the door. "Princess, we have arrived." The door swung open in slow motion, and I was soon overwhelmed by the beauty of the castle. The castle was as tall as a mountain, its stone walls adorned with the color of tan sand. The garden was a pure bliss of a variety of flowers that resembled a rainbow.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The Betrothal

My name is Ariezah, princess of the Shiron Kingdom. Today is the day of my betrothal to our allies in the neighboring kingdom of Geyser. Today is the day I meet my new family and my husband, Prince Oliver.

As we entered the kingdom of Geyser, I was met with a celebratory greeting from my soon-to-be people. The crowd was huge, and red flowers adorned the roads. The people yelled in glee, their faces alight with joy.

Though this arrangement was made without my approval, I am glad the citizens approve of me. Their smiles make me proud to be a princess. It is my duty to protect them and guide them into prosperity.

The carriage soon reached the castle gates.

My knight guard, Leo, knocked on the door. "Princess, we have arrived."

The door swung open in slow motion, and I was soon overwhelmed by the beauty of the castle. The castle was as tall as a mountain, its stone walls adorned with the color of tan sand. The garden was a pure bliss of a variety of flowers that resembled a rainbow.

"Princess, are you okay?"

Hearing Leo's voice, I woke from my daze. I looked to see his hand reaching out towards mine. I placed my hand on his as he helped me down from the carriage. The sight before me was like no other. The woman standing there had black curly hair that swayed in the wind, flowing down her back. Her golden hairpin held her curls together, and her eyes, like green emeralds, sparkled with life. Her skin was a beautiful caramel color, soft yet rich.

"Hello, Princess. I am the butler, Artemis. I will be helping you with any needs you might have during your stay here in the Kingdom of Geyser. Be it fetching clothes or jewelry, I am here at your beck and call."

His courtesy spoke of nobility. I could see it in the way he carried himself. I thanked him for his kindness. Artemis bowed and gestured for me to follow him to my quarters.

As we entered the castle, it was adorned with red carpets and flags. There were four corridors, one to my left, one to my right, and two in front of me. At the center of it all was the grand staircase, leading up to a large portrait of His Majesty Rozier.

Artemis took us up the grand staircase. As we reached the next floor, he turned left, leading us down a corridor where the windows faced the garden. From this higher vantage point, I could see the full beauty of the garden below. In the center, a fountain surrounded by flowers seemed like a perfect spot for romantic endeavors.

The thought made me blush, my cheeks turning a pinkish-red color similar to the roses I loved so much.

We continued down the corridor until Artemis stopped at a room with two giant doors. He opened the right side of the door, revealing a room decorated in gold and red. Every portion of the room shimmered in the sunlight. The bed, fit for a queen, was adorned with golden and red patterns.

"Princess Ariezah, this room is yours. If you need anything, you may ring the bell here on the side of the door." Artemis pointed to a large bell hanging above. "We will start the fireplace when you're ready. For your protection, we have set a room for your knight, Leo, in the next room over. If you need him, he will arrive in a matter of seconds. Do not worry, we have knights in the garden and the castle at all times. If anything happens, just call for the guards and they will be there."

"The maids will make their rounds soon. They will bring you clothing to change into, suitable for the formal council dinner this evening with the Prince, the King, and the Queen. I will meet you there. If you need anything else, just ring the bell and we'll be here."

Artemis bowed. "Princess Ariezah, welcome to the Kingdom of Geyser."

I thanked him again as he left. Leo stayed behind, standing by the door. The room was quiet, save for the crackling of the fire that had just been lit. I walked over to the window, looking out at the garden once more. It was beautiful, a serene escape from the turmoil within me. My life was changing in ways I couldn't control, but I knew I had to stay strong.

As I waited for the maids, I couldn't help but wonder about Prince Oliver. What kind of man was he? Would he be kind and understanding, or distant and cold? Only time would tell. For now, I had to focus on my duties and the future of my kingdom.

Today was the beginning of a new chapter in my life, one that I hoped would bring prosperity and peace to both our kingdoms.

After settling into my new quarters, I found myself pacing the room, trying to quell the nervousness bubbling inside me. The formal council dinner with Prince Oliver, King Rozier, and Queen Elara loomed ahead. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't help but feel apprehensive about meeting my betrothed and his family.

The maids arrived promptly, bringing with them an array of exquisite gowns. After some deliberation, I chose a dress of deep emerald green, embroidered with delicate gold threads that shimmered in the light. It was a color that complimented my eyes and symbolized the unity I hoped to bring between Shiron and Geyser.

The maids worked quickly, their hands skilled and efficient. They brushed and styled my hair, securing it with the golden hairpin that I cherished, a gift from my mother. As they finished, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. The woman staring back at me looked regal and composed, a stark contrast to the turmoil I felt inside.

"Princess, you look stunning," one of the maids said with a warm smile.

"Thank you," I replied, taking a deep breath to steady myself. "It's time."

Leo, ever vigilant, escorted me to the dining hall. As we walked through the castle, I took in the opulent surroundings. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting the history of Geyser, and the floors were covered with lush carpets that muffled our footsteps. The grandeur of the castle was impressive, yet it also felt imposing.

We arrived at the grand dining hall, where a pair of guards opened the massive doors for us. Inside, the room was illuminated by crystal chandeliers, casting a warm glow over the long, elegantly set table. At the far end, I saw King Rozier and Queen Elara, their regal presence commanding attention. Beside them stood Prince Oliver.

My breath caught as I took in the sight of my betrothed. He was tall and handsome, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to look right through me. His expression was calm and composed, but there was a hint of curiosity in his gaze.

"Princess Ariezah, welcome," King Rozier said, his voice deep and authoritative. "We are honored to have you here."

I curtsied gracefully. "Thank you, Your Majesty. The honor is mine."

Queen Elara stepped forward, her smile warm and genuine. "We hope you find Geyser to your liking, dear. We have heard much about your beauty and grace, and it is a pleasure to finally meet you."

"You are too kind, Your Majesty," I replied, feeling a bit more at ease with her friendly demeanor.

Prince Oliver approached, bowing slightly. "Princess Ariezah, I am pleased to finally meet you. Welcome to Geyser."

His voice was smooth and cultured, and I couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope that perhaps this arranged marriage might not be so difficult after all.

"Thank you, Prince Oliver. I look forward to getting to know you and your family," I said, meeting his gaze.

We took our seats at the table, and the dinner began. The conversation flowed smoothly, with King Rozier and Queen Elara asking me about my journey and my life in Shiron. I answered their questions politely, doing my best to present myself as a capable and confident princess.

Throughout the meal, I noticed Prince Oliver watching me closely, his expression thoughtful. When he finally spoke, his question took me by surprise.

"Princess Ariezah, what are your thoughts on the alliance between our kingdoms?"

I hesitated for a moment, choosing my words carefully. "I believe that our alliance is essential for the prosperity and peace of both our kingdoms. Together, we can achieve much more than we could apart. It is my hope that our union will strengthen the bond between Shiron and Geyser."

Prince Oliver nodded, a small smile playing at his lips. "Well said, Princess. I share your hope for a strong and prosperous future."

As the dinner progressed, I began to feel more comfortable. The conversation turned to lighter topics, and I found myself laughing and enjoying the company of my new family. By the end of the evening, I felt a glimmer of optimism. Perhaps this arranged marriage could indeed become a partnership built on mutual respect and shared goals.

After dinner, Prince Oliver offered to escort me back to my quarters. As we walked through the castle, the corridors now dimly lit by the soft glow of candlelight, he turned to me.

"Ariezah, I know this arrangement was made without your consent, just as it was made without mine. But I want you to know that I am committed to making this work. For the sake of our people, and for us."

His words were sincere, and I felt a surge of gratitude. "Thank you, Oliver. I share your commitment. Let us work together to build a future that benefits both our kingdoms."

He smiled, and for the first time, I felt a genuine connection forming between us. As we reached my quarters, he bowed and bid me goodnight.

"Goodnight, Princess Ariezah. I look forward to our next meeting."

"Goodnight, Prince Oliver," I replied, watching as he walked away.

As I entered my room, I felt a sense of hope and determination. This was just the beginning of a new chapter in my life, and I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Together with Prince Oliver, I would work to ensure a bright future for both Shiron and Geyser.

The morning sun filtered through the ornate curtains of my room, casting a warm glow on the golden and red decorations. I stretched, feeling more at ease after last night's dinner. The promise of a new beginning with Prince Oliver had given me hope.

As I prepared for the day, a knock on the door startled me. Leo, ever vigilant, opened it slightly to announce the visitor.

"Princess Ariezah, Queen Elara requests your presence in her private garden," he said.

I nodded, curious about the sudden summons. "Thank you, Leo. Please lead the way."

We made our way through the castle, the corridors bustling with activity. Servants hurried about their tasks, and guards stood at attention, their presence a constant reminder of the kingdom's vigilance. We reached a secluded part of the castle, where a small door led to the Queen's private garden.

Queen Elara was waiting for me, her serene presence calming the moment I stepped into the garden. The air was fragrant with the scent of blooming flowers, and the sound of a gentle fountain added to the peaceful ambiance.

"Good morning, Princess Ariezah," she greeted me warmly. "Thank you for joining me."

"Good morning, Your Majesty," I replied, curtsying. "It is an honor to be here."

She gestured for me to sit on a stone bench beside her. "I hope you slept well. I wanted to speak with you privately about a matter of great importance."

I nodded, my curiosity piqued. "Of course, Your Majesty. What is it you wish to discuss?"

Queen Elara's expression grew serious. "Ariezah, I wanted to talk to you about the responsibilities and challenges you will face as the future queen of Geyser. Our kingdom, like any other, has its share of intrigue and power struggles. It is crucial that you remain vigilant and aware of the dynamics at play."

I listened intently, understanding the weight of her words. "I will do my best, Your Majesty. I am committed to ensuring the prosperity and peace of our kingdoms."

She placed a gentle hand on mine. "I have no doubt of your dedication. But there is something else you must be aware of. There are factions within our court who may not be pleased with this alliance. They will try to undermine you and your influence."

Her warning sent a chill down my spine. "What should I do?"

"Trust your instincts and stay close to those who have proven their loyalty," she advised. "Prince Oliver is one of those people. Despite the circumstances of your betrothal, he is a good man who wants what is best for Geyser. Lean on him, and together, you can face any challenge."

I nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will heed your advice."

Queen Elara smiled warmly. "You have a kind heart and a strong spirit, Ariezah. I have faith that you will be a great queen."

As our conversation ended, a maid arrived to inform us that breakfast was ready. Queen Elara and I made our way back to the castle, her words echoing in my mind. The challenges ahead seemed daunting, but I knew I was not alone.

The day passed quickly with various meetings and introductions to the members of the court. I observed the dynamics closely, noting the subtle power plays and alliances forming around me. Leo was a constant presence, his silent support reassuring.

That evening, as I prepared for another dinner with Prince Oliver and his parents, I felt a sense of anticipation. I was eager to continue building the foundation of trust and partnership with my betrothed.

When I arrived at the dining hall, Prince Oliver was already there, waiting for me. He smiled warmly as he saw me approach.

"Good evening, Ariezah," he greeted me, his eyes reflecting genuine warmth. "I hope your day has been pleasant."

"Good evening, Oliver," I replied, returning his smile. "It has been enlightening, to say the least."

As we sat down for dinner, the conversation flowed easily. King Rozier and Queen Elara shared stories of Geyser's history and their hopes for the future. Prince Oliver and I exchanged glances, a silent understanding forming between us.

After dinner, Prince Oliver asked if I would join him for a walk in the garden. I agreed, feeling a sense of excitement at the prospect of spending more time with him.

The garden was beautiful at night, the moonlight casting a soft glow over the flowers and fountains. We walked in comfortable silence for a while, taking in the serene atmosphere.

"Ariezah," Oliver began, breaking the silence, "I want you to know that I am grateful for your willingness to embrace this alliance. I know it wasn't easy for either of us, but I believe we can make it work."

I looked at him, appreciating his honesty. "I believe so too, Oliver. I want to make this partnership successful for the sake of our people."

He nodded, his expression thoughtful. "There is something I need to tell you. My father has been receiving reports of unrest in the eastern provinces. Some factions are not happy with the alliance and are stirring trouble. We need to be prepared for any challenges that may arise."

His revelation echoed Queen Elara's earlier warning. "Thank you for telling me, Oliver. We must remain vigilant and work together to address these issues."

He smiled, a sense of relief in his eyes. "I'm glad we are on the same page, Ariezah. Together, we can overcome any obstacle."

As we continued our walk, I felt a growing sense of hope and determination. The challenges ahead were daunting, but with Prince Oliver by my side, I felt ready to face them. Our partnership was still in its early stages, but it held the promise of a bright and prosperous future for both our kingdoms.

And so, with the moonlight guiding our steps, we walked forward, united in our purpose and determined to create a future filled with hope and harmony.