
Fairy Tail: I Am Not The Most Terrifying Wizard

Deception Magic? "It's just a weak magic that merely deceives the five senses, 7 basic emotions and six desires," Everit would often say, but no one truly believed it! Natsu: I remember spending an entire day with Everit in the forest, only to realize from Happy that we were actually fishing by the river that day! Gray: I thought I had worn clothes countless times until Master scolded me for walking around shirtless all year! Erza: I used to dismiss Everit's magic as mere trickery. It wasn't until my face erupted in acne after unknowingly consuming chili peppers for a month! Lucy: I once underestimated Everit's strength. It wasn't until we were utterly exhausted from battling the Dark Mages that we realized he had already... Wendy: Despite Mr. Everit's gentle demeanor, he’s really scary. Laxus: Everit, I'd rather not fight with you. "..." Everit could only sigh, "I'm just a weak wizard without offensive magic." ********* *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.69shu.pro/book/57523.htm Fairy Tail: I am not the most terrifying wizard 妖尾:我才不是最恐怖的魔导士 This is a translation of Chinese Novel. **** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. https://www.patreon.com/AniScout

Ani_Scout · Anime et bandes dessinées
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140 Chs

Chapter 13 : Return!

"Hahaha, Mom, come and catch me!" 

"Slow down, sweetie."

The child's gleeful laughter mingled with his mother's concerned tone echoed through the air.


Everit felt something collide with him. 

Turning around, he found a little boy seated on the ground behind him, clutching a cone in his hand while the ice cream it once held now lay splattered on the ground. 

"Oh, sir, I'm terribly sorry!" The woman, who had been chasing after the boy, apologized anxiously. 

"My ice cream, it's ruined!" the child wailed loudly. 

Observing Everit's attire, the woman couldn't help but feel he was someone of significance, possibly affluent or noble. 

Determined not to cause any trouble, she hastily scooped up the child and offered, "Sir, please forgive us for staining your clothes. Here's some money as compensation."

"No need for that," Everit replied with a gentle smile. "This cloak is enchanted; it doesn't easily soil." 

He gestured to the back of his cloak, showing it was indeed unblemished. The woman visibly relaxed, relieved by his amiable demeanor.

However, the child continued to cry, "My ice cream, waaah!"

"Stop crying, Tom. Have I not taught you better manners?" The woman swiftly administered a stern reprimand, giving her son a light swat on the backside.

Sniffling, Tom ceased his sobbing and murmured apologetically, "I'm sorry, sir."

"It's alright. You're a good lad for owning up to your mistake and apologizing," Everit reassured him, flashing a warm smile. Then, turning to Tom, he asked, "What's your name?"

"I'm Tom."

Everit spoke softly, "Little Tom, I'm a magician. Would you like to see me perform a little magic and conjure up some ice cream?"

"Really?" Tom's eyes widened in astonishment.

"No, sir, that's too much trouble," the woman interjected hastily.

"Don't worry," Everit insisted, his smile unwavering.

Youthful, handsome, and exuding warmth, Everit's demeanor caused a blush to spread across the woman's cheeks.

"Watch closely," Everit said, producing a card from his pocket, capturing their attention.

With a flick of his wrist, the card transformed into a delectable ice cream cone, much to Tom's amazement.

"Wow!" Tom exclaimed in delight.

"Look, wizard! He's so strong, brother, can you transform?" exclaimed another child, taken aback.

Everit glanced over and noticed they were a peculiar group, none of whom appeared particularly friendly at first glance.

Their leader bore an additional eye on his forehead, while all three of the adversary's eyes fixated on him.

Those three eyes seemed to pierce through everything, their gaze proud and disdainful, as if a superior being looked down upon Everit, a mere mortal.

The child who made the remark stood beside him. He appeared extraordinary, his skin unnaturally pale, devoid of any melanin.

Clad in prison attire, the sleeves and pant legs shredded, fashioned into makeshift shorts resembling prison garb.

The exposed skin bore circular bite marks, and iron collars encircled his neck, wrists, and ankles. Blood-red eyes gleamed, a grin revealing teeth as sharp as a shark's.

"He's no wizard," the three-eyed man stated calmly. "He's a liar."

"Huh? But he turned the cards into ice cream!" protested the child.

"That's not magic," the three-eyed man began to explain.

Everit regarded him with icy detachment.

"Fairy Tail folks, let's not stir trouble," intervened a hunchbacked elder, tugging at Everit's sleeve.

"Fairy Tail?" The child became animated. "I know, I know! It's a famous Guild, and it's delicious!"

"Hey, big liar, I can eat you up. Woohoo!"

Before the child could finish, the burly man behind him clamped a hand over his mouth.

The hunchbacked elder forced a smile and said, "Children's tongues know no bounds. Please, sir, pay them no heed."

With that, the group slowly "slinked" away.

Everit, momentarily distracted, once again put on a smile. With a flourish, he offered the long-awaited ice cream to Tom.

"Here you go."

"Mom," Tom pleaded with his mother.

"No, we can't accept it," the woman quickly refused, "It's the child's fault in the first place."

"It's alright," Everit insisted, handing the ice cream to the child. Then he turned to the woman, saying, "But make sure the child doesn't run on the street, it's very dangerous. If you encounter those weirdos again, it could be trouble."

"Yes, it was my mistake," the woman admitted, bowing her head in reflection.

"Alright, I must be going now," Everit's voice chimed in.

"Thank you, kind sir," the woman looked up quickly, but Everit had already vanished.

"Mom, that gentleman disappeared so suddenly. He's so powerful. I want to become a magician like him!" Tom exclaimed excitedly.

"Then you must study hard in school and learn as much as you can," the woman replied, patting the child's head. She thought to herself, "If he can disappear in an instant, he's probably not just a magician, but a wizard!"

I wonder which guild that wizard belongs to, but he seemed quite approachable.

Meanwhile, at an ice cream stand not far away, the busy shop owner failed to notice the cash register being quietly opened. Three hundred jewels were deposited, and the register was locked again.

With his new camera in hand, Everit was highly satisfied. He even hung the strap around his neck, but soon grew irritated by its weight and inconvenience. Removing it, he wasted no time and caught the next train back to Magnolia Town, then hopped on a carriage to return to the guild.

"Everit, you're back just in time," Gray greeted him. "Natsu is about to spar with Erza."

"What's so interesting about those two fighting?" Everit showed little interest.

"But is it really okay for two of the strongest members of the guild to fight?" Lucy expressed her concern.

"Huh? Strongest members?" Gray looked puzzled. "Who said that?"

Lucy explained, "Aren't Erza, Everit, Natsu, and you the top four of Fairy Tail?"

"Who spread such rumors?" Gray's expression turned odd, somewhat forced. "Erza and Everit might be, but for me to be considered strong, I need to become a S-class mage at least."

"Huh?" Lucy was surprised.

At that moment, Levy, the blue-haired legal loli mage, stood up. "Yes, Lucy, there are five S-class members in the guild now. Despite Natsu and Gray being strong, they're still not at their level."

"Five?" Lucy was puzzled.

"Gildarts, Laxus, Mystogan, Erza, and Mirajane," Levy listed, "they're undoubtedly the strongest. As for Everit..."

At the mention of Everit, Levy grimaced.

Gray interjected, "This guy refuses to participate every year, but he's definitely capable."

"No, no, no," Everit interjected, wiping his glasses with a cloth. "My magic may be good for pranks, but it lacks attack power. Plus, using firearms would endanger my comrades. Besides, being anS-class mage brings unwanted attention and makes one a target for fame-seekers."

"You see, Everit has this kind of character," Gray remarked. "But, Lucy, if you think Everit only has deception magic, you'll be in for a surprise!"


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