

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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210 Chs

Chapter 28: Eisenwald Arc (3)

Chapter 28: Eisenwald Arc (3)

~Lucy POV~

[July 6, X784]

I could only wonder why I came here with this crazy group today.

To my side, I see a fellow newbie and probably the only normal guy here Silva and the other I see Gray a perverted male stripper, and Natsu the town destroyer both fighting amongst each other with the atmosphere tensing up with each other sizing each other up.

"Why would a monster like Erza need my power?!"

"I don't know! But if anybody should be saved from this, it should be me!"

"Then you go with her alone!! I don't wanna go!!!"

"Then don't!!! I'll just get Erza to kill you afterward!!!"



Seeing a fight starting to form between the two I couldn't help but yell at them to stop, "Your fight's causing problems for everyone else!! Stop it now!!! I don't get it! Why do you two fight all the time?!"

At this, the two stopped with Natsu having the gull questioning why I'm here as I replied jabbing my thumb at Silva, "Because Silva here requested it. Although I don't see why considering you have Natsu, Gray, and Erza with you?"

To this Silva replied with a shrug with a hint of caution in his voice as he spoke, "True. But in all likely hood were probably bound to fight with the Guild Erza mentioned in groups or teams. My Magic is more on the lines support rather than actual offensive power."

Support Magic?

Blinking a bit confused wasn't this the guy that took down both Southern Wolf Bodyguard Guild all alone and against Everlue Celestial Spirit head-on and won?

Before I could question more I see Silva point at the two back to bickering making me sigh as he then spoke out getting the two attention, "Hey Erza-san!!!"

From what I saw before yesterday I see the two changed their antics real quick acting like good friends getting a laugh out of me, "Hahaha… maybe this will be a fun request, after all, seeing these guys' expressions."

Of course, Natsu and Gray didn't take kindly to that as I see Happy joined us although I wonder why Mira didn't take him into account.


Probably forgotten he existed.



We all heard the sounds of something heavy approaching us along with Erza's voice coming close to us as she got our attention as we all turned to her, "Sorry. Did I keep you waiting?"

Although my attention is turned on Erza as she brought a lot of stuff as I couldn't help but be shocked by the size of her belongings, "That is… a lot of stuff!!!"

Yelling surprised, I managed to get the redhead's attention as she looked at me a bit confused talking to me, "Hm? Didn't I see you yesterday at Fairy Tail?"

Seeing Erza I got her attention on me as I began to introduce myself properly to her in a kind tone, "I'm a new member. My name is Lucy. Silva here requested I come along with you for extra help if need be. He was here by Mirajane's request."

She nods as her eyes dart towards Silva as he began to introduce himself to her respectfully with a smile to her, "Silva Knight. A pleasure to meet you Erza. Heard some great things about you."

Her eyes shined recognition through them talking to him in a respectful manner with a neutral expression on her face, "I see. Nice to meet you both. So, you're the boy that everyone in the Guild is talking about. You took down some bodyguard gorillas and members of the Southern Guild Bodyguards, right? We can use you."

Next, her eyes dart towards me as she gave me the choice of backing out of this causing me to have second thoughts, "Lucy. If you wish to come with us, I can make no true guarantee of your safety, but I do not allow my comrades to be injured lightly. You have my word and honor of Fairy Tail on that."


I think I may have second thoughts about –

Before I could say anything else Silva smiled lightly surprising me having full confidence of my own skills, "I wouldn't worry too much about Lucy Erza. She's strong in her own right otherwise I wouldn't have requested her. Just pure trust in her skills."


Well, this is the first someone complimenting me on my skills despite barely knowing the guy for no more than 2 days or less.

But I do like the compliment given where it's due.

After all this guy sees value in having me around.

Erza seems to nod at this agreement as she replied to Silva in understanding, "I see. You have much confidence in Lucy. In that case, I'll place the same level of trust as well."

Well someone's sure optimistic about my skills suddenly?

Although I do admit I am pretty strong so he can't be wrong in that apartment.

Also beautiful as well.

As we all get ready Natsu had to go and say something stupid that could anger Erza quickly making me and Gray pale at his request, "Humph! I don't know what we're supposed to face, but I'll go along… under one condition! Once we're back, I want to take you on!! I'm not like before!"



Erza seems to be taken in by the idea of that idiot as she replied in a heartful manner agreeing with him, "I admit that you have grown. I'm not certain that I'd win, but... fine. I accept your challenge. Gray, do you want to challenge me, too? And what of you Silva care for a challenge as well?"

To that Silva actually replied but not to what I expected as he actually spoke something else instead of getting all of our attention, "Actually I don't mind adding a condition as well if you don't mind. The only condition is a favor from you that I can pull from in the near future. Nothing perverted or unwilling mind you just a favor to call on from you in the future is all."

A favor?

Listening to his request Erza gives a curt nod in agreement with Silva's condition in an understanding tone to him, "Of course. If it's within my power and as you say I'll try to see to return the favor for assisting me in this endeavor."


Hearing the sounds of the Train roaring out loud from its pipes we all took our chance to finally start our journey.

I'm so going to put this in my novel.


~Silva POV~



Name: Silva Knight

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Fairy Tail Wizard

Level: 12 Exp: 0/150%

HP: 1200/1200

MP: 1200/1200

STR: 31 (+15)

AGI: 23 (+15)

VIT: 23 (+15)

INT: 26

SEN: 24

LUCK: 13 (+15)

Stat Points: 16

Cash: 11,000J


Seeing my Status and my already gained +3 stats from today's Daily Request early in the morning I began to stare intently at my screen as I try to decide which points, I should add to which for today's trials.


"Hey, Silva?"

Interrupting my train of thought I pulled my head towards the group in the car riding the train as Lucy got my attention asking a question, "Hey Silva you said earlier that you Magic is mostly support right? Like what kind of Support? I heard from the Guild you have Eye Magic right?"

Erza's eyes widen slightly in surprise as I began to explain to them what kind of Magic I can use since Gray finished demonstrating his, "Sure. I currently mostly have Support Magic honestly. Eye Magic is one of them. My Eye Magic lets me know certain pieces of information that are otherwise impossible to gain at a glance. But usually, it's general info about them like their names and personality but also alliances with."

Erza nods her head impressed with my Eye Magic which in reality is my <Observe> skill I managed to impress her even commenting on it, "I see you are quite the talented Eye Magic Silva. When we arrive in the next town, we can use your magic to locate the guild in question or its members with ease and stealth. How long exactly have you been with the Guild?"

I shrugged and said about probably a week or less with only Eye Magic being my first for a long while before I tried picking up different Magic Gray looked impressed at my direction, "I see you're adding more into your arsenal huh? Good. For some mages they are used to their magic like me with Ice-Make buts it's not a bad idea to learn more spells. Although mages take, years to months or weeks learning one Magic or Spell into their skill."


I couldn't help but tilt my head curiously at this fact.

Is that why all the other characters can't use more than one kind of Magic other than the ones they know and are trained towards?

That could explain why a lot of Mages haven't learned that much versatile skills in the series.

And receiving praise is a new feeling I couldn't exactly describe as I try to pass it off as being normal to me, "Really? I don't think it's that special though to try learning in a few days. I mean I have to go through trial and error to get right. But enough about me was there a reason you brought us here Erza?"





Listening to the bumbling sounds of the Train tracks wheels turning and hitting the railways Gray agreed with my words wanting answers, "Yeah. More importantly isn't it about time you told us what this is about, Erza? What are we here for?"

Lucy also voices her agreement in this as well equally curious about the situation at hand, "It must be something incredibly big for someone important like you to want help!!!"

Giving a curt nod with Natsu knocked out on her lap Erza began to explain to each of us listening about how she got into this situation, "Yes… let's discuss it. On my way back from my last job I stopped by a bar where Wizards gather in Onibas. And there were a few people who drew my attention…"

Like that she began to explain to us how she encountered a Dark Guild Eisenwald about their plans of reawakening Lullaby getting my attention but more so about the guy holding it here on this train.

It's best to deal with this issue right away before it becomes a bigger problem that's too much to handle.

And probably deal with Eisenwald without the fear or pressure of getting to the rest of the gang to mess up in the fight ahead dealing with a Guild.

The fight is a guaranteed win for us, but the matter remains about how much energy are we willing to spend against waves of Wizards as well as my caution against such large groups in the fight ahead for EXP.

Another reason why I brought Lucy along since I'm not that confident to face off against a group of armed enemies, especially magical ones.

Don't get me wrong in a head-to-head rigged fight in my favor I can be confident. But against literal magic wielders of their own skill of superpower that's dangerous without proper fighting experience or fights against Mages that I'm unsure of how things would go.

And I can't rely on Natsu or Gray for help if they fight amongst each other during battle and Happy… is Happy.

I would rather have the cosplayer summoner with common sense to help me out to watch my back with her spirits since she has Taurus. While perverted is a genuine master with an Axe and physically strong to boot.

And probably the one I can rely on in mass groups if need be. At the very least though I'm gonna prevent some key points early to get this mission done swimmingly.

Better that than follow the plot.