
Fallen Angel Paradise: Ability World Rising Fall...

In the 1970s Humans made the discovery of angels and demons, from the different planes as they walked in their planes and taught humans a new discovery that changed their life and path of evolution. The discovery started from the interaction of human kinds with other kinds and resulted in humans finding a way to control the so-called Psion. To become a witch or a devil. Witches were generally females with the ability to control Psion, whereas males were called Devils. Then Our Society Split apart... Those who can control Psion become arrogant, and those who cannot become inferior. Not just by the difference in strength, a century or more years of exertion from WItches and Devil. This caused humans who cannot use Psion, to feel insecure and helpless. Which resulted in those inferior becoming weaker in their own imagination. Military power, Social Ladders, Business Tycoons, and even Research group were covered by Superior kinds, the new all-given name for Witches and Demons. In that mess, an Inferior named Chen Yu. Successfully broke the silver lining between Inferior and Superior with a system called [Date-Steal] A system that can steal or copy the Psion power, and generation traits of the Superior person's abilities. As he rises up in the ranks of Superior while passing down abilities to the inferiors too. Follow the revolution of this world. When a single soul ablaze the feeling of triumph all across the so-called Ability World...

Shubham_Gosai_1691 · Urbain
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14 Chs

Little girl Ria...

Entering the gate, Chen Yu finally felt at ease.

He sighed and thanked his aunt for a thousand, at that instant.

Because he knew that, his mental limit was reaching its peak from all that time back home.

'Xu Ron, that freaky guy. I had to be aware of his existence more, also I think Mr. Xu was definitely hiding something from me. Which can be the mask guy relation.'

'Maybe the organization behind that guy, for that I will need is make-up and wigs. Along with the different sets of clothes too.'

It was indirect, but yes Chen Yu was able to feel that he will be targeted not by that man.

But he knew that he will be and that is why he promised Chen Yu not to take action against him.

Given that bastard was clear that the person behind mask-one will definitely torment him for them.

'Big Brother Chen.'

When Chen Yu was feeling sick of all that, he heard a small yet sweet voice entering his ear.

For that instant, Chen Yu felt all of his worry vanishing in an instant. As he looked at the silver-haired girl with a beautiful smile on her face, looking at him from the inner gate of the mansion entrance.

Chen Yu looked at his cousin, who was the utmost reason he decided to leave that house. Ria walked closer to Chen with a mischievous smile on her face but stopped in between her advancement.

'What are you doing here Ria! I hope you did not bother aunt Lia with this right... Also, look at you for the last 5 years you have become so beautiful huh!'

Chen Yu pinched her cheeks with an amused smile, while the butler looked at the situation and sighed.

After all, for all this time both of them must have missed each other. But looking at them talking dilly like that, he could tell.

They were still feeling guilty for each other, just like they did in the past.

This is something he wanted to change, but what happened then was what changed Chen Yu's Origin ability.

A monstrous genius with silver flame was shrouded with Darkness, that could erode everything.

So, this talent was then sealed away to a certain extent along with his memories.

'Is that all! After such a long time has passed Big brother. That is all you want to say to me. Or, have you already started to detest me for making you lose your main ability, because of that incident right.'

Ria looked up at Chen Yu who was looking at the little girl, with a plain feeling of helplessness then felt some burning inside his chest.

Telling him, that he has what it takes to take away all of her pain back.

Given in that absolute despair not only did his emotions change with that push. With the memories of the assassin, he got back his silver flame too.

'What are you still worried about that thing, at that incident you were the one that lost something important and not the other way.'

Chen Yu patted her head, whereas Ria shook her head and smiled when she found a silver light flickering from the side.

Looking at the burning silver flame, not only the butler was astonished.

Even Ria was looking at it with a disbelief expression on their face. After all, they had it checked and it was a truth that Chen Yu did lose that talent at that time.

'Really! Did it really come back to you big brother?' Ria touched the flame, which Chen Yu put off before it could hurt her.

Where Ria pouted at Chen Yu and showed the icy, wave revolving around her hand.

After entering the mansion, it was Ria who was dragging Chen Yu to take a bath. While it was Ria who was preparing for tonight's dinner.

Also, Chen Yu was a little relieved looking at her high spirit and old self.

So, he was also able to pay attention to the system notification, that was ringing inside his head.

To the point, he was starting to have a slight headache due to the ding ding noise coming directly inside his brain.

'Tch! I know, I know! Let me go to the bathing area and soak in the mild water. That way, I will be able to relax and check out your notification for God's sake.'

After it stopped ringing Chen Yu hurried toward the bath, and he opened the gate to it. He was dumbfounded to see, the open onsen in front of him.

It was way too big to fit even a colony worth of people inside, not to say it was just a small family mansion at that.

After shaking his head, Chen Yu washed up and sat inside to soak. As he closed his eyes and concentrate on the system notification was at ease.

'A target whose affection level has reached 50 (First Crush) has been discovered.'

'Adding the character in partner field.'

'Due to high affinity, 3 random prizes will be distributed.'

'Pack of body strengthening Potion.' X 1

'Mastery Card Package.' X 3

'Large Gift Token.' X 2

Looking at the gift that he received just by meeting little Ria, Chen Yu thought inside his mind. That she was truly his fortune angel and always wanted to be by her side.

But just in the previous incident that, left such a big scar on her mind.

Chen Yu did not want to go anyway near her, to which when he recover memories and wisdom of the old assassin.

He realized that by distancing himself, he was just making it harder for her.

That is why at this moment, he decided to not avoid her anymore. He just need to face it off directly with her, and if that did not work.

He would even cling to her, no matter what the reason she decide to stay away from him. This time, he will be the one who will cling to her, not the other way out of it.

'Ahh! Though my past self was an idiot for sure, not to realize that such a sweet girl was just in love with him. Where he was just cowering for himself and running away from her all this time. Where I have to give in to the little girl, to be hanging out for so long.'

After all, it was 5 years that she had been waiting for a single person, who was just running away from him all that time.

Any girl would fall off, from the guy like that but here Ria was still back to him, so this time there was no way Chen Yu would let such a sweet girl go away so easily.

'This time! It will be me who will spoil you little one.'

Chen Yu thought as he walked out, whereas he was just thinking. What he could do for her, he just turn speechless.

Given he did not have anything he can spoil her with, on the other the way she was treating him. He was the one who was getting spoiled by her. Which was turning into a little awkward scenario for him.

'Big brother are you out! That's good given I have already prepared food for you, also come and get some food before they go cold out waiting for you.'

Chen Yu was called out by Ria, where Chen smiled and headed toward the dining room with a helpless smile.

After all, not accepting her goodwill, would be like all of his previous treatment of her. So, he was bounded by responsibility, also her cooking was good.

The smell of the food in the gallery was way too enchanting which was making Chen Yu quite hungry.

'Coming right up! I will just wear these dry clothes and head in the same direction, so just wait for me.'

Entering his room, he took out the dry clothes which he had almost forgotten to wear.

Given the habit of living alone, he forgot that he had a beautiful girl under the same roof.

'Okay! I will be waiting.'

Happily waiting and smiling for Chen Yu to come, Ria started to fill in the soup and dishes that has been roasted well.

Given half of the pallet was Dimensional beast meat, though lower stage one but the amount of Psion present inside this food.

Can easily helped Chen Yu break through the small stage of the fourth layer, while she also prepared 3 Psionic Gallatin.

That she was about to give it to him, to breakthrough in the 4th layer of Student Realm.

When Chen Yu entered the room, he was almost drooling from the smell. But his acting and temperament he showed would definitely make all of them believe that he was not drooling at all, that he was just being normal.

'Wow! This smell is so great Ria. I must say, you would definitely make a better wife. Your husband would not need to visit any restaurant, having you around to cook such a delicious meal.'

Chen Yu was not a loser when it come to appraising Ria, who was blushing with his words. Due to this, the affection level on the radar was increased by 5 inside the system which caught Chen while eating.

'Big brother Chen sure knows, what to say to please a girl. I can't be sure, how many girls you have flirted with such glib tongue of yours.' Ria pouted have seen by Chen, like that, which is why the return attack came sooner than expected.

'You know all about it too. I do not go around saying such things to other girls, Yes! recently I have been having feelings for a certain girl. but all the things I said about you, did not have any other motive than appreciating your gift for cooking.'

Without backing out Chen, just spoke what he thought inside his mind. Where Ria smiled and nodded at him so that he can focus on eating as she stared at him.

After some eating, Ria walked beside Chen and asked him to focus and use the Psion energy to break through. As she sat beside him and concentrated too.

Where she gave him the Gallatin that she has brought, at which the butler on the side looked at them.

When he saw Chen Yu taking them and thanking Ria. He smiled with all his wrinkle easing around his face while thinking that Chen Yu has truly started to step forward from that day.

Due to this, he was also sure that, Ria would also start walking out of that point too.

"Brother did not need to thank, at all. After all, it is obvious that we will share everything in the future too."

'Then Big brother needs to work hard to spoil Ria too.'

'Hmm! That is a good idea, then start to concentrate. We will have a lot of time to talk, so start training already big brother.'

Looking at both of them talking and laughing, butler thought how happy miss will be. While miss big sister's missing case is also being unrevealed too, according to intel. The chance of having Chen Yu's father and mother being alive is very high. After all, that portal turns out to be a stable one at that.