
Fallen, a Forgotten Legend

A legend of a man that was broken down and rebuilt, only to be broken down again. This is a story of a man that isn't a villain, but he isn't a good man either, he went through hell, only to be rewarded with an eternity of solitude. He only wanted to protect, but now he is fed up, he's no hero, but he will save a world from itself.

Alloces · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


Since the big bang, there has always been a notion that there was more than what meets the physical eye. There has been many different types of these notions, something like mana, something fantastical, although it is a work of narrative, it is interesting and I always can't help but wonder, and this has led down the path of thinking up many stories about worlds that are not as simple as ours or worlds simpler in physical terms but in invisible terms. Today I'll introduce one of these ideas, like a prologue of sorts.

Once upon a deep dark time, clouded by darkness with despair covering the plants, animals and humans quivering with fear waiting for the world to end and to take their lives with it too, there was a bright child birthed from the darkness like a ray of hope shooting into the sky, splitting it open, to have the heavens open up. He single handedly drove out the despair covering the world, causing even angels to have faith in him and demons to fear him. Him is a placeholder for a legend told by the masses, no one knows if this legend is true or not but they all assume it is, so they build statues for a false hope, one that might have never existed, created by the construct of their imagination. No, this wasn't their imagination, this legend was a warning to the masses, passed down by the gods to make their children safe, but their children were full of greed and terrible things, causing the gods to send down a messenger, a messenger that would slaughter the evil in the world, no matter who. But that messenger was brought down, enraging the gods and those saved by the messenger, so the gods cursed the world, that, in 30 years time, their reckoning will come, and that they will have their revenge.

I will tell the story of what might seem like a villain, but he is not a villain, but rather a singular entity, shrouded in his own issues and mysteries. He is not a hero, he is not a legend, yet, but a singular entity, only wanting to live his own life, with no conviction other than that. His legend is carved in the future, carved in the past, and will be carved into the realms. His name might not seem like much, but a name holds no meaning unless etched into legends and stories, and he will have plenty of them, but for now we cannot name him.

We will start his legend differently than most, one that shouldn't happen unless you are a vampire, and one that will never happen unless Jesus Christ was reincarnated into our world. A coffin, his final resting place, his prison. Ever suffering, ever eternal, ever cursed. His coffin is not grandeur, rather it is a shallow grave, next to a road in a rather peculiar situation. As what sounded like the screech of an eagle, combined with the roar of a lion from somewhere outside his pitiful coffin, he awoke. Only to be greeted by an unfamiliar species, an eagle with the body of a lion.

As he saw this being, and not being able to discern it from evil or good, he arose out of the shallow coffin. The eagle chimeric being noticed he was all skin and bones, and looked more like a skeleton rather than a man, and left, with a disdainful frown on its face. This short introduction of the chimeric beasts and monsters of this world left an impression that he was no longer in ever eternal suffering. As he started walking, the gods and devils alike awoke, the 72 legions of hell with the numerous gods were dumbstruck for a moment, for only monsters should be able to come through their reckonings, known to the masses as tears, short for tears in their reality. Yet somehow, this being of unbridled confusion and shock, managed to tear through his own reality and land in theirs. They all stopped their slumbers and waiting, to discuss this being, for this was the most important matter happening since the messenger's death, the announcement of their reckoning and its start.

The start of a legend shrouded in mystery, the start of a story, and the start of the man that even gods and devils alike fear in unison.

Thanks for reading, it is a short introduction to this novel but I want to start the real thing as soon as possible, so this being short is just how it will be.

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