
Fake Player

On his deathbed, Shirou was paid a visit by Zelretch. Offering him a chance to escape eternal servitude to Alaya the fake hero takes it to avoid a future like EMIYA. Waking up, he finds himself in a strange new world. Now living in the virtual world of YGGDRASIL, Shirou meets and befriends an unexpected individual. "Huh, never thought I would be friends with an undead." * Amount of chapter may be few but each chapter is quite big each chapter at least has 10 k words *

Shirou_9689 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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46 Chs

The Daily Lives of Peroroncino and Bukubukuchagama - The Brother and Sister

September 16th, 2133.

With the coming of the twenty-second century, everything, to put it bluntly, went to shit. Greed sunk its claws deep into mankind, and as a result, they destroyed the once beautiful earth. The planet became a polluted and infested hellscape, a mere shadow of its former self. This had a severe impact on the environment and ecosystem, as well as the creatures that have lived on Earth for countless centuries.

Perhaps it was karma in a way, though rarely was it just and fair. Millions upon millions of innocents were made to suffer and live in a dying world, while those truly responsible remained unaffected. The common people lived arduous lives under an oppressive regime, under the remorseless care of various corporate conglomerates that perpetuated this cruel system.

In contrast to 99% of the population, there was the 1% that lived in luxury without care, contrasting with the dystopian, ruined outside world. There was a clear divide in class, if there ever was one.

Once those of influential status saw where the world was headed, they poured their resources and funds together to stop it. More accurately, to make sure they weren't caught up in it.

Thus came the construction and creation of biodomes. A project that sought to make sure the rich and powerful wouldn't be affected by the rapid pollution of the world. These biodomes acted as closed-off cities and towns, a safe bubble that filtered out the toxic atmosphere that covered the planet. This allowed the inhabitants to go about their daily lives without the need for a breathing mask or safety coat. Of course, such luxuries were only bestowed on those who could afford them. A privilege reserved for those who could offer it or those of high status.

In Japan, it was common to find biodomes in most of the major prefectures across the country. These massive structures were essentially cities in their own right, containing everything any citizen could possibly need or want. Within a single biodome, one would find schools and universities, supermalls, and entertainment centers galore. Some of these biodomes even house the headquarters of major Japanese corporations, where the corporate overlords live their entire lives in safety and security.

Within the prefecture of Hiroshima, this was no different. In particular, the biodome was home to a university known for its diverse programs and initiatives. The University of Hiroshima was a massive complex that housed many students and facilities and was known as one of the most affluent universities in all of Japan, with state-of-the-art equipment and a history of illustrious graduates and children of CEOs attending its grounds.

One of the defining features of the school was its impressive library, stocked with cutting-edge equipment and tools that students could use to further their studies. One of the standout elements of this library was the many private study rooms available for students to reserve. These rooms were completely soundproof, ensuring that students could focus on their work without any distractions. What's more, the rooms were designed to foster a peaceful and conducive environment for learning while still allowing students to collaborate and engage in lively discussions without disrupting others around them.

Which was the case for one room in particular. The halls were silent, but that didn't stop the curious glances from the occasional passerby from glancing through the small window, allowing them a small glimpse into what would be.

A pair of students were engaged in what seemed to be an argument. A heated argument at that, if the resolute expressions on their faces were anything to go by as they championed their perspective. The two individuals were going back and forth, and while the true nature of their conversation remained behind closed doors, one could only wonder what philosophical or controversial topic would invoke such an aggressive exchange between the two.

"Traps are not gay!"

But then again, this was Peroroncino that we're talking about here.

Were any of his friends from Ainz Ooal Gown present, they would certainly perform a double-take upon learning of his true appearance. One would think that with Peroroncino's known habit of indulging in anything lewd and perverted, he would naturally have the appearance to fit it. The negative connotation was certainly there. Instead, his true appearance beguiles any true hints of his shameless, perverted true self.

He stood at above-average height with crispy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was dressed casually, with a simple white t-shirt, an open-up button shirt over it, and black pants. Some accessories included a silver necklace with what looked to be fashioned into a wing hung from his neck. A few rings adorned his finger, and he had piercings along his ear.

All of this combines to give him a roguish charm to his looks that would cast doubt on anyone who would decry him as a shameless pervert.

This was the man behind the mask of Peroroncino: Kazuto Haruto.

Opposite him was Kazuto's girlfriend. She was stunning, with long, flowing, shimmering chocolate hair that cascaded down her back. Her hazel-colored eyes sparkled in the light, and her sculpted cheekbones and clear skin were perfectly complemented by her ample lips. She was dressed casually, fitting for a simple outing, and stood almost as tall as Kazuto himself.

Which only made the topic of discussion between the two all the more jarring. One could hardly imagine people like them devolving into a rather perverted and nonsensical argument. Well, it would be more accurate to say she was going along with his antics. Even calling it an argument was a bit of a stretch and was more like half-coherent, nonsensical banter between the couple.

Which rather accurately describes most of the conversations that Kazuto involves himself in.

"Not this again…" Kazuto's girlfriend, Reina, bemoaned in exasperation. "I still don't see what's wrong!"

Out of all the kinks and fetishes Kazuto flagrantly indulged in, Traps were by far the more moderate of his extensive collection. Yet, they were also the most contentious of his proclivity that she knew about.

However, Reina also knew it had to do more with his pride than anything else. In the time they've gone steady, if there was one thing Reina knew of her boyfriend, it was that he could be surprisingly stubborn and petulant over the most nonsensical of topics. That goes double when dealing with his lewd hobbies and interests. He was willing to argue to the very death to defend them. It was equally absurd as it was mind-numbing and infuriating.

"Tell me, are first impressions important, yes or no?" He pointed to his girlfriend.

"Err… yes." She hesitantly admitted.

"Exactly!" He exclaimed with a glint in his eyes. "The first impression is everything! No matter how much anyone wishes to deny it. All humans are subjected to bias, and it is our eyes that are the cause of it. When one looks at a Trap for the first time, their first thoughts aren't that they are a man or that it's a crossdresser. It's how cute they look! Their meek posture, their reserved appearance. One's initial opinion and potential attraction are based solely on what they see at that moment!" Kazuto reasoned.

Hearing his argument, Reina begrudgingly conceded that point to him.

That argument applied to Reina herself when the two first met. When the two decided to go steady, never in her life would she ever imagine someone as decently looking as Kazuto to be a massive pervert. As the saying goes, never judge a book by its cover. That probably says a lot more about her then him, as she continued their relationship despite learning of this early on.

"Ok, fine, I'll give you that." Said Reina "But..." She interjected as soon as she saw Kazuto's smug smile. Reina wasn't going to let him win that easily. "That still doesn't exactly change anything." She argued.

Responding, Kazuto simply sighed as he slouched in his chair. Placing both of his elbows on the table, he interlocked his fingers and stared at her. His lower face was obscured by his hands to present a contemplative and serious expression. All he was missing with a pair of glasses with light obscuring his eyes to complete the pose.

Reina, on the other hand, crossed her arms and gave him an unimpressed look. He was taking this far more seriously than it realistically should be taken.

"As if it were ever that simple. Tell me, dear, have you ever heard of the story of Pygmalion?" He questioned.

"No." She answered the non-sequitur question, confused at where he was going with this.

"To make a long story short, it involved a Greek ivory sculpture. He was renowned for his talent and skill in his craft. He was also known to be adverse to women, yet he could appreciate their beauty. One day, he crafts what would be his most beautiful statue, taking the form of a gorgeous woman. So alluring was she that Pygmalion instantly fell in love with the statue. A question then: did Pygmalion fall in love with his creation because it was made of stone, or was it its female form that drew him attraction?"

"Because it looked like a woman." She answered. Reina straightened up in her chair, as she couldn't help but feel curious by where he was taking the conversation.

"Exactly." Kazuto answered back with a hint of triumph in his voice.

"Ok…" Reina deadpanned. "But that still doesn't exactly answer the question once again."

"You still do not see it, do you?" Kazuto repeated. Shaking his head, he stood up and prowled around the table.

"The definition and connotation behind Traps are numerous, but for me, there is only one that truly matters. Allow me to say that liking a Trap does not necessarily have to do with what they hide. But rather, what do they represent! There is more to a Trap than simply what looks to be a cute girl on the surface, which is in actuality a guy. It tracks back to its very concept! It is in their very name. To entrap and ensnare!" He presented like a politician reading a speech.

"From the very outset, they were created for a reason. They are meant to be androgynous and ambiguous. Designed from the outset to be cute or beautiful to lure men with their guile. It matters not the reason why they are dressed in such effeminate manners, whether it is justified or not. The reason behind our attraction for Traps doesn't solely rely on the knowledge that they are secretly male, but rather on the fact that their mannerisms, appearance, and personality are femininity personified! Just as many ordinary men may fall for the characteristics of a regular woman, so too can they for a Trap!

It is this dichotomy that makes Traps endearing! The illusion of what they are and the reality of who they truly are conflict with one another. But most importantly of all, it is the knowledge and inkling that make them so enticing. The mystery acts like a thin veil—out of sight but not out of mind. They are like a forbidden fruit, ripe and plumb, begging to be picked. Their very existence pushes boundaries, and that is what makes them appealing. A carnal taboo one cannot help but indulge in! We know we shouldn't, and yet we cannot help ourselves but indulge in it! And that is what makes it all the sweeter. For only the bravest and most willing of men dare to tread such a path.

Our mind, our mind is telling us no! But our body... but our body is telling us YES!

To put it simply, we men fell in love with Traps because of their wholesome and feminine builds and appearance, rather than the fact that they are women or not!

It isn't a matter if liking a Trap makes one gay or if that one who dresses like a Trap is gay. No, it is much more than that, but at the same time, much simpler. Traps are no different from other niche kinks and fetishes. No different from the likes of maids, flat chests, or milfs. For, in the end, they are but one of many splendors that we men have discovered. A libidinous stimulation of the mind and body.

It's an acquired taste that only true intellectuals and enlightened men can appreciate. They are the symbol of glory and graciousness that only true men of culture can acknowledge. To me, a true lover of Traps does not bother with such arbitrary and superficial terms as the gender that ignorant normies so often wish to shackle upon us. They try to shame us, but I say there is no shame in admiring such magnificence that many would cast aside based on their insular views. That is why I can proudly proclaim that I love Traps! To us, it doesn't matter their gender for they are much more. To boil the issue down to a simple base gender is an insult in its simplicity! You are merely scratching the surface, but never do you take the time to look deeper!" Kazuto finished, growing breathless from his impromptu exposition.

Reina sat there in silence, her mouth slightly agape at the rather ludicrous but equally passionate speech Kazuto delivered.

By the end, all she could do was blink in pure stupefaction.

His words replayed themselves in her mind as her brain picked apart each point and argument that he made and contemplated them.

Despite his rather hedonistic views on life's pleasure as well as a perverted streak that was over a mile long, he was far from an idiot. The simple proof of that could be found in the rather concrete and philosophical argument he laid out on the subject as bizarre as Traps of all things. The scariest part was just how logical and coherent some of his points were.

People often forget, his friends included, that he has a lot more going on upstairs than he lets on. Sure, he has his moments of impulsiveness, but that doesn't mean he was a total idiot. Deep down, beneath all the goofiness and fits of perversion, Peroroncino, aka Kazuto, was an intelligent young man. It was just often overlooked and overshadowed by his usual bombasticness and antics.

In a way, it was rather free-thinking of him to look at the matter as a whole rather than the sum of its parts. Even if the topic boiled down to liking Traps of all things.

And as much as she would like to deny it, he raised some very good points that she found agreeable.

"Well… You've certainly outlined the hows and whys people are so enamored with Traps." Reina began. "But there's still kind of the matter of the junk…" She mumbled quietly.

"But the dick is what makes them cuter!" Kazuto declared with no amount of shame.

'And… he ruined it...' Reina deadpanned hard at hearing his proclamation. All the respect he had gained from their previous argument had vanished in an instant. It was honestly incredible how quickly he could ruin the small amount of dignity he managed to foster with only a few words. Thankfully, no one else was around to witness their conversation. The situation was bad enough as it was.

"Last time I checked, a dick can hardly be classified as feminine or cute…" Reina's face scrunched up in slight disgust and exasperation just thinking about it. The imagery conjured alone was bad enough.

Not to mention, she was completely confused by the sudden shift. Just a moment ago, he presented a valid argument for why someone would like a Trap for less than superficial reasons. That there was more to the appeal than simply a boy in cute apparel. Only for him to then specifically highlight an aspect of the male anatomy as a prominent appeal of Traps. It was a heel turn that completely went against the very argument he set up.

"A Trap cannot be classified as a true Trap, not unless the dick is proper! It is one of the core fundamentals!" He argued back.

Reina's face twisted even further as he blurted out his thoughts without fear. She nursed her head in her hands and lamented why she had to open her mouth. Kazuto continued before she could get another word out.

"There is one crucial aspect that separates a good Trap from every other, and that is the element of surprise! When a Trap slowly hikes up their skirts, it's a window to the other side. For there lies Pandora's box, waiting to be opened. And like Pandora's box, once the truth is unleashed, there is no taking it back! Traps are the penultimate pleasure! The throbbing ache within one's loins threatens their self-control. The swallowing shame and guilt from such perversion. The delectable dissonance of seeing a super effeminate character despite knowing the truth that they are a guy!" He championed, with each sentence ending with Kazuto taking on a dramatic pose and gesture.

"It's even better when they are incredibly cute!" He exclaimed.

A perverted but blissful expression took over Kazuto's face. It was an expression he often makes when he's indulging in his fantasies. His fingers grasped and wiggled, as if trying to reach something that wasn't there, as hints of drool accumulated in his cheeks.

Reina looked at him and sighed heavily. She calmly stood up and walked over, quickly slapping him in the back of the head. She learned to do this from Kazuto's sister and knew it was a surefire way to stop him before he devolved into his usual debauched diatribe. Well, any more than it already had.

Kazuto's head slammed into the table in front of them with a thud, knocking him out of his lurid daydream.

"Oww!" Kazuto winced, rubbing his nose, which took the brunt of it all.

"My god, you're a shameless pervert." She sighed.

"Oi, I take offense to that! I'm no mere pervert!" He remarked as if the title was an offense to him. "I'm a true connoisseur of hentai and pornography! I don't get off to just any ordinary kinks; I get off to every one of them!" He proclaimed with pride.

Reina cringed and groaned as if she were struck by a physical blow. She settled for hitting him upside the head one more time to ease her pain.

Reina pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed again for what felt like the hundredth time today from their conversation alone.

"I don't even know why we're having this conversation in the first place! We both know you're quite literally a walking encyclopedia of fetishes. There's nothing wrong with admitting it! Even if it's just a little bit gay." Reina argued.

"No!" He answered back, sounding more like a petulant child who did not want to admit that he was wrong than a reasonable adult.

Despite the incongruity and lapse of his logic, and judging by the look in his eyes, he wasn't going to give in any time soon.

"Ok, let's argue for argument's sake that the mystery and eventual reveal of the Trap do not make one gay. But then that brings up the question of what happens after it's revealed that they are indeed a Trap. Since their whole appeal lies in the intrigue of their true identity. What happens then when the truth is staring you in the face? Would it not be technically gay if your feeling of attraction, be it sexual or platonic, remained the same after the truth was known? Going by your argument from before, falling for a Trap isn't gay but what about after the trap is sprung and you choose to remain in it?" Reina asked, using a similar analogy.

To this, Kazuto blinks. Once. Then twice. And then several more times. He opened his mouth, yet no words came forth to answer his girlfriend's inquiry. Reina felt a small sense of smug satisfaction in seeing the shift in emotion displayed by him. Going from confusion to contemplation, frustration, and finally realization.

"I… well… technically…" Kazuto stammered, trying to find an argument to counter with. Unfortunately, none came to him, leaving him in silent defeat. His arguments were redirected straight back at him, and he was left grasping.

"Traps are not gay!" Without any more concrete evidence or arguments to prove otherwise, he was left repeating himself.

"Whatever helps you sleep a night." She snarked back with a smug grin.

A tick mark appeared on his head as his eyes narrowed. Like hell, he was going to give her the final laugh!

"Well, if I'm gay, then you're a pedophile!" He dramatically fired back.

"The proper terminology is shotacon, not a pedophile." She coolly answered back, as if she had expected him to make such a comment.

"Which, let's see here..." Kazuto brought out his phone and pretended to look it up. "Oh, here it is—has or holds affection for young boys. Ergo, pedophile." He emphasized.

"I prefer the term adolescent." Reina countered without missing a beat.

"Call it what you want, but that still doesn't change the fact that more often than not, the boys depicted are minors."

"The age of consent in Japan is 13." Reina added.

"Yea, and jail is just a room." Kazuto snarked in the middle of her speaking. However, she continued along as if she had never heard him.

"…And while the whole affair is quite morally ambiguous, on a technical level, it's not strictly illegal by any means. So long as it remains consensual between both parties."

Peroroncino opened his mouth, yet he couldn't exactly come up with an immediate rebuttal. In the end, he decided to fall back on what he knew best.

"Pervert." He fired back.

"Oh, hi Pot, the name's Kettle. Have we met?" She returned sarcastically.

The two settled on glaring at one another. There they remained, neither one wishing to give in, for it meant submitting defeat to the other. Thirty seconds passed before something changed. At first, it was small—a small twitch of their lips, the heat in their gaze cooling and replaced with amusement, and the tingling tickles in their throat. Finally, it exploded.

Unable to hold it back anymore, the couple doubled over in laughter. Hearing their partner laugh heartily only increased their own volume and intensity. They laughed so hard that their eyes were leaking tears. This continued for another minute before they got it all out of their system.

Their bodies slowly unwound as the last of their laughter died down. Slouching back in their chairs, both of them rested their bodies on the table. Their hands reached out, and they held hands across the table.

"I miss these chats." Kazuto remarked, finally able to catch his breath.

"Crazy as it is, so do I." Reina agreed.

Their fingers interlocked, and there the two remained in comfortable and respectable silence. Just them, tenderly holding onto their significant others.

"Although, it would be nice if next time we don't start another argument over, especially about your extensive lists of debauchery." Reina remarked.

"Need I remind you that it was you that first started it, not me?" Kazuto quickly replied.

"It only reminds me just how much of a perv you are." She retorted, sticking out her tongue.

"You know you love me." Kazuto gave a cheeky grin.

"Now isn't that one of life's greatest mysteries?" She huffed amiably, smiling along with him.

Kazuto playfully rolled his eyes.

"Though, it is a bit of your fault." She started up. "You've been busy lately. I still don't get what's so great about that DMMO-RPG game you've been raving about."

"And I keep on asking you to join me! I'm sure you'll enjoy YGGDRASIL if you just give it a shot." The blond argued, sitting right back up.

"And I keep on telling you, it's not that simple. For one, unlike you, who's majoring in design and art, I don't have the free time to put into playing a video game. And number two, my parents are total sticks in the mud. Like hell, they'll let me do it." Reina objected.

"Well, you could always try convincing them. Like it's educational or something." Kazuto weakly gave.

"The day that'll happen, is the day pigs fly." Reina let out an unladylike snort.

Reina couldn't help but notice Kazuto's furrowed brows and puckered lips as he tapped his chin in thought. She knew all too well that it was a habit of his whenever he faced a problem that needed solving. It was just one of the many quirks she had come to learn about him throughout their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend.

While her argument was framed jokingly, she was being serious about the matter.

Reina felt truly content when she was with him, never needing or being forced to hide something when together. She can freely chat, bicker, complain, yell, or even geek out with him. All without feeling judged for it, due in part to Kazuto being very much like her as well. And dare she say it, she even enjoyed the moments and times when the two just argued nonsensically over something as superfluous as guilty pleasures.

Though hers were more selective in her preferences when compared to the broad strokes that Kazuto tended to indulge in. Even then, they would embarrassingly bond over the wildest of topics. Which often leads to her putting up with his antics.

Ok, that was a bit of a lie, as she always reprimanded him when he got into his pervy moods, but he never took offense. Nor does he ever try to do the same when Reina opens up about some of her darker moments. When she needed him, he always listened with a supportive ear. In fact, it was he who encouraged her to be true to herself, quirks and all. It was one of the things that made him so special to her—the fact that he accepts her for who she was, without judgment or reservation.

Reina didn't have to be the perfect and upstanding model student or young women she was constantly forced to be. When they are together, she could just be herself; she could be silly, she was allowed to indulge, and that was a rare and precious gift.

It was unfair, she reasoned, that he would give more attention to those he would never truly meet in person than his girlfriend. Reina knew it was also jealousy talking, but that fact mattered little to her.

"What's wrong with spending some more time with me? Are your friends so important, that you would neglect your own girlfriend?" She teased with mock anger in her voice.

His eyes widened at the perceived hurt and anger in her voice and face.

"What?! No!" Kazuto immediately shouted, jumping to his feet with his hands on the table. The sheer alarm in his voice, along with the immediate response, caught her off guard. "They are very important to me, but so are you. I'm not trying to pick them over you, but it's just..." His face took on a conflicted look.

Seeing the abrupt shift, Reina quickly let up. Kazuto held a concerned expression as he struggled to vocalize his thoughts.

"I… you already know what's going on on my side. My friends… the ones from YGGDRASIL. They're the best friends I can ever ask for. Not a day goes by when I do not think to myself that I am lucky enough to be blessed with such grateful friends. At the same time, I don't just see them as friends, but as something more as well. I think of them like family… My family…" Kazuto said softly.

Hearing this, Reina silently kicked her tongue. She was mentally kicking herself as she remembered an important fact about her boyfriend. The bile of jealousy festering in her was replaced with shame. Reaching out, she gently took one of his hands into hers and gave a gentle but supportive squeeze, hoping to convey her love and support for him. It was important to her that he knew she was always there for him, no matter what. She knew that trust and understanding were the foundation of any successful relationship, and she was determined to work through any obstacles that came their way.

"Hey, hey! I was just kidding. No need to go all kicked puppy looks on me there." She joked. Her mind quickly raced to rectify the situation. "I'm not trying to make you choose—"

"It's fine, dear." He shook his head, interrupting her. "You are right. While they are extremely important to me, you are just as important. You are my girlfriend, and while I know I can't rightfully choose between you and them... I should still make time for you, so you won't feel left out." He looked at her and smiled—a small but determined smile.

Reina felt her cheeks redden. While she may have started dating him back when he first asked her out because her friends dared her to, and while he wasn't too bad-looking, she was glad she stuck around. She will admit that hearing him blurt out and reveal his perverted hobbies did come as a shock to her, but that didn't detract from his good qualities. He may be a pervert, but that wasn't his defining characteristic, as he'd shown himself to be a kind and endearing person, no matter his antics. For it was at times such as this that reminded her why she fell in love with Kazuto in the first place.

"Well…" She began, a confident glint in her eye as she moistened her lips. "If you consider them family, then it's only fair that I have the opportunity to meet them as well. I've already acquainted myself with your sister, so I see no reason why I shouldn't get to know the entire 'family.' In fact, I'm confident that I might be able to persuade my parents to invest in a Neural headset for YGGDRASIL."

His eyes light up, like a child on Christmas morning. Reina couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat at such bright and happy eyes. She quickly clamped down on it and instead raised a finger and pressed it against his lips, stopping him from saying anything else just yet.

"I said might." She repeated, keeping her finger firmly on his lips. "Depends on if I can convince mommy and daddy dearest to let me."

Despite her cautionary words, Kazuto still smiled confidently.

"Well, that won't be trouble now, will it? After all, you are my girlfriend, and there's nothing you can't do when you put your mind to it!" He praised.

"Oh? Flattery, is it?" Reina's lips twitched into a small but pleased smile as she leaned forward.

"Well, I'm only speaking the truth." Kazuto's lips took on a smile as he leaned in as well.

"Oh? Do tell."

The couple leaned in close, their noses were practically touching, and their eyes locked in a deep gaze. They could feel the warmth of each other's breath on their skin, sending tingles down their spines. Without any words, they leaned in closer, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. Their bodies relaxed in each other's embrace, feeling safe and loved.

For a brief moment, all was right in the world. The brief respite wouldn't last too long, however.

A distinct ringing cut short their kiss. With a slight scowl, Reina picked up her phone to see who was interrupting their precious moment together.

"Ah, shit." She cursed, seeing the caller.

"Your dad?" He guessed.

"Got it in one!" She fired back. Reina looked back and tsked in annoyance. "Sorry, baby, something just came up, so I gotcha cut this short."

"It's fine. We'll have plenty of time to talk and hang out later on. Promise." He assured her with a smile, which made her smile as well.

As she finished packing up, she stopped, remembering something important. After a few seconds of digging through her backpack, she found what it was that she was looking for. Opening the envelope, she took a thin piece of paper and held it out for Kazuto.

"What's this?" He inspected it to find that it was a ticket of some kind.

"Dad rubs shoulders with some influential people. With the new theme park opening up, the owner and managers decided to hand out free first-day tickets. He got me and my sister a pair." She answered.

As he looked at the ticket, he looked back up at her with a confused look. "Are you asking me to ask you on a date?"

"D-don't misunderstand! W-well, I've got an extra, and I didn't want the last ticket going to waste. That's why I'm giving it to you. Plus, none of my other friends are free, so you'll have to come with me! Think of it as a payback date for all the ones we've missed. G-got it?!" She stammered, only to then sharply turn her head and look away.

Kazuto looked at the ticket and then back to her. Suddenly, a realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He could sense the passive aggression in her words and the blush on her cheeks. Her body language was screaming for attention. It was all too familiar to him; he had seen this scenario play out countless times before. A wave of emotions rushed through him, making it hard to contain himself.

He held up his hand to his lips, trying and failing to conceal his giggles. Clear amusement shone in his eyes as he tried to control himself.

"H-hey! What are you laughing about?!" She snapped at him.

"You! That was totally a tsundere moment, you just did!" Unable to hold it back, he laughed wholeheartedly at it all.

"W-what?!" Her eyes widened. "N-no I'm n-not! S-shut up! This is all your fault!"

"Y-you even said the thing as well!" He managed to get out in between wheezes, once again finding her response to be a textbook tsundere response.

Her blush only grew, turning her whole face red with embarrassment. She thrust the ticket into his hand with a half-hearted, forceful shove.

"Just take the ticket! I better see you next week or you're going to get it!" She screamed and vowed in slight embarrassment, hurrying towards the door.

"You forgot to say baka~" Kazuto called out to her, enunciating the word in a smug sing-song voice.

Reina's reaction to his teasing was quite amusing, as she simply responded by giving him the middle finger. Kazuto couldn't help but laugh even more at her response, which only made her more angry. As she stormed out of the room and closed the door behind her, Kazuto was left all by himself with his thoughts. Alone, his laughter died down and his lips slowly creased into a small, pensive frown. The blond-haired man breathed a wry sigh as he slouched back in his chair, staring upwards at the ceiling in self-reflection.

His girlfriend's words, while a bit selfless, were not unfounded. To a certain extent, she had a point. Was it not proper etiquette to pay more attention to one's significant other than to, quote on quote, strangers over the web? Yet, those strangers were not just nobodies but those who showed genuine care for him. For there lies the crux of the matter. To whom does his loyalty lie first and foremost?

While his lifestyle allowed for certain liberties and time to indulge in his pervy hobbies, he was far from a degenerate or a Neet that his activities might allude to. Kazuto wishes that he could have all the time in the world.

But the reality was seldom any closer to the truth.

After all, the world wasn't so kind as to allow someone to have their cake and eat it too.


I'm home." He said as he entered the apartment.

As Kazuto closed the door behind him, a distinct but recognizable voice echoed through the halls.

"Ahhh~ O-onii-chan… W-we shouldn't!" A delicate and compromising voice cried out.

Anyone else in this situation would immediately think the worst and rush to help. Kazuto, on the other hand, showed no real urgency. Though he did shudder slightly, it was not for the reasons one would expect. It was common knowledge within their circle of friends that Bukubukuchagama was a voice actress. There was only a small addendum that only their closest friends were aware of. That being the fact that she was also a popular and well-received voice actress in the eroge business. Namely the roles of of young girls in H-games and Visual Novels.

It wasn't uncommon for Kazuto to stumble upon or accidentally hear some compromising lines from scripts that writers and game developers send for her to voice.

Unfortunately for the self-proclaimed connoisseur of all things lewd, this meant that she had indirectly ruined H-games almost entirely for him when he had accidentally heard her voice as one of the main heroines in an upcoming H-game he wanted to buy. Since then, he has kept a safe distance from any works that features his sister in them. It was a herculean challenge to endure, as she was extremely popular and was often hired or commissioned for other works within the eroge genre. He couldn't even pretend to ignore hearing her voice, as Kazuto would always imagine his sister in the place of the heroine character.

He may be a pervert, but even he has limits and boundaries. Surprising as that was.

The door opened slightly, allowing his sister to call out to him through the gap.

"Otouto? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you still be with Reina-chan?"

"Something came up, so we decided to cut it short." He answered, shrugging.

"Ok. Just don't make any loud noises. I'm in the middle of recording some important lines for the latest game, and I need my concentration!"

Kazuto didn't say anything in response, his hand lazily waving back as he made his way to the living room. He walked through the doorway and into the room that was connected to the kitchen. As he began unpacking his personal belongings, his curious gaze was drawn to an object resting on the dining table. It was a large rectangular package that looked like it could be a poster or a framed picture. He couldn't help but wonder what it was.

"Hey, nee-san, is the thing on the table yours?" He called out.

There was a loud fumble from her room as the door opened once more.

"That's mine! Don't you dare think of touching it, otouto!" She screamed from her room. Her tone promised great pain should he disobey her. With her piece said, she slammed the door shut.

Kazuto looked back down at the package, his eyebrows furrowed in curiosity and confusion at her reaction. He couldn't help but wonder what could be so important about it that it would elicit such a strong reaction from her. Sure, it was understandable that she didn't want him to meddle with her stuff, but even then, it was almost as if she was afraid for whatever reason.

Curious and suspicious, Kazuto slowly and deliberately opened it. Sure, he should've been respectful of her wishes, but at the same time, he was also her brother. It was an unspoken rule between siblings that one would always find a way to meddle in the other's business. Then again, he could always use the pretense that he was checking to make sure it was safe. As a popular erotica voice actress, she did have her fair share of fans. Unfortunately, that included the creepy and overly obsessive types as well.

Carefully, he opened it without making too much noise, unwrapping it with the delicacy of how one would disarm a bomb. Finally, Kazuto undid it and pulled the content of the package out. His eyes widened at seeing what it was.

"Woah…" He whispered in awe.

It was a framed picture of Shirou adorned in his YGGDRASIL garb, but with a fresh twist. The artwork captured him on a battlefield, standing atop a precipice with a resolute expression that appeared to pierce through the onlookers. In the background, a flag sporting his emblem was visible—a trademark that many Ainz Ooal Gown members possess. The circular yin-yang symbol, created by the outline of his signature weapons, Kanshou and Bakuya, was prominently featured in the painting as his personal sigil. The rest of the piece was adorned with rich, saturated hues, which conveyed a sense of impending doom. Despite the overwhelming adversity, Shirou remained unfazed, standing tall and unyielding.

If Kazuto were to pick one word to describe the style, it would have to be painterly, similar to pieces and works found in galleries. The attention to detail and artistry that went into its creation were truly outstanding. Every inch of the painting was perfectly detailed, capturing the appearance and feel of their friend in a way that was truly remarkable. What made the image pop was the brushstroke quality that gave it a sense of depth and texture. And the coloring was absolutely breathtaking. The bright and saturated tones of primary colors used for Shirou contrasted beautifully with the surrounding darker tones and shading, making the painting truly unique and eye-catching. Honestly, the sheer quality emanating from the painting was just spectacular. It was clear that the artist who created it was a true professional.

Kazuto was so engrossed in it that he didn't even notice his sister darting towards him and snatching it away from his grasp, all the way from the other end of the table.

"W-what are you doing?!" She screamed, clutching onto it.

Kazuto suddenly snapped out of his trance, only to find his sister glaring at him with anger. She had beautiful pale blonde hair in a pageboy style and soft brown eyes that gave her a cute appearance. With her petite, heart-shaped face, delicate cheekbones, healthy skin, and a cluster of freckles on her cheeks, she was simply adorable. She always had a soft and grounded look to her that made her even more appealing, but right now, her expression was twisted in anger, and it was all directed at Kazuto.

"Well?!" She angrily demanded.

"Easy nee-san!" He quickly raised his hands, trying to pacify her, but to no avail.

"No! I told you not to look at my things, and what do you do? You do the exact opposite of what I said!" She was angry, and rightfully so.

"Ok, ok. I am sorry for going through your stuff." He admitted and apologized. "But I don't see what's wrong. That's an amazing work of art you've got right there. I've got to know who you've commissioned for it. I wouldn't mind a few of those in my room as well!" Kazuto praised, hoping it will downplay her anger.

As she prepared to unleash her wrath upon him, an unexpected silence befell the room. Her mouth was agape, yet no words found their way out. Gradually, her countenance shifted from fury to exhaustion, and she let out a weary sigh. Avoiding eye contact, she fixed her gaze upon the painting, her expression one of forlornness.

Seeing the shift in his older sister, Kazuto grew mildly concerned.

"You're going to tell him, aren't you?" She asked out loud in a quiet voice.

Kazuto blinked, the thought of that didn't occur to him until she had said it.

"Well, I mean... I'm sure Emiya-sempai would love that. And heck, who knows? Maybe this will finally get him to take notice of you, huh, sis?" Kazuto lightly teased, trying to cheer her up. Only it seemed to have the opposite effect.

"Yeah, right. As if anyone can ever love a cripple." She scoffed in a rueful voice. Slowly, she moved around the table. With the dining table no longer obscuring her lower body, the truth was finally revealed.

Bukubukuchagama née Chihiro Haruto was in a wheelchair, for she was paralyzed from the waist down.

"Sis…" He called to her, but she showed no sign of hearing him.

As she gazed upon the exquisite painting, her countenance drooped, and her emotions were thrown into a tumultuous array. A mixture of frustration, anger, and shame played across her face, yet it was the unmistakable feeling of yearning that was most prominent. It was as if she were in pursuit of something that was just beyond her grasp, something that she knew might forever elude her. The painting had completely captivated her, speaking to her in a language only she could comprehend. Time slipped away unnoticed as she remained there, lost in contemplation, lost in the painting, lost in the moment.

Peroroncino and Bukubukuchagama were born as Kazuto and Chihiro Haruto, respectively. The Haruto family was an influential name within Japan, as they were among the few that had a part in running one of several massive corporate conglomerates that ruled over Japan. To put it simply, they were born into prosperity and wealth among the 1%. From the outset, it would seem that the two had their lives ahead of them.

How naïve that thinking was.

Their troubles started at the very beginning of it all, beginning with Chihiro herself. Her troubles started the minute she was brought into this world. Due to some complications from their mother's pregnancy, Chihiro was born paraplegic. From the very first moment she drew breath, her future was taken from her. Born and labeled a cripple not only by society but also by her parents, her own flesh and blood, they had all but given up on her. They opted instead to try again and have another child. A year and a half later, Chihiro became an older sister to the newly-born Kazuto.

From the very beginning, their lives were much different than many others.

Many people consider having a child to be a privilege, a precious life to cherish and nurture. However, for Kazuto and Chihiro's parents, it was just a formality. It was like a checkbox in their marriage contract. Their only goal was to have a child and groom them into the next heir. Sadly, Chihiro failed to meet their expectations, which led to her being ignored and passed over in favor of their "true" heir. All for no reason because Kazuto did not possess any complications, as she did despite her possessing a keen mind even at such a young age.

All their needs and wants were met, as were their privileges due to their high standing. However, that meant little to the siblings. All of it was naught but hollow. They yearned for something more meaningful, something that couldn't be bought or earned through status.

A life of luxury and wealth would be meaningless if there was no true connection.

It was a difficult childhood for Chihiro. Her parents didn't discard her outright, but they all but neglected her. They treated her as if she wasn't even there most of the time, rarely calling her by her true name and barely bothering to address her. The number of times they did so could be counted on two hands alone. They focused more on her brother Kazuto than anyone else, leaving Chihiro to be tended to by the family's many servants and helpers. But even they didn't care for her or show her any affection, except for one. It was a lonely, unwanted, and unloved existence for Chihiro, but even at a young age, she didn't blame Kazuto for stealing their parents' attention. After all, he had it just as bad as she did.

Where Chihiro was abandoned and forgotten, Kazuto was also subjected to a different kind of imprisonment. From the moment he was born, he was already trapped, predetermined to follow a path that was not of his own choosing. All because he was born without any defects. Their parents meticulously planned out every aspect of his life to mold him into the perfect heir they envisioned. They dictated every aspect of his life, from what he ate to who he was to surround himself with, leaving him with no freedom to pave his own way in life.

It was a difficult predicament that Kazuto was saddled with. One that was made all the more challenging by the fact that their parents were hardly ever present in their lives. More often than not, they were away for one reason or another, typically due to business commitments. They adopted a hands-off approach, entrusting the care of their children to tutors and helpers. The dynamic within the family was far from what one would expect from a loving household; instead, it resembled that of a mentor and protégé relationship, characterized by constant requests for updates and reports. There was no room for anything else, no expression of affection or warmth in their dealings with Kazuto, who, like Chihiro, was merely a means to an end.

The siblings' bond grew stronger due to their shared experience of emotional disconnection from their parents. They both suffered silently for years, enduring the pain caused by their parents' lack of empathy. However, they found comfort in each other's company, as they were the only ones they could truly rely on. As time passed, the hole in their hearts grew deeper, and they yearned for genuine connections and experiences that would bring meaning and happiness to their lives. Eventually, they realized that they needed to break free from their privileged background and discover what truly mattered to them.

The siblings were aware that their escape plan would not be an easy feat. However, they were fortunate enough to have an old butler who had noticed their predicament and pitied the children. This kind-hearted old man acted as a bridge between the siblings, helping to rebuild their love and trust for one another. He even went as far as taking on a parental role in their lives, surpassing the love and care shown by their own mother and father. It was through his guidance that they were able to devise a plan to escape from their oppressive and controlling parents.

To break free from the clutches of their parents, the siblings knew they needed a significant amount of funds. Therefore, they spent years siphoning off small amounts of money from their parents' accounts so as not to tip them off in any way, cautiously transferring the funds to their own accounts. This was a slow and meticulous process, but it was necessary to ensure they had a substantial amount of money to fall back on when they eventually cut ties with their family name. It would take nearly three years before they were ready. The planning process was an arduous one, with countless revisions and schemes made over the years before they were finally ready to execute their plan.

When Chihiro was nineteen and Kazuto was seventeen, they sprung their plan into action. In the dead of night, and with the help of the elderly butler, the two siblings escaped their illustrious prison and traveled from Tokyo to the Hiroshima prefecture specifically.

They took every precaution in their escape, leaving no detail unattended. They went to great lengths to create new identities for themselves, going so far as to falsify their history, birth, and even dental records to avoid detection. The siblings changed their physical appearance, altering their hair color and wearing contacts to further distance themselves from their past. To throw off any potential pursuers, they set up decoys and multiple false trails throughout Japan. Eventually, the trio settled in a new prefecture, where they secured a comfortable apartment within a biodome that would provide for all their needs. Their careful planning paid off, as the wealth they had accumulated would sustain them for several decades if budgeted prudently.

And then, they waited in silence and dreadful anticipation. For nearly a month, they remained alert, keeping their heads down and their ears open for any signs of trouble, rumors, or anything that could potentially spell disaster for their plan. Kazuto remembered those first few weeks as the most stressful of his entire life. The siblings rarely left their apartment, always taking great care to conceal their identities. Insomnia and paranoia took hold, causing them to wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat and hyperventilating. The constant threat of their parents' disapproval loomed over them like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over their peace of mind.

By the turn of the second month, the group started to relax. No longer were they as paranoid as before. Once the third month hit, they felt confident about walking the streets in daylight.

However, that begged the question of why their parents didn't try even harder to find them. If only for Kazuto, as they had invested a significant amount of time, effort, and energy into grooming him for as long as they did. It made no business or rational sense not to do so. They've certainly had the influence and money to do so.

So why have they not been found yet?

That answer came one day when Kazuto happened upon a news headline where their parents announced another pregnancy. There was little mention of either of them, as if they were forgotten about entirely. It made no sense, and yet by the end of the fourth month, it was clear that they had given up on Kazuto and Chihiro.

Although they attempted to convince themselves that they were indifferent, the pain felt by Kazuto and Chihiro was undeniable. Witnessing firsthand how easily they could be replaced, they couldn't help but feel hurt. To add insult to injury, their own parents denied them any form of affection or recognition, proving that they were only viewed as commodities rather than individuals with emotions. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but the siblings accepted the harsh reality of their situation and bid farewell to their old lives.

The old butler succumbed to heart failure later in the year, but his duty was done. The siblings were granted a new lease on life, and they intended to live it out fully.

And the rest, as they say, was history.

"God… I'm so pathetic…" She whispered chastisingly. Her eyes watered with tears as she tried to rub them away. Chihiro wanted to look away, away from the proof and the fact that she was so desperate that she willingly had a painting of the target of her affection commissioned. Yet, she couldn't.

Kazuto grimaced. He hated when his sister said such things, especially about herself. It wasn't her.

Kazuto recognized the root of the problem. It was because his sister had no confidence in herself. The wounds and scars of her past were still raw and unhealed. They could be mended, but they would never properly heal. Chihiro had been deprived of any genuine expressions of love or affection throughout her life, with the exception of Kazuto's love and care. However, the love between siblings was a vastly different emotion compared to true romantic feelings, and understandably, she was apprehensive.

Kazuto vividly recalled the moment when he first realized that his sister had developed feelings for his senpai. He distinctly remembered teasing his sister endlessly and her giving him his fair share of bumps and bruises to go along with it. Despite his playfulness, he was genuinely pleased and supportive of her feelings. As time went by, Kazuto watched from the sidelines as his sister's initial crush blossomed into something more profound and true for their friend and role model. Shirou's natural charisma and personality undoubtedly contributed significantly to this development.

It wasn't hard to see why. Shirou possessed all the qualities that one could hope to find in a friend or a lover. He was kind, sincere, loyal, respectful, and much more. In some ways, he embodied all the positive and noble traits that make a person truly great. Shirou was indeed the epitome of an outstanding friend and an even better human being. Anyone would be lucky to have him as a significant other.

Kazuto had a feeling that should Shirou ever learn of Chihiro's paraplegic status, it would change nothing in his opinion of her. Such was the man he was, and he was the kind Kazuto looked up to above all else.

If Momonga were the Shepherd of Ainz Ooal Gown, the one who walks in front, to guide his flock and serves as their beacon. Then it was Shirou who took on the role of the Shepherd's dog, his ever-faithful companion. Vigilant and diligent, he would always be there, ready to give them all the support and push they'd need.

Chihiro had been yearning for something that had eluded her for most of her life—someone who genuinely cared for her. Shirou, with his unwavering concern and devotion, embodied this elusive quality. One not unlike the concern and care of a sibling or the idealization and adoration of her fans.

Someone who truly cares for her, quirks, imperfections, and all.

Plus, if Shirou's words were anything to go by, and Kazuto had no reason to doubt his senpai's sincerity, Shirou was definitely quite the looker if what he said about how he looked in YGGDRASIL was his true appearance. His chiseled features, robust physique with well-defined muscles, and exotic traits such as his eyes and hair made him pleasing to the eye. Coupled with his suave and gentle demeanor and genuine personality, it was no wonder that Shirou commanded such adoration and popularity. He exuded an aura of a real-life bishounen, making him an ideal boyfriend for any lucky girl.

But the situation was not without its complexities. Shirou lacked a physical body due to his circumstances, which puts a massive hamper on normal dating conventions, and was seemingly a decade older than them, who were in their mid-twenties. Chihiro had faced adversity throughout her life, and this situation was no different. It felt like a tantalizing fruit just out of reach, teasing her and adding to the already formidable challenges she had to face.

He let out a deep sigh and gave his cheeks a firm slap, trying to shake off the negative thoughts swirling in his head. As her brother, he knew he had a responsibility to be there for her, no matter what. It was time to step up and show her he cared.

"You know what I think?" Kazuto said as he walked over to her. Despite Chihiro being the older of the two, Kazuto easily eclipsed her in the height department by a fair margin. Kneeling, he looks at her right in the eyes.

"I think you're too hard on yourself. We've known Emiya-senpai for a long time. Do you think he would think any less of you because of that?" Resting a supportive hand on her shoulder, he delicately corrected the lingering strands of her hair out of the way, tucking them behind her ears.

Chihiro let out a few cute sniffles, but she didn't answer.

Kazuto gave a gentle smile.

"Exactly!" He continued. "Like hell, Emiya-senpai is that shallow. Besides, even if we ignore all of that and focus on appearance. I can confidently say you're not that bad-looking, sis. Especially now since you no longer look like a walrus."

"Hey!" She screamed in indignation, even punching him hard in the arms for that comment. Her cheeks reddened from Kazuto recalling when she was fat. Her neglectful teenage years were characterized by binge eating to help cope with stress and loneliness. Thankfully, she lost a ton of weight during her YGGDRASIL days. However, that still didn't stop her bothersome brother from dragging it up from time to time to mortify her.

"Kidding, kidding!" He tried to appease her as the soft punches continued. "Point is, Emiya-senpai is not the kind of guy who cares about appearance. We both know that."

Hearing this, Chihiro let up on her punches, a small contemplative frown crossing her face as she listened to her brother. Seeing this, Kazuto continued.

"Not to mention, there are only three female members within Ainz Ooal Gown, counting yourself, of course. Yamaiko-sensei and Ankoro Mocchi Mochi-san are the other two. And out of three, you've known him the longest and spent the most time with Emiya-senpai. Arguably, you're the one who knows him the best. So, if anyone got a shot at hooking it with him, it'll be you, sis!" He reasoned.

"Plus, it's a package deal! If you two hook up, then he's getting me as well. And I'm awesome!"

She rolled her eyes, but there was no denying the small smile on Chihiro's face. His plan to cheer her up was working!

"The point is, if anyone got a chance at being with Emiya-senpai. It's you, nee-san!" He told her, and he believed in it wholeheartedly.

Chihiro said nothing, but Kazuto could easily see the gears in her head turning from their conversation.

"Y-you think so?" She asked as she glanced back down at the painting. A healthy rosy hue colored her cheeks.

"Totally!" He reinforced. "And if Emiya-senpai still needs a bit more convincing, maybe you should think of showing him some pictures to further incentive him and show what he's missing out on?" Kazuto wiggled his eyebrows impishly, accompanied by a suggestive grin.

Chihiro felt her cheeks grow warm as a flush of bashfulness spread across her face. She gave him a shove, and let out an exclamation of "Idiot!" Despite her embarrassment, Kazuto couldn't help but laugh at her adorable reaction.

"Like hell, I'll do that!" She exclaimed, her cheeks burning up. "That's not mentioning the possibility of him rejecting me as well!"

"Come on, sis. Again, you're being too hard on yourself. Emiya-senpai may not have a real body or anything, but he's still a hot-blooded man, just like me and everyone else in Ainz Ooal Gown. There's no way he'll reject you." Kazuto argued.

"Not unless he's gay." Chihiro retorted half-jokingly, snorting.

"That's a good one, nee-san!" Kazuto barked out a laugh, only for it to peter out a moment later. His eyes snapped open with an urgent look.

"Otouto?" Chihiro called out, seeing the odd shift.

He said nothing, his expression taking on a pensive look as if he were giving something some serious thought. A hand rose, rubbing his chin as he was in deep thought.

"Could Emiya-senpai be gay?" He asked seriously.

To which Chihiro leveled a deadpan look at him as if to say, "Really?" Not that he even noticed it.

"I-I mean… He's never really shown much of an interest one way or another, no matter how much I've shown him or tried to talk him into trying a series out. I remembered that even a few female Players once tried catcalling him, and Emiya-sempai all but ignored them! Maybe that's why he never gets excited when I show him the latest trends and hentai! It doesn't matter if it's the latest Bondage Monthly magazine or the newest and lewdest hentai coming out. He's always so neutral about them, even when the others, like Tabula-san or even Ulbert-san, show some interest! Is it because he doesn't have an interest in them, meaning he might be gay?!"

'Just because he doesn't indulge in your blatantly perverted and self-indulgent hobbies doesn't make him gay.' Chihiro mused to herself. She could feel a headache coming along from her brother's incessant and borderline inane rambling.

It was safe to say Kazuto was jumping the gun by a very large margin.

Everyone within Ainz Ooal Gown knew that Kazuto was a pervert. But, only the closest of his inner circle of friends knew just how much of a raging pervert he was. He wasn't above making pervy jokes and everything around others, but it was only in the comfort of his friends that he truly felt comfortable letting loose. His closest confidants were Momonga, unwillingly, and Shirou. Unlike Momonga, who got embarrassed and exasperated by Kazuto's self-indulgent interests rather easily, Shirou had no problem keeping up with him.

How and where he finds the strength and patience to put up with it, she couldn't quite say.