
Fallen, a Forgotten Legend

A legend of a man that was broken down and rebuilt, only to be broken down again. This is a story of a man that isn't a villain, but he isn't a good man either, he went through hell, only to be rewarded with an eternity of solitude. He only wanted to protect, but now he is fed up, he's no hero, but he will save a world from itself.

Alloces · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Revised Chapter 1

The start of a legend shrouded in mystery, the start of a story, and the start of the man that even gods and devils alike fear in unison. We will start our story, officially, right after our protagonist, simply known as "him" for the time being, emerged from his eternal slumber. After being greeted by what seemed to be an eagle-lion chimeric beast, our protagonist stood up out of his coffin, and rather unsurprisingly, sneezed. After all the dust from falling through an eternal void for an indeterminable amount of time, dust would collect. After sneezing an innumerable amount of times, he continued on his journey on the road he had fallen next to.

This road seemed to have been heavily used, but considering it was stone, it was in surprisingly good shape, like it had a regenerative, or a resistance property of sorts. Now, after walking for roughly an hour or two, he spotted what looked like a small frontier between the land of wherever he had come from, and civilization. Before he could reach this civilization though, something happened.

He spotted it, it was something that looked like a small green child. He yelled at this lost child like he was catching a dog, but instead of yelling something that sounded human, he let out a grunt, although it was loud, it startled both himself and the child. When he noticed the child's face though, he quickly recognized that this wasn't a child, but rather some sort of ugly hellspawn that made even the demons turn away, like it was a failed experiment and was abandoned by the demons.

Before he could digest what it was, the being leapt at him, bearing a crude, small knife. He panicked, and instead of dodging like someone smart, he punched it like a tennis ball, and the beings face seemed to turn crooked, the entire structure seem to have taken a turn into something that even rivaled that of an alien because of how the punch landed, it seemed to have not done much damage to the actual being of ugliness, but it definitely disoriented it. Although it might seem like it should have dropped its knife, its slimy slim fingers somehow held onto it. This created a predicament for him, should he fight? Obviously. So he charged at this being of snot green slimy fingers that had the grip of a dead man. This made the childlike being stop for a moment, and become stunned by this reckless being. After losing focus for a moment the green being got his face punched hard enough that his facial structure caved in causing splash back and having the blood enter our protagonist's mouth as he was swallowing.

As he swallowed it, it seemed like he had gained something, like more agility, but it seemed he had lost his sense of saturation and gain a starving feeling, like his stomach was going to consume itself, and then consume him. So he started to eat the green being like a wild animal, and after he ate it, he picked up a small nameplate, which had one thing written on it "Foraii" and so, like a child, he gripped onto the nameplate and embedded the name into his head.

Foraii picked up the small crude dagger from the green being and decided that naming it goblin would be best. He started walking towards the civilization hoping dearly that he wouldn't run into another one of the goblins, he started to run towards the frontier. As he was running it seemed like the trees here were greener than any trees he had seen, like they had been enriched with a property such as mana. While he was noticing this he realized that he hadn't spoken in an eternity, so he attempted to appease his rustiness by talking. At first it sounded almost as though a demon from hell was summoned to talk for him but after running and talking for nearly 20 minutes, he cleared his throat and spoke with a nice bass voice. After running for 30 minutes after killing the goblin, he had arrived at the front gate, covered in sweat, but ready to go in and face the people inside.

Something surprising that even Foraii didn't predict, was the fact that the people of this world seemed to speak English. While he was trying to get into the gate, he seemed to bump into someone.

"Sorry sir" Foraii said, in the nicest way possible, but for some reason, everyone around him seemed to scatter as far away from the man he had bumped into. He had a bad feeling about the encounter that was about to happen, and boy oh boy, was he right.

"THE ACTUAL FUCK, IS YOUR PROBLEM?" The man seemed to yell as loud as he could have at that time, but it was then followed by a slew of insults, cusses and overall, just a stream of bad shit. This enraged Foraii but before he could do anything about it, the line progressed towards the city at a hastened rate, and so the man shoved Foraii down, and spat, kicked and stomped on him for a couple seconds, before running off to the front of the line. Now, as a man that is named the Slaughterer, this didn't go over well in his head, after all, you don't get named that by coincidence. But during the entire confrontation he had stood rooted on the spot, unable to reply, and then got shoved down to get beaten.

He was enraged, disappointed but most of all, ashamed. He hadn't even entered the city and had already gotten the shit kicked out of him by a nobody, not even someone in a position of power. So, he walked towards the gate, and entered the city without being extorted by the guards, because they simply felt pity for a man like him. As he entered, he noticed the same man, talking to a group of people that seemed like a group of hos friends, so Foraii ran. He ran to what looked like a muscle for hire place, oddly named, "Meteorite Guild". As Foraii entered, no one seemed to look at him, so he sighed a sigh of relaxation, and walked to what looked like a receptionist station. He walked up to it, still sulking about what happened to him. With his head hung low, he rung the receptionist bell, causing a man of small stature, but broader than a barn door, walk towards the counter with a small step ladder, all in order to reach the top of the desk. As the man was lowly grumbling about beggars and drunks always coming in to fill in an application in exchange for money only to get themselves killed a week later.

As the small wide-man got up onto the step ladder, he reached under the desk and retrieved a form that was a simple application form that looked like an office job, except for the bold print simply saying "You might die if you take on the role of a hunter, the Meteorite guild will not compensate family members of the deceased due to it not being the guilds fault." After reading this Foraii seemed to understand that, these people might care about one thing, but it wasn't a human life, or rather, any life. Foraii continued to read through the form and it seemed like all it was, was a repeat that this job is dangerous and no compensation will be handed to the family. So naturally, he filled it out. He signed his name, but only the one he knew. As he read through it, it seemed more like a terms of service notice than an application but he didn't pay attention to that.

As he finished the form, the small wide man spoke, "Are you sure you want to do this, sir? It's dangerous and you would have to leave your family and risk your life on a daily basis."

As the man spoke, Foraii just nodded his head in agreement and answered in a very respectful manner simply saying, "There is no need to worry sir, I'll take care of myself." After that, the attendant said one more thing, "My name is, Brian Blackhorn, if you need anything just ring the bell and ask for me, I'll be out in a jiffy"

At that interaction, Foraii bid farewell to the oddly nice man, and after looking at the assignment board for a second, he decided that the best one for him would be to eliminate the small group of goblins. Of course after his encounter with an asshole at the front gate. he was still pissed, not as much as he was when he was getting beat though. So, instead of finding a place to stay and sleep, he walked back through the small city, which was obviously very poor, but it was still lovely, as carriages passed by still being pulled by horses, confirming his suspicion that they aren't fully advanced yet but surprisingly the carriages had runes covering the cab part of the carriage causing it to give off a magical feel. The road was still done but didn't give off the magical feeling the road before had, causing him to wonder why for a millisecond, but then he realized that the monsters and creatures wouldn't be able to enter the city, considering not only the walls were quite big, being roughly 15 meters high, causing them to your over most small houses and buildings, but not high enough to completely shadow over done things, but still, quite tall. The buildings surrounding him were mostly made of stone, and nearly none of them were 3 stories tall, usually only 2 stories and the official stores, like blacksmiths and alchemy shops, were 1 story, because they only needed one. There were still vendor carts and grocery isles, consisting of mainly peasants and some Knights, even though they wouldn't use their swords, just by being there the people felt safe and entrusted the law enforcement to them.

As Foraii looked around, he noticed most people would use linen and wool, due to them being farmers and taking care of livestock, and these materials being in abundance. Foraii looked around and felt it of place almost, due to his clothes and attire consisting of an old leather jacket, a black cotton shirt and his pants being black too, along with black modern style shoes. Now this may seem like he was from the future, but since he was falling for an eternity, he wasn't, he had come from a world far away, and having fallen through reality itself, there was no telling how long he had been gone. The only things he could remember was his world's astrology, their modern technology and sciences consisting of herbs and precious stones, but since that was useless now, because he was in a world different in properties than his. he had to throw it out of the window and attempt to create his own tech through memory and this worlds resources. One more thing was engraved in his memory, was his final moments, being laid down into his coffin, but it wasn't of his choice, for he was being held down like a rabid animal and the creatures surrounding him were beings of pure evil, of pure darkness, caused by the sins of his world. That is all he remembered, for his mind had been cleansed of all of the important memories from his fights, and his powers taken away. His suit had been taken away too, all because he had tried to defy the will of the gods and devils alike. As he remembered that he was still in the city, he awoke from his daydream and started walking towards the gate once again, to return to the field, in order to hunt again, after so long. As Foraii walked out of the city gate, passing by the guards without a word spoken between them, in a manner that had no noise between them but was full of understanding. as he passed by them, he saw the road with magical markings again, so he followed the winding path. Once he started to walk along the light gray stone road, he noticed that the people were still coming in through the front gate, and the line seemed to be backed up more than usual, due to the restlessness of the line, he didn't bother to ask but he did gain a slight sense of foreboding.

As someone who has seemingly forgotten everything, he didn't pay attention to this feeling, and simply abandoned his doubts.

Sorry for this inconvienence, will release more chapters after this.

Allocescreators' thoughts