
Chapter 15

When Jessica arrived at the address kingsley gave her, he came outside the house waiting for her. She saw him, the house is not bad it also big and beautiful

"Nice to see you here I know you won't let me down"

"I have to, you know it your birthday"

"Alright come in your're highly welcomed"

"Thank you"

"Oh have a sit let me bring you some refreshment"

He brought her some refreshments, and Jessica was wondering is this a birthday or what. She doesn't seem to see anything either cake or any birthday decoration,

"I know you will be worried not seeing any birthday cake or decoration, your brother and some of my friends have prepared a birthday cake, gift and presents for me at a place, we're going therefrom here I just want you to know my house"

"Awww that's amazing, am so sorry I didn't prepare a gift for you I don't know....

" don't worry, while you finish your drink, I'll go get ready then we take off right?"

"Alright no problem"