
Fallen Flower Ariezah

My name is Ariezah, princess of the Shiron Kingdom. Today is the day of my betrothal to our allies in the neighboring kingdom of Geyser. Today is the day I meet my new family and my husband, Prince Oliver. As we entered the kingdom of Geyser, I was met with a celebratory greeting from my soon-to-be people. The crowd was huge, and red flowers adorned the roads. The people yelled in glee, their faces alight with joy. Though this arrangement was made without my approval, I am glad the citizens approve of me. Their smiles make me proud to be a princess. It is my duty to protect them and guide them into prosperity. The carriage soon reached the castle gates. My knight guard, Leo, knocked on the door. "Princess, we have arrived." The door swung open in slow motion, and I was soon overwhelmed by the beauty of the castle. The castle was as tall as a mountain, its stone walls adorned with the color of tan sand. The garden was a pure bliss of a variety of flowers that resembled a rainbow.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Resolute Determination

Ariezah stood at the window, her gaze fixed on the garden below. The flowers swayed gently in the evening breeze, but their beauty did little to calm her troubled mind. The recent assassination attempt had left her shaken, and the weight of her circumstances pressed heavily on her shoulders.

She heard footsteps behind her and turned to see Leo approaching. His expression was one of concern and unwavering loyalty.

"Princess," Leo began softly, "you do know we can leave the kingdom if you wish. If you feel unsafe here, I can ask your father to send some of his soldiers to accompany us. With me by your side, you would return home safely."

Ariezah's heart ached at the thought. She knew that if she fled, she would be seen as weak and unfit to be queen. The alliance between Shiron and Geyser depended on her marriage to Prince Oliver. Running away would not only jeopardize her future but also the future of her kingdom.

Taking a deep breath, Ariezah looked at Leo with determination and composure. "I'll see this through to the end, Leo. I understand the risks, but I cannot abandon my duty. I only ask that you stay with me. You are the only one I can truly trust."

Leo bowed his head, a solemn vow in his eyes. "It would be my honor, my lady. I am with you to the end."

Ariezah felt a surge of gratitude and strength from his words. "Thank you, Leo. Your loyalty means more to me than you can imagine."

Together, they stood at the window, gazing out at the garden that seemed both a sanctuary and a prison. Ariezah knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but with Leo by her side, she felt a glimmer of hope.

The next few days passed in a blur. The castle buzzed with increased security, and the tension was palpable. Guards were stationed at every corner, their watchful eyes scanning for any signs of danger. Despite the heightened precautions, Ariezah found it difficult to sleep. The memory of the assassin's blade cutting through the night haunted her dreams.

One evening, as she sat in her chambers, there was a knock at her door. Leo entered, his face grim but resolute.

"Princess, Prince Oliver has requested your presence in the main hall," he said. "He wishes to discuss the recent events and the steps being taken to ensure your safety."

Ariezah nodded, rising to her feet. "Very well, Leo. Let's not keep him waiting."

As they made their way to the main hall, Ariezah couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. She had barely seen Oliver since the attempt on her life, and she wondered what he had planned.

When they entered the hall, they found Prince Oliver waiting, his expression a mixture of concern and determination. He rose to greet Ariezah, his eyes meeting hers with a newfound intensity.

"Ariezah," he said, his voice steady, "I wanted to speak with you personally. The recent events have made it clear that we need to take every possible measure to ensure your safety."

She nodded, appreciating his candor. "I understand, Oliver. I am willing to do whatever it takes to see this through."

Oliver took a deep breath, glancing at Leo before continuing. "I have spoken with my father and secured additional guards. I will also personally oversee your protection. We will increase our vigilance and make sure that no harm comes to you again."

Ariezah felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Thank you, Oliver. Your support means a great deal to me."

He stepped closer, his expression softening. "We are in this together, Ariezah. I promise you, we will get through this."

With a nod, she took his hand, feeling a spark of hope ignite within her. The path ahead was uncertain, but with Oliver and Leo by her side, she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Ariezah stood at the window of her chambers, her mind still reeling from the events of the past few days. The sound of a soft knock at the door pulled her from her thoughts. When she opened it, she found Prince Oliver standing there, a hesitant but earnest look on his face.

"Ariezah," he began, his voice softer than usual. "I know this might be an unusual request, but may I stay with you tonight?"

Ariezah's eyes widened in surprise. Sharing a bed with the prince was an unforeseen request. The thought made her heart race, and a blush crept up her cheeks. She wondered how they would share a bed without it undermining the propriety of their engagement.

Oliver noticed her blush and hurried to explain, his own cheeks tinged with pink. "No, no, not in that way, Ariezah. I just meant to stay with you so you could safely fall asleep. I know you haven't been sleeping well. The bags under your eyes are deep, and it takes away from your beauty. You must rest. If you need me here to help you feel safe, I will be here until you fall asleep."

Ariezah considered his words, her initial embarrassment giving way to a sense of gratitude. She had indeed struggled with sleep since the assassination attempt, and the thought of having someone she trusted nearby was comforting. She nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Alright, Oliver. I agree to your terms."

That night, Oliver sat in a chair beside Ariezah's bed. They talked quietly, sharing stories from their childhoods and the unique experiences of growing up as royals. Ariezah found herself laughing at Oliver's tales of mischievous adventures in the palace, and in turn, she shared her own memories of the grand gardens and the festivals in Shiron.

"Being royal means having a lot of responsibilities," Oliver said, his tone thoughtful. "But it also means having the power to make a difference. I want to be a king who cares for his people and protects those he loves."

Ariezah nodded, her eyes softening. "I feel the same way. The safety and happiness of my people mean everything to me. And now, being here, I want to ensure that our kingdoms thrive together."

As the night wore on, the tension between them eased. They talked about their hopes and dreams for the future, the challenges they anticipated, and the ways they could support each other. The conversation flowed naturally, and Ariezah felt a sense of connection growing between them.

Finally, as the hour grew late, Oliver noticed Ariezah's eyelids growing heavy. "You should rest now," he said gently. "I'll stay here until you're asleep."

Ariezah nodded, lying back against the pillows. "Thank you, Oliver. Your presence means a lot to me."

Oliver watched as her breathing slowed and her eyes closed. He stayed by her side, ensuring she felt safe and secure. Once he was certain she was sound asleep, he allowed himself to relax, feeling a sense of contentment he hadn't experienced before.

As dawn approached, Oliver quietly left Ariezah's chambers, his heart lighter than it had been in days. He knew they still faced many challenges, but he also knew they could face them together.

In the days that followed, Ariezah felt more at ease. Her resolve to stay and see things through was stronger than ever, bolstered by the growing bond between her and Oliver. The castle's increased security measures and Oliver's constant support provided her with a sense of safety she desperately needed.

Together, they navigated the treacherous waters of court politics and looming threats, their partnership growing stronger with each passing day. And as they faced the future, they did so with the knowledge that they were no longer alone, but united in their determination to protect each other and their kingdoms.

The castle felt stifling to Ariezah after the recent events, the walls seeming to close in around her with each passing day. She spent most of her time in her chambers, the memories of the assassination attempt still fresh in her mind.

One morning, as she sat by the window, gazing listlessly at the garden below, there was a knock at her door. She turned to see Oliver entering, a determined look on his face.

"Ariezah," he said, his voice gentle but firm, "I think it's time we got you out of this room. I have something planned that I believe will do you some good."

Ariezah raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "What do you have in mind, Oliver?"

He smiled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "How about a horse ride? The fresh air and the open fields will be good for you. Plus, it's a beautiful day. It would be a shame to spend it cooped up inside."

The idea of leaving the confines of the castle was appealing, and Ariezah found herself nodding in agreement. "That sounds wonderful."

Within the hour, they were in the stables, the scent of hay and horses filling the air. Ariezah felt a sense of nostalgia wash over her as she prepared to ride. Riding had always been a favorite pastime of hers, and she realized how much she missed the freedom it brought.

Oliver helped her mount a beautiful chestnut mare, while he chose a strong black stallion for himself. Leo and a few other royal guards stood nearby, ready to accompany them, but Oliver signaled them to stay at a distance to allow for some privacy.

As they rode out of the castle grounds and into the open fields, Ariezah felt a weight lift from her shoulders. The gentle rhythm of the horse's gait, the wind in her hair, and the expanse of the countryside stretching out before her filled her with a sense of liberation she hadn't felt in weeks.

Oliver rode beside her, his expression relaxed and content. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice carrying easily over the sound of the horses' hooves.

Ariezah smiled, a genuine smile that reached her eyes. "Better. Much better. Thank you for this, Oliver."

He returned her smile. "I'm glad. Sometimes, all we need is a change of scenery to remind us of the beauty in life."

They rode in companionable silence for a while, the sun casting a warm glow over the landscape. The fields were dotted with wildflowers, their colors vibrant against the green backdrop. Birds sang from the trees, and the occasional rabbit darted across their path.

As they approached a small brook, Oliver suggested they take a break. They dismounted and sat on a grassy knoll by the water, watching the brook babble merrily over the stones.

"Tell me more about your home in Shiron," Oliver said, leaning back on his elbows. "I want to know everything."

Ariezah's eyes lit up as she spoke of the rolling hills, the bustling markets, and the grand festivals that brought people from all corners of the kingdom together. She told him about her favorite spots in the palace gardens and the serene lake where she often went to think.

Listening intently, Oliver shared stories of his own childhood adventures in Geyser, the traditions of his people, and the places he held dear. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, each story building a bridge between their worlds.

After some time, Oliver stood and extended a hand to Ariezah. "Shall we continue our ride?"

She took his hand, grateful for his thoughtfulness and the effort he was making to help her heal. "Yes, let's."

As they rode back to the castle, Ariezah felt a renewed sense of strength and resolve. The ride had been a balm for her spirit, a reminder that there was still beauty and joy to be found, even in uncertain times. She knew that with Oliver by her side, she could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

By the time they returned to the stables, the sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the castle. Ariezah felt a sense of peace that had eluded her for days. As they dismounted and handed their horses over to the stable hands, she turned to Oliver, her gratitude evident.

"Thank you, Oliver. Today was exactly what I needed."

He smiled, his eyes warm. "I'm glad I could help. And remember, whenever you need a break, we'll go riding again."

As they walked back to the castle, side by side, Ariezah felt a burgeoning hope. She was not alone in this journey, and with Oliver's support, she knew she could face whatever trials awaited her.

Ariezah had spent the last few days reflecting on her future role as queen and the responsibilities that came with it. She understood that to truly serve the people of Geyser, she needed to know them better, not just the nobles and courtiers but the common folk as well. She expressed this desire to Oliver one morning as they shared breakfast in the castle's sunlit dining hall.

"Oliver," she began, setting her cup of tea down, "I want to learn more about the people of Geyser, especially those of different statuses and classes. I believe that to be a good queen, I need to understand their lives and their struggles."

Oliver looked at her thoughtfully, then nodded. "I think that's a wonderful idea, Ariezah. There's an orphanage in the city that does a lot of good work for the less fortunate. Visiting it would be a good place to start."

Ariezah's face lit up with excitement. "I'd like that very much."

Later that day, they prepared for their visit. Leo and a small contingent of guards accompanied them, but Oliver made sure they maintained a respectful distance, allowing Ariezah the freedom to interact with the people more naturally. They rode through the bustling streets of the city, Ariezah taking in the sights and sounds with keen interest.

When they arrived at the orphanage, they were greeted by Sister Miriam, a kind-hearted woman with silver hair and a warm smile. She welcomed them with open arms, clearly honored by their presence.

"Welcome, Your Highnesses," Sister Miriam said, bowing slightly. "It is a great honor to have you here."

"Thank you, Sister Miriam," Ariezah replied with a smile. "Please, call me Ariezah. I am here to learn more about the people and how we can help."

Sister Miriam's eyes twinkled with approval. "Of course, Ariezah. Let me show you around."

The orphanage was a modest but cheerful place, filled with the laughter of children. As they walked through the halls, Ariezah saw children of all ages, playing, studying, and helping each other. Despite their circumstances, there was a sense of hope and community that touched her deeply.

They entered a classroom where a group of children was engrossed in their studies. The teacher, a young woman with a gentle demeanor, looked up and smiled at them.

"These children are some of our brightest," Sister Miriam explained. "We do our best to provide them with a good education, so they have a chance at a better future."

Ariezah knelt down beside a little girl who was drawing pictures of flowers and animals. "What are you drawing?" she asked gently.

The girl looked up with wide eyes and a shy smile. "I'm drawing a garden, like the one in the stories."

Ariezah smiled back. "It's beautiful. You have a real talent."

The girl beamed with pride, and Ariezah felt a swell of affection for these children who, despite their hardships, still found joy in the simple things.

As they continued their tour, they came across the kitchen, where older children were helping prepare meals. Ariezah was impressed by their skills and the sense of responsibility they exhibited.

"Everyone here has a role to play," Sister Miriam said. "We teach them not just academics but also life skills that will serve them well in the future."

Ariezah nodded, appreciating the holistic approach of the orphanage. She turned to Oliver, who had been observing quietly. "This is exactly what I needed to see," she said softly. "These children are the future of Geyser, and it's our duty to ensure they have every opportunity to succeed."

Oliver placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "And with your determination, I know we can make that happen."

Before they left, Ariezah gathered the children in the main hall and addressed them. "I want you all to know that you are important to me and to this kingdom. Each one of you has the potential to do great things, and we will do everything we can to support you."

The children cheered, their faces alight with hope and excitement. Sister Miriam thanked Ariezah and Oliver for their visit, her gratitude evident.

"Your visit has brought much joy to these children," she said. "And your commitment to their future means the world to us."

As they rode back to the castle, Ariezah felt a renewed sense of purpose. The visit to the orphanage had been eye-opening, and she was more determined than ever to be a queen who cared for all her people, regardless of their status or class.

"Thank you for suggesting this visit, Oliver," she said as they neared the castle gates. "It was exactly what I needed."

Oliver smiled warmly. "I'm glad it helped. And remember, you don't have to do this alone. We will face these challenges together."

Ariezah nodded, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and partnership. With Oliver and Leo by her side, she felt ready to take on the responsibilities of her future role, knowing that she was not just a princess but a future queen dedicated to the well-being of all her people.