
Fairy Tail: Time Travel After Watching Fairy Tail

Story of: Fairy Tail: Time Travel After Watching Fairy Tail Does Fairy Tail have a fairy tail? This is a magical guild, and its name is Fairy Tail. Everyone in the guild must abide by three rules when leaving the guild: Article 1: Information that is detrimental to Fairy Tail will be used for life. Can't talk about it to others. Article 2: You cannot contact past clients without authorization to obtain personal benefits from them. Article 3: Even if the path is different, you must live strong. You must not despise your own life, and never forget your cherished companions in the past! After the protagonist travels to the world of Fairy Tail, he integrates into this big family in this world. The process of becoming stronger with your guild partners step by step.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs

Chapter 62

Queen: "To be honest, I have no ability to fight humans at all.

To be honest, my magic is as weak as everyone sees, and I am very sorry that I have deceived everyone. "

At this time, all the Axites on the streets were shocked and could not accept this fact.

Wendy: "How could it be?"

Queen: "You are Wendy and Charlotte." I'm sorry for the trouble.

Everything is my fault, please don't resent the others here anyway. The

elders on the side spoke at this time.

"No, none of this is the queen's fault, it's all the responsibility of those of us, the elders who created the queen."

"We Axites are originally a very weak race, and we have been repeatedly treated with endless cruelty by humans since ancient times.

Therefore, in order to protect ourselves, we have to mislead human beings and make human beings think that we have great power.

And in order for all Axites to regain their self-confidence, we also tried our best to convince all Exets of the existence of God.

"We don't have divine powers, but results-oriented abilities, because the Queen has the ability to foresee the future."

The so-called human world decides which manager to manage, but we decide through results, and there is no ability to change. It's not really up to us to decide to kill the person. "

All of Axit is in a doldrums.

An Axit: "I don't believe that the queen has no divine power, all this is what the queen said to deceive us, right?" Just a joke.

Xia Lulu: "I don't believe what you say, someone instilled the concept in me before I was born, let's go and attack the dragon slaying demon guide."

Nadi came out in a hurry to defend: "This matter is hidden because the queen predicted the fallen island, so..."

All of you hurry up and leave. All

the Axites on the street at this time too, "We will also live and die here with the Queen." Queen

: "This country is doomed, so let's go."

Xia Lulu: "How can it... How can you give up lightly, this is your own country, can't you live without God and Queen?

"Haven't you also worked hard to survive by weaving lies?"

Why can you say give up and give up, even if it is weak, as long as everyone works together, it will definitely be possible. "

Under the persuasion of Wendy and Charlulu.

Wendy and Charlother rushed to the crashing island first.

"I'm going with him too, because I... I love this country the most. Seeing

Wendy and Charlotte doing this, more and more Axit headed towards the rushing island.

"This is our own hometown, and I will never let him perish."

Elusha and Chen Zhe also flew into the air, using their magic power to resist the collision of the islands.

Chen Zhe: "No matter what, you must block him."

At this time, the magic crystal on the island has begun to transform into everyone in the Fairy Tail Guild.

Harpy: "Charlulu, I will definitely not give up Fairy Tail, and all the transcendents of Axit, I will use my life to protect everyone."

Xia Lulu: "You're here too." Nadi, one of Exeit's ministers.

Nadi: "I want to protect my country, and I think that's what everyone thinks too."

More and more transcendents flew here, and more and more light was concentrated here.

Exeits: "Our country is up to us to protect it."

We also do this to always silently protect us and Her Majesty the Queen of this country. "

Lili saved the queen, who was flying in the air with one wing.

Queen: "I'm sorry, it's all because of me..."

Many years ago there was a wounded human child, and Lili rescued him and took him to the Aixites' residence.

But because everyone hides the fact that Axit's own magic is weak.

Humans were not allowed to come to the dwelling place of Exeter, so that Lili was reduced to the heavens. was kicked out of Axit's place of residence.

Li Li: "Are you tired of weaving lies?" I'm the same, no matter how much I try to resent it, this is always my country.

Natsu: "Hurry up and stop me."

Li Li: "I am to blame for all this, originally I had the opportunity to stop the humans, but now it's too late."

Queen: "Lili is fine, this heart will definitely be conveyed to everyone's hearts."

Axit: "Let's work harder." Push it quickly, we can do it.

Chen Zhe: "How can you lose, with the rule reversal."

Under the influence of everyone's magical power and the joint efforts of everyone, the speed of island collision was greatly slowed down.

The magic crystal on the island completely dispersed, just when everyone was still surprised by what happened.

"Already back in Asland."

Above came another man's voice, it was Mistergang.

"To find the place where Anima, who will restore everything, is. I'm late, everyone.

Sorry, if it weren't for everyone's strength, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to catch up.

Chen Zhe: "You are finally here, Mistergang." I thought you wouldn't show up until the end. "

Mixer: "The Magic Crystal will pass through Anima again, and then all of it will be instilled in Asland's world." It's all over.

Mistergon: "Lili, this life of mine was saved by you, and it is wonderful to be able to protect your hometown."

Lili: "Yes, thank you very much, Prince."

Lucy: "Prince?"

At this moment, a magic beam passed through and almost hit Li Li.

Chen Zhe promptly defended this attack with magic.

Elusha Knightwalka: "You traitor forgot the king's saving grace." It's a shame it didn't hit you. "

Mistergon: "Elusha Knightwalka, are you going to fight the prince of this country?"


King: "Are you a prince?" Stop being funny, people like you, I have long since deserved you as my son.

The king's voice came from the earth, "It's been missing for 7 years, and you kid is embarrassed to come back at this time."

I have long known that you are going around in the world of Aslander to close up Anima, you traitor, you have long betrayed your country. The

earth shook violently, and after a burst of cyan light appeared, a huge dragon egg appeared on the ground.

"If you plan to continue to hinder me, then I will even eliminate you without leaving a trace."