
Failed To Marry The Best Woman (Will be republished)

Vera is a cheerful and kind-hearted girl who earns Resi and Lexy's respect, who are hunters with gentle and kind nature and behavior. However, Lexy's fate is sad when he doesn't succeed in marrying the woman he wants, instead a man named Resi whom Vera recognizes while in Paris is destined to become Vera's life partner. Humans cannot predict how the destiny of love will be for them later. Resi's meeting with Vera grows the seed of love in Resi's heart. Resi, who was initially embarrassed to express his love for Vera, tries to have the courage to express his feelings to Vera when he is in Paris and the Eiffel Tower as a witness to the beginning of their love, until Resi manages to propose to and marry Vera and converts her to Islam. Lexy, who also loves Vera, still doesn't have the courage to express his feelings for the woman he dreams of until he changes his beliefs to embrace Protestantism and hopes to marry Vera, but instead, fate doesn't turn out the way he expected. It becomes a very hurtful thing, when the woman he dreams of, whom he hopes to marry, instead marries another man. Lexy didn't know that Vera already had a lover, so she kept her hopes on Vera. And it is this ignorance that causes great pain and suffering to Lexy. On the other hand, Lexy, who changed her mind to stop the marriage between Vera and Resi, managed to save the happiness of the two couples.

LaSya_Nn · Urbain
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11 Chs

Resi's Meeting with Vera

On the day off, Resi decided to visit a place that was quite far away, namely in Annecy. There he met Vera who became a tour guide for foreign nationals visiting the city of Annecy. Resi and Vera introduced themselves when they found out that each other was from Indonesia, they were PDKT (want to get closer) until they finally decided to eat together at a restaurant, they also exchanged telephone numbers to be able to connect with each other, because they both came from the same country does not hesitate to offer assistance to each other if there is a need that is needed.

"Vera, do you have friends from Indonesia here?" asked by Resi.

"Yes, there is. There are two friends, one boy and one girl, both of them are still related to my family" Vera answered, "as for yourself, are there any friends here?" inquired by him to Resi.

"I don't have friends from Indonesia at all here, I bravely braved myself so I went to Paris alone" Resi answered. "Where do you live?" he asked Vera.

Vera took out a card from her bag with the address where she lived "this is my address, maybe next time you can visit my guest house at the same time to strengthen our relationship as new friends" Vera answered while holding out the address card in front of Resi.

"Really we have the same fate, going to this country to study together. We hope that what will happen to us in the future will also happen like our fate at this time, "said Resi.

Vera was silent, understanding the implied meaning of Resi's words. After being satisfied chatting, the two of them departed from the dining table and returned to continue their respective activities. Resi continues his journey to tour around the tourist attractions, while Vera returns to work after being replaced by her friend.