
Fairy Tail: Time Travel After Watching Fairy Tail

Story of: Fairy Tail: Time Travel After Watching Fairy Tail Does Fairy Tail have a fairy tail? This is a magical guild, and its name is Fairy Tail. Everyone in the guild must abide by three rules when leaving the guild: Article 1: Information that is detrimental to Fairy Tail will be used for life. Can't talk about it to others. Article 2: You cannot contact past clients without authorization to obtain personal benefits from them. Article 3: Even if the path is different, you must live strong. You must not despise your own life, and never forget your cherished companions in the past! After the protagonist travels to the world of Fairy Tail, he integrates into this big family in this world. The process of becoming stronger with your guild partners step by step.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs

Chapter 53

Gildaz: "There are a lot of raw faces that I have never seen before, and they have really changed a lot."

"Chen Zhe, you are also there, how is the lost magic practice? In the blink of an eye, you've grown this big.

Makarov: "Yo! Gildaz, the work is going well.

Gildaz: "President." After a burst of laughter, "There's really no way, President, the mission failed, I still can't do it." Everyone

in the guild exclaimed, even the uncle was not up to such a job.

Makarov: "yes, even you can't do it, but it's amazing to be able to retreat with your whole body."

As far as I know, you are the only one on this mission who came back alive. Naz, you will come to me later, I have a gift for you. And Chen Zhe, you also come together. Chen

Zhe: "That Gildaz, the current fairy tail and two dragon slaying demon guides, both dragons have disappeared, or call them together."

Gildaz: "Well, then let them come together." It seems that you have already guessed something.

Gildaz returned to his residence first.

Naz: "Chen Zhe, what do you say is the gift that Gildaz prepared for me, will it be a mysterious flame in a foreign land." How did you guess. Why let Gagiru and Wendy come too.

Chen Zhe: "Natsu, you are quiet, you will know when you go in a while."

Naz: "Yo~, we're here to disturb, Gildaz."

Chen Zhe: "Uncle, I brought them here."

Gildaz: "Here you are."

Naz: "I haven't been here for a long time, it seems like there has been for three whole years." What is the gift? "

Wait a minute, but are you still getting along with Lisanna, when to get married, when to hold children."

"Ah! What are you talking about, Gildaz, me and Lisana.

"Ahahaha, since she was a child, Lisana has to say that when she grows up, she will marry Natsu and be Natsu's bride." Aha.

Natsu blushed shyly, "What, Gildaz, if you're going to talk about this, then I'll go."

Chen Zhe: "Natsu wait, you listen to what Gildaz says."

Gildaz: "I met a dragon at work, but I don't think it's the red dragon you're looking for." It was because of it that my mission failed. Wendy

, Gagiru: "Is it possible that Medalikaana and Grandigne."

"We should go find him, this will at least get a clue to the dragon."

Probably neither, this dragon doesn't look like it can get along with humans normally at all. And he should fly all over the world.

Don't try to go to him, look at this, Gildaz lifted his cloak, and under the cloak was a wounded body.

Almost instantly, I was hit hard and almost lost my left hand and foot.

Although I don't know about Iguniru, Medalikana and Grandigne, there is no doubt that this dragon is the enemy of all mankind.

"And thank you Chen Zhe, I don't know how you predicted all this.

If it weren't for you reminding me not to fight when I encounter a dragon, I wouldn't have saved my life at all, and the dragon would have only been a casual blow, so I could get away with it. Natsu

, Gagiru: "That's why we dragon slayer wizards need to defeat it." As long as there is our magic, the black dragon has nothing.

"If you really think that, I won't stop you."

Natsu: "Abominable" Natsu ran out. Gagiru and Wendy followed.

The three of them ran around the town of Magnolia, all thinking about their dragons.

Chen Zhe: "Gildaz, then I will go back, then you also pay more attention to Kana, you didn't find anything, it really is."

On the roof of the guild as the sun set, Makarov: "Well, there are already three real dragon slaying wizards in this guild."

Polusika is really hit by you, and fate is about to start turning. "

The Centennial Mission of Gildaz encountered the dragon, and this matter left seeds in Natsu and Gagiru.

"Meow ~ Meow ~, this one... This one. "

Some time passed, and in the town of Magnolia, Gagiru looked for cats in the alleys.

"Damn, both the fire dragon and that new kid have cats. It's also a dragon slayer wizard, why don't I have it. "

In Magnolia's shop, there are various Fairy Tail Magi figures.

Next to Wendy and Natsu's figures, there are cats, and even Gagiru's figures reserve the cat's place.

"That's right, this is also a design reserved for the future."

Fairy Tail Guild, Lucy: "Wendy, are you saying that your dragons all disappeared on July 7, 777."

Harpy: "Xia Lulu, look at this fish, it's very fragrant."

Xia Lulu couldn't stand the Harpy and walked directly to the street, this time the sky turned overcast and it rained.

"Miss Lucy, I'll go find Xia Lulu first, and then I'll talk to you."

Mistgang: "Wendy, I didn't expect you to join this guild."

Wendy: "This voice... It's Jalal.

Xia Lulu: "What's going on?" You've not been caught. "

That person is not the same person as me, I am Mist Gang of the Fairy Tail Guild." Seven years ago, I didn't know much about the world, so I called myself Jalal to you.

Mistgang: "Wendy, there is no time to feel the joy of reunion, I want you to leave the city immediately." My task failed.

Anima (soul) can no longer be suppressed by my strength.

"It won't be long before Magnolia disappears."

Wendy: "What about the people in the guild."

"I'm afraid of all..."

Wendy ran to tell the guild to get everyone out of town.

The sky was filled with thunderstorms, and the clouds formed a whirlpool in the sky.

Several bolts of lightning slashed from the sky and hit the Fairy Tail Guild directly. Then the entire guild was sucked into Adras.

By the time Wendy came over, only Natsu and Harpy were left in the entire guild. And Chen Zhe.

Chen Zhe had already foreseen the beginning of the Edras chapter in advance, so when the super-subspace magic soul was released.

All the magic power in his body was transformed into the power of the dragon.

Anima, for the dragon slayer wizard, there will be no transformation.

As for Gagiru, he had been sent to Edras in advance by Mistergang.

Chen Zhe: "Then let's go to the other world to save everyone who has become magical."

Just reverse the super-subspace magic. Now I'm good at reverse magic. I

saw Chen Zhe bring Lucy out from the side, and it was the clock seat who found the danger and saved Lucy.