
Fairy Tail-Transmigrated In Order To Sleep With Babes

Jason woke up in the world of Fairy Tail and was met with the hot babes of the anime. Seduced by their looks, This young man made it his mission to sleep with all of them. (Slow Updates.) (Cover is Ai Art of Selene) (Read my Novels: Cursed As A Dragon God on my Lunacia_Yujin account and Darkstone Legacy on this account.) Follow me on patreon: Yuri_Lover23

Yuri_Lover23 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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378 Chs

The Archangel's Might

(Third Person POV)

The Magic Council members covered their faces as a massive wind pressure hit them in the faces. 

"What the hell?" Lahar exclaimed as he saw a massive vehicle appear above Jason, "What the hell is that?!" 

It was a massive craft that floated above Jason, casting a massive and dark shadow. It was all black, courtesy of the God-Steel. 

It's shape was odd; it had a sleek pointed front while its two wings were also quite pointed. It looked like someone took three triangles; an Isoceles and two scalenes and put them together. The Isoceles triangle would be the front and at the base, the cockpit would be there. The scalene triangles would act as the wings. On the back, there were several boosters that would ejected energy in order to fly. This is merely a rough description of the strange craft Jason had spent so much time building. 

To the Magic Council, the entire thing looked from another world. 

Cause it was.

"Black Warship: The Archangel's Might." Jason said with a smirk, "My own personal magical airship..." 

Lahar widened his eyes, "That thing is an airship?!"

Doranbolt managed to get up to his feet, clutching his arm, "What the hell..." He said

Lahar looked at him, "Doranbolt, your injuries!" He exclaimed

The Archangel's Might hovered above Jason, letting out an ominous hum. Jason looked up at it and smiled, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride. To him, this creation was perfect. He had spent countless hours in the Warlord's Workshop working on it. If time didn't work differently inside the Workshop, this probably wouldn't have been able to be completed. 

He then looked at them, "Wanna see what this bad boy can do?" He said with a smirk

Suddenly, he disappeared. His body had glowed brightly for an instant and next thing they knew was this was gone. 

They then felt the airship start-up as it gave off an immense magic power. 

Jason, who was in the cockpit, chuckled, "I could've conjured up a helicopter or something..." He said as he began to flip some switches and adjust some dials, "But why bother when I got this!" 

The ship then took off, leaving nothing but a massive shockwave as energy burst from the boosters. 

"What the hell?!" Lahar exclaimed

They all watched as the ship flew into the sky with tremendous speed, with nothing but awe. As they shifted nervously, looking around at their unconscious comrades, the ship suddenly turned around and made it's way toward them with scary speed. 

"It's coming back around!!" Doranbolt yelled 

As it flew towards them, the ship was surrounded by some sort of energy barrier, crackling with electricity. 

"Archangel's Might:" 

Inside the cockpit, Jason was smirking maniacally, like a child who was given unimaginable power. He pushed the steering wheel all the way forward, prompting the massive warship to fly right towards them. 

As it neared them, Lahar and Doranbolt then threw themselves away as their comrades did the same.

"Fool's Landing!!"

The Warship then crashed into the ground, causing a massive shockwave as the energy barrier detonated, creating a massive explosion of pure magical power. 

The explosion was powerful enough to rip apart the ground they all stood on. 

Several of the conscious mages were able to create rune barriers to shield themselves and their unconscious comrades. 

As the dust cleared, the Warship suddenly flew out from the cloud, causing another massive shockwave. 

"What the hell..." Doranbolt said as he winced in pain, "What are we gonna do against that?" 

He was still clutching his wounds, the holes that were caused by Jason's guns. They had stopped bleeding but due to the effects of the bullets, he couldn't help but feel an immense pain. Jason was right, he used nothing but non-lethal bullets to neutralize the mages. If he didn't, they wouldn't be alive, Doranbolt included. 

Lahar looked up to see the Warship making another turn, "Damn..." He said, "We have to think of something.." 

They watched as the ship stopped, hundreds of feet in the air, far away from them. From it's view, the mages were so small on the ground. 

"What's it up to now?" Doranbolt asked

Inside the Warship, Jason tilted his head as he looked at them. 

"Hm..." He said, "I really don't plan on killing them....So maybe doing that move was a bit dangerous....I need a non-lethal way of handling this showcase....maybe a concussive railgun? Non-Lethal? Can I do that? Hm..." 

Suddenly, the top of the ship began to morph, crackling in electricity. 

"Machine God SlayerxAdvanced Core: " 

Then, two massive thin rail gun barrels appeared from the top of the ship, pointing down at the mages. The barrels began to give off dark-grey glows as it charged up in power. 

"Concussive Railguns." 

Inside the ship, Jason saw a screen that had zoomed into mages, crosshairs lined up on them. 

Jason was adjusting a dial, "Man, good thing I can activate Machine God Slayer via the ship...." He muttered, "And with Advanced Core too, that'll make it so much easier. Let's see...damage output on rail guns...45%...I wanna hurt them, but not kill them..." 

Back on the ground, Lahar and Doranbolt widened their eyes as they noticed that the warship began to fire the railguns at them. 

"Scatter!" Lahar yelled 

Before they could do anything, two powerful payloads struck the ground, resulting in a concussive explosion that sent them all flying. The ones that were hit coughed up blood as they crashed against the ground. 

Doranbolt had taken several unconscious mages and teleported them to safety. 

Lahar saw this and looked at him, "You're gonna have to do that repeatedly..." He said, "If only you weren't wounded...." 

Doranbolt panted, "Tell me about it." 

Suddenly, they were hit with more shots. The concussive payloads were merely hitting empty spots in the ground but due to the nature of the weapons, the explosions and shockwaves where still hitting them and dealing damage. 

Lahar was casting rune barriers to attempt to protect several unconscious mages, "He's purposely avoiding direct impact.." He muttered

Doranbolt appeared next to him as he grabbed several unconscious bodies, "Yea but he still wants to tell us he means business...." He said before teleporting away

Lahar narrowed his eyes, "You son of a bitch...." He said under his breath, "I won't let you get away with this..." 

Jason kept firing more shots, hitting around them and on empty spots, watching the concussive explosions send them flying and scattering around. 

"Hm.." He said with a smile, "I like this." 

He continued to fire the railguns at this, causing several explosions and shockwaves, merely enjoying the show. 

On the ground, Lahar and Doranbolt were struggling greatly, trying to move the unconscious bodies. But as each payload struck near them, one or two more mages were rendered unconscious. 

"When will this end?!" Doranbolt exclaimed

As if fate were on their side, a massive stone wall emerged from the wall, shielding them from several payloads. As the explosion caused the stone to crumble, more emerged in it's place, creating a defensive barrier. 

Inside the warship, Jason raised his eyebrows, "Hm?" He said, "what's this?" 

Lahar and Doranbolt both turned to look behind them as Jura Neekis stood there with both his hands clapped. 

"Sorry for being late..." Jura said seriously, "I was unable to help in time.." 

"One of the Wizard Saints..." Lahar said, "Jura!" 

Doranbolt smiled weakly, "Right on time, if I say so myself..." 

"He ain't the only one.." a voice said

They turned to see a short older man walking towards them with his hands behind his back. He wore glasses and had a dark green beard while he wore a cap. 

Lahar looked at the old man with surprise, "W-Wolfheim!" 

Wolfheim, one of the 4 Gods of Ishgar, looked at Lahar. 

"You should be ashamed of yourself!" He snapped at him, "Allowing yourself, a captain in the Magic Council to be treated like this by a nobody!" 

Lahar looked down with shame, "I apologize." 

Wolfheim scoffed, "Bah!" He said, "Step back pipsqueaks. Let Jura and I handle this runt. God Serena was able to handle him with ease, with us two, it won't take long." 

They both walked past the Councilmen as they looked off into the sky and at the Warship. 

Inside the Warship, Jason merely smiled with excitement. 

"Who would've thought I was gonna test this bad boy out against the Wizard Saints...." He said, "I wonder if they're the only ones....." 

The Railguns then disappeared from the top of the ship as it began to emit a magic pressure.

"A strange airship..." Jura said with awe

"Strange indeed." Wolfheim said as he stroked his beard, "I reckon you can use your magic to attempt to strike it down?" 

Jura nodded, "I might be able to." He said, "But if he flies out of range, I'm afraid I won't be of use." 

"Oh don't worry." Wolfheim said, 

"I won't let him."