
Fallen Flower Ariezah

My name is Ariezah, princess of the Shiron Kingdom. Today is the day of my betrothal to our allies in the neighboring kingdom of Geyser. Today is the day I meet my new family and my husband, Prince Oliver. As we entered the kingdom of Geyser, I was met with a celebratory greeting from my soon-to-be people. The crowd was huge, and red flowers adorned the roads. The people yelled in glee, their faces alight with joy. Though this arrangement was made without my approval, I am glad the citizens approve of me. Their smiles make me proud to be a princess. It is my duty to protect them and guide them into prosperity. The carriage soon reached the castle gates. My knight guard, Leo, knocked on the door. "Princess, we have arrived." The door swung open in slow motion, and I was soon overwhelmed by the beauty of the castle. The castle was as tall as a mountain, its stone walls adorned with the color of tan sand. The garden was a pure bliss of a variety of flowers that resembled a rainbow.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Fantaisie
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9 Chs


The day of remembrance dawned with a somber tone, casting a veil of mourning over the Kingdom of Geyser. It had been a month since King Rozier's tragic and untimely death, and the kingdom still reeled from the loss. The citizens of Geyser had come together to honor their fallen king and remember all who had perished in the battles and hardships faced by the kingdom.

The castle grounds were adorned with black and silver banners, symbolizing mourning and the enduring spirit of the kingdom. The air was filled with the soft, haunting melodies of mourning songs, and the scent of incense drifted on the breeze. It was a day dedicated to reflection, sorrow, and remembrance.

In the grand hall, a large portrait of King Rozier had been placed at the center of an ornate altar, surrounded by candles and wreaths of white lilies. People from all walks of life came to pay their respects, laying flowers and offering prayers.

Oliver stood at the forefront of the hall, dressed in somber black attire, his face a mask of stoic resolve. Inside, however, his heart was a tumult of grief and stress. The loss of his father weighed heavily on him, and the impending responsibility of the throne loomed like a storm cloud on the horizon.

As the future king, Oliver felt the immense pressure to appear strong and unwavering. He knew his people looked to him for guidance and reassurance, especially in such turbulent times. Yet, the weight of his emotions threatened to crack the facade he had carefully constructed.

Ariezah stood beside him, her presence a pillar of support. She could see the pain in Oliver's eyes, hidden behind his mask of strength. She gently squeezed his hand, offering silent comfort. Her own heart ached for him, and she wished she could ease his burden.

The ceremony began with a solemn procession, led by the high priest and followed by nobles, guards, and citizens alike. The mourners moved slowly through the hall, stopping briefly at the altar to bow their heads in respect. Oliver and Ariezah followed, their movements dignified and measured.

As they reached the altar, Oliver placed a hand on his father's portrait, a silent promise to honor his legacy. He then turned to address the gathered crowd, his voice steady despite the emotions churning within him.

"People of Geyser," he began, "today we come together to mourn the loss of our beloved King Rozier and to remember all those who have fallen in service to our kingdom. My father was a great leader, a man of wisdom and courage, and his absence leaves a void in our hearts."

He paused, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "But as we grieve, let us also remember his strength and his unwavering commitment to our people. We must carry forward his legacy with honor and resolve. Together, we will face the challenges ahead and build a future that honors the sacrifices of those we have lost."

The crowd responded with a quiet murmur of agreement, their eyes reflecting a mixture of sorrow and determination. Ariezah stepped forward, her voice soft yet firm. "We are all part of this kingdom, and together we will heal and grow stronger. Let us support one another in our grief and find hope in our unity."

After the speeches, the crowd dispersed to the castle grounds where smaller, personal ceremonies took place. Families gathered to remember their loved ones, sharing stories and comforting each other. It was a day of shared sorrow and collective healing.

As the day wore on, Oliver and Ariezah made their way to a quiet garden within the castle grounds. It was a place King Rozier had loved, a sanctuary of peace and reflection. Oliver sat on a stone bench, his shoulders slumping slightly as the weight of the day finally caught up with him.

Ariezah sat beside him, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. "You don't have to be strong all the time, Oliver," she said gently. "It's okay to grieve."

Oliver looked at her, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I just... I don't know if I can do this, Ariezah. The kingdom needs a strong leader, and I feel so lost without him."

She leaned her head against his shoulder. "Your father believed in you, and so do I. You have the strength and the heart to lead, Oliver. And you don't have to do it alone. We're in this together."

For a moment, they sat in silence, the gentle rustle of the garden's leaves providing a soothing backdrop. Slowly, Oliver let his guard down, allowing himself to feel the grief he had been holding back. He closed his eyes, letting the tears fall, and Ariezah held him close, her presence a source of comfort and strength.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the garden, Oliver felt a renewed sense of resolve. The road ahead would be difficult, but with Ariezah by his side and the support of their people, he knew they could face whatever came their way.

The Day of Remembrance had been a time of mourning, but it had also been a time of reflection and healing. As night fell, the kingdom of Geyser stood united in their grief and their hope for the future. Oliver and Ariezah, now more determined than ever, would honor King Rozier's legacy by leading with compassion, strength, and unwavering dedication to their people.

Together, they would forge a path forward, carrying the memory of those they had lost with them, and building a future that honored the past while embracing the promise of tomorrow.

The Day of Remembrance had passed, leaving the kingdom of Geyser in a delicate balance of grief and hope. However, the calm was short-lived as whispers and murmurs of dissent began to surface among the nobles. Their unease about Oliver's ascension to the throne was growing louder and more insistent.

In the grand hall, a council meeting had been convened to discuss the future of the kingdom. Oliver stood at the head of the table, flanked by Ariezah and Leo. The tension in the room was palpable, the air thick with unspoken grievances and hidden agendas.

One of the senior nobles, Lord Alistair, rose to speak, his voice carrying a tone of carefully measured respect. "Your Highness, we have all respected King Rozier and his wisdom. However, there are concerns about your readiness to ascend the throne."

Oliver's eyes narrowed slightly, but he kept his composure. "Lord Alistair, I understand that this transition is difficult for everyone. But I assure you, I am prepared to lead our kingdom."

Another noble, Lady Isolde, stood up, her gaze unwavering. "It is not just a matter of readiness, Prince Oliver. There are other factors at play. We have reason to believe that there is another claimant to the throne."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the room. Oliver's heart pounded as he turned to face Lady Isolde. "What do you mean by 'another claimant'?"

Lady Isolde took a deep breath before continuing. "There is a man among the guards, a man named Sorin. He is the late king's son, born out of wedlock. We believe he has a legitimate claim to the throne."

The revelation hit Oliver like a thunderbolt. He had always thought himself to be the only heir. The idea of a half-brother, hidden from him all these years, was a shock. He glanced at his mother, Queen Elara, who stood pale and silent, her eyes filled with a mixture of guilt and sorrow.

"Mother," Oliver's voice was strained, "is this true? Do I have a brother?"

Queen Elara's lips trembled as she spoke. "Yes, Oliver. It's true. Sorin is your father's son. He was born before our marriage, and your father... your father wanted to keep him close, but discreetly. I didn't know how to tell you."

Oliver felt a surge of anger and betrayal. "You kept this from me? All this time?"

Queen Elara's eyes filled with tears. "I thought it was for the best. Your father believed it would protect both of you."

Oliver turned back to the council, his anger barely contained. "And you, the nobles, you kept this secret too? Why reveal it now?"

Lord Alistair stepped forward. "We believed that the kingdom needed stability and unity. Sorin has shown great leadership and loyalty in the guards. Many of us feel he is better suited to lead in these uncertain times."

The room fell into a heavy silence. Oliver's mind raced as he tried to process the betrayal, the secrecy, and the implications for his future. He glanced at Ariezah, who gave him a supportive nod, her presence a steadying force.

Oliver took a deep breath, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "Very well. If this is how it must be, then let Sorin come forward. Let him present his case."

Sorin stood in the courtyard, his posture erect and his eyes sharp. He was a tall man with the same dark hair and piercing eyes as King Rozier. The resemblance was striking, and it was clear that he was indeed the late king's son.

When Oliver approached him, Sorin turned and saluted. "Your Highness," he said respectfully.

Oliver studied Sorin, trying to gauge his intentions. "Sorin, is it true? Are you my father's son?"

Sorin met his gaze, his expression unreadable. "Yes, it is true. I have always known of my heritage, but I was content to serve in the guards. I never sought power."

"And yet here we are," Oliver replied, his voice edged with bitterness. "The nobles believe you should take the throne. Do you?"

Sorin shook his head. "I have no desire to usurp you, Oliver. I respect you and your right to rule. But I cannot deny my bloodline, nor can I ignore the wishes of the nobles."

Oliver felt a strange mix of relief and resentment. He appreciated Sorin's honesty, but the situation was far from resolved. "The kingdom is in turmoil, and we need stability. If the nobles support you, we must find a way to resolve this without tearing the kingdom apart."

Sorin nodded. "I agree. Let us work together to find a solution."

Over the next few days, Oliver and Sorin met frequently, discussing the future of the kingdom. Their conversations were tense but respectful, each man trying to understand the other. Ariezah often joined them, her diplomatic skills helping to bridge the gap between the two brothers.

One evening, as they sat in the war room, Sorin spoke up. "I have an idea. What if we ruled together? A co-regency. We share the responsibilities and the burdens. It would show the nobles and the people that we are united."

Oliver considered the proposal. It was unconventional, but it could work. "A co-regency? It would be a way to unify the kingdom and honor our father's legacy."

Ariezah nodded thoughtfully. "It would also allow you both to bring your strengths to the throne. Oliver, you have the vision and the heart. Sorin, you have the experience and the loyalty of the guards. Together, you could be a formidable team."

The decision was made. Oliver and Sorin would rule together, sharing the throne and the responsibilities that came with it. The announcement was met with mixed reactions, but it was clear that it was the best way to ensure stability and unity.

The day of the coronation was a grand affair, filled with pomp and ceremony. The people of Geyser gathered in the capital, eager to witness the historic event. The grand hall was adorned with banners and flowers, and the air was filled with anticipation.

Oliver and Sorin stood side by side, dressed in regal attire, their expressions solemn but determined. Queen Elara, though still strained in her relationship with Oliver, stood nearby, her eyes filled with pride and sadness.

The high priest stepped forward, holding the crowns. "Today, we crown not one, but two kings. May they lead our kingdom with wisdom, strength, and unity."

As the crowns were placed on their heads, a cheer erupted from the crowd. Oliver and Sorin turned to face their people, their expressions reflecting the weight of their new roles.

Oliver stepped forward, his voice ringing out across the hall. "People of Geyser, today marks a new beginning. Together, Sorin and I will lead our kingdom into a future of hope and prosperity. We will honor the legacy of our father and work tirelessly to protect and serve you all."

Sorin joined him, his voice equally strong. "We stand united, not as rivals, but as brothers. We will face the challenges ahead together, with your support and trust. Long live Geyser!"

The crowd erupted into applause, their cheers echoing through the hall. Ariezah stood at the forefront, her heart filled with pride and hope for the future. The journey ahead would be difficult, but with Oliver and Sorin leading together, she knew they could overcome any obstacle.

As the celebrations continued, Oliver and Sorin exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them. They had a long road ahead, but they were ready to face it together. United in their purpose, they would lead Geyser into a new era of strength and unity.