
Fairy Tail: The Strongest Fairy

Zack Smasher has no memories due to God being too late to deal with him. To apologize his wrongdoing, God had decided to summon him to random world, with random powers along with a Status to see other’s and his own status. (Not in leveling, but more like ranking and training kind) With the powers of Gravity Magic, Growth Rate and Gura Gura no Mi devil fruit powers, Zack who only 13-year-old now, set off into his journey to become the strongest, why? Because of God telling him he should build a harem, he should have power, and unlimited stamina and money to earn that. Of course, God was joking since that the norm for people like Zack in their fanfics… but, Zack has no memories, and his mental age because of waiting so long became that of a child… believed that was his mission from God… He is a harem seeking MC, who has no clue what’s a harem is. (Will learn what it is later on)

AnimeDamon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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91 Chs

Fairy 47: He is now 18 years old

Name: Zack Smasher

Age: 17 > 18

Vitality: B- > B

Strength: B > B+

Resistance: B+

Agility: B+

Magic Capacity: B++ > A-

Magic Recovery: A-

Magic Power: B++ > A-

Magic: Quake Magic (Gura Gura no Mi), Gravity Magic, Fire Magic, Ice Magic, Light Magic, Strengthening Magic.

Special: Growth Rate, Status.

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'So, my age went up to eighteen.' Zack thought, as he looked at his Status, seeing not only has his stats went up again. But even his age is no longer 17, but now 18, meaning it has been almost 3 years since he came to in this world.

He has experienced a lot in the Fairy Tail guild. He had experienced first-hand, what it meant to be part of a family. How it feels to be in love, and to become hurt because of the same love he experienced.

Not to mention, thanks to the woman besides him, who always ended up sleeping right next to him for some reason. Zack also slowly getting what lust is, and what the Old Zack meant by not losing himself to lust.

Zack looked at Vottes, who is resting her head on his right arm in her sleep. And turn his gaze towards her vest-top, as well her shorts she always wears in her sleep.

He could never tell, why every time he wakes up, why must she be right next to him. Of course, he could tell her to stop doing so.

But he cannot, because he knew, even if he doesn't know why she so bold with her actions. However, he does understand, that Vottes feels safer next to him. And knowing what she went through, he cannot tell her to stop her actions, of hugging his arm, leaning against him, or waking up right next to her.

Sure, Zack finds it annoying, since he could feel his desires wanting to take over his mind and reasoning. But in the end, Zack just treated them as training his willpower to resist these annoying cravings that dwelled deep inside his heart.

To Zack, Vottes Brave is a woman who lives true to herself. She is bold at times, but also innocent like a young maiden. And because of her past with the Old Wizard, and Black Rivers. She lacks a lot of experience and knowledge then others compared to her own age.

Not to mention, Vottes always been alone, because of their greed over her. But now it is different then before. Vottes no longer alone, and this is all because of him being by her side. And to be honest, Zack also likes her being by his side as well.

However, at the same time. Because of those reasons and feelings. Zack always finds himself annoyed as well. It not like he doesn't like Vottes, nor he disliked spending time with her.

In the first place, it not Vottes he is annoyed with, but himself. That is because, deep down inside his heart. Zack actually has feelings for this Dragon Slayer Wizard next to him, who rest her head against his left arm as a pillow.

But Zack hasn't realised this, or maybe he does, as he unconsciously refusing his feelings for her. Almost as if, he is afraid what will happened if he accepted someone else besides Mirajane his first love since coming to this world.

Zack with his free arm, he reached out towards Vottes's ice blue hair, as he gently begins to stroke it between his thick fingers, that been refined with all his physical training he has been through.

He likes Mirajane's white as snow hair. And always has the desire to feel it as well, but he knows the past Mirajane will never let Zack go that far with her.

That is why, if she still willing to accept him when he returned to Fairy Tail. He would love to touch that white snow coloured hair, that he desires the most. He even wandered if her hair will feel as nice as it does with Vottes's own ice shaded light blue hair.

And to be honest, he actually like this shade of blue before him, as well the cold and smooth soft feeling it gives, when he presses them between his fingers.

"Feels nice, right~?" Hearing a playful voice, Zack suddenly halted his fingers, and felt cold sweat down his back. As he slowly looked towards Vottes, who not only wide awake, but even has a smug smile on her flawless lips, that for some reason made her look cute and matured in Zack's eyes.

However, moments later, Zack's cheek slightly reddens, before he turned his face the other way.

Vottes who saw that, held in her laugher, and smiled seeing Zack's child-like shy reaction from him. She been with this guy for two months now. And understood many things from him.

She likes the fact; his outer appearance and his inner appearance are 180 from each other. On the outside, due to his tall height of nearly 190cm, and his refine muscles, and the way he clothes himself like some kind of villain.

Many will think he some kind of bad guy like a Dark Wizard, or some kind of outlaw himself. And oddly enough, those villain like clothing, really suits Zack, with his natural wild looks he has.

But once someone sees his inside, it completely reverses compared to the outside look of him. Not only Zack is in fact very gentle towards his own family or friends. He also likes the outside world more, then the inside world.

He is the kind of person that loves nature. Which also the reason, why Zack and Vottes been through endless forests, mountains, and even plains of grasslands. Most of the time, they hunt food, they find caves or make their own shelter, when they find a new place to train.

Of course, the main reason for this, is to avoid the eyes of Black Rivers that lurked around towns and villages in the shadows. And it also the reason since the first time they met, today will be the first town they will visit together, a town that could be seen from a distance where they slept.

"A-Anyway, it been a while, since I been to a town… so, we should hurry, don't you think?" Zack went, not daring to look into the light pink eyes of the woman before him.

"Changing the topic, aren't we~? Now I think about it, it been a while since I also been into a place like a town, or a village. Don't get me wrong, I like travelling, camping, and even your meat as well. But I do miss drinking, especially wine~ It been a while, since I could drink all I want… without worrying what will happened if I become too drunk."

Vottes went with a happily smile. Because of being on the run all the time, she never got the chance to let loose, due to her fears of Black Rivers finding her when she not in a good state. That is why, when she does drink, she only has one or two drinks, before quitting.

After all, there was a time, when her chasers almost got her when she was drunk. Lucky enough, Vottes was stronger since most of them were C-Class Wizards, with only a B-Class Wizard as their leader in charge, when they hunted her at that time.

{Master, she just said she liked your meat! Of course, she does, she liked it that much, she fainted from it!}

Of course, the un-sagely perverted sword, wouldn't be called a dirty old sword, if it missed Vottes's words. Shame enough, Zack didn't bother listened to the old sword, since he has no clue, why should a sword care about the meat he cooks. 

Overlooking about the pervert inside the tattoo mark on his left arm. Zack suddenly recalled something he hasn't thought about for a long time.

"Yeah, now I think about it, you did tell me, you like to drink. And it has been a while myself. Now I think about it, how much do I have left?" Zack went with a smile, as he recalled Cana, who always so happy when she drinks.

"Jewels huh… I think my is near 3,000 I got left… maybe I should earn some more? Now I think about it, it been a while since I gambled, it was always risky, since Black Rivers own a lot of illegal gambling dens. But good thing, my instincts never proven me wrong~"

It is like Vottes said, she doesn't do gambling much, since for one, it will be walking into the tiger den, since one of the trades of businesses Black Rivers do, is gambling dens, so it hard to tell, if the den she going to, is owned or in a partnership with that Dark Guild.

Not to mention, she also too eye catching, with her natural beauty and body. No matter where she goes, Vottes will always stand out. And it not like Vottes has problems with money when there also perverted wallets willing to be hit and robbed by her.

Of course, until lately, she didn't seem to care using her own charms or looks to lure men to rob them. After all, it only choice Vottes had to survive. But that doesn't mean she liked seducing others with her body alone, or the lustful looks that lands on her body always makes her feel disgusted by herself or others looking at her.

Vottes doesn't want to earned money that way anymore, she doesn't want to lower her pride any further, she already has. Especially in front of the man she in love with.