

Waynehead803 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs


It's been 8 months since Fade took down Troll and introduced himself as a the first superhero of Great falls. Since then he has been training and working with Ice Phoenix and Breeze.

"Alright guys! Make sure you stay on point. This is our first big mission together and we're not going up against petty criminals this time. Both of these guys have abilities no rushing in you got it?" "Yes sir."

For the past 2 weeks these 2 guys have robbed 3 banks. Fade had very little information on the 2 suspects. All the information he had was 1 of them can turn his body into a metal like substance and other makes a blinding light come from his body. They call themselves steelhead and light-show. Light-show would walk into the bank blind everyone and steelhead would come in and knock out all the guards. Then steelhead would punch his way into the vault.

"If my intel is correct this is there safe house. We go in and take them by surprise. Go after light-show first. He's the taller one. With our shades it shouldn't be hard to take him down so we all focus on steelhead. He'll be a little tougher to bring down." "Breeze you bust in through the window while at the same time in knock the door down. Phoenix you stay on my six and trust your instincts when we get in here."

Fade and Breeze simultaneously broke the window and kicked in the door. Steelhead and light-show were counting money when they busted in. Steelhead quickly covered his eyes as light-show attempted to blind Fade and the others but they were prepared. The dark shades protected there eyes from the light. Fade quickly dropped light-show with a punch. As Ice Phoenix entered she noticed that they weren't alone. There were 5 henchmen loading money and weapons into a black van. Fade quickly put zip ties on light-show.

"Breeze you handle those guys. Ice Phoenix and I will handle steelhead." "You 2 think your gonna bring me down. It's gonna take a whole army to stop me."

Steelhead ran into punched Fade and kicked Ice Phoenix. He was faster than they thought. Both they quickly recovered. They both ran in opposite directions trying to surround as Breeze fought the henchmen. This was Breeze first real mission that he could fight using his full potential.

[Breeze- Lucas Lewis a.k.a Breeze is a descendant of Aeolus the god of wind. Breeze can control the air around him and can compress the air into a ball throw to do damage. Breeze also ia the carrier of Fragarach the sword of wind. He is a master swordsman and a expert at parkour. This abilities make him a great fighter but he is at most dangerous when meditates. When he meditates he can suck the air out of everybody's lungs in a 30 feet radius causing major them to lose their breath. If he does it long enough it would kill everyone.]

Breeze remained calm as he was surrounded by 5 henchmen. 1 of them tried to attack him from behind but Breeze dodged and sent a gust of wind under his feet causing him to flip in the air. He quickly took another 1 out with a double kick to the chest. 2 of the 3 remaining henchmen attacked Breeze and once but he was able to dodge easily. He then flipped onto his hands and did a spinning attack sweeping them off there feet. The last 1 pulled put a large knife. Breeze blasted him with ball of compressed air knocking him into the wall. Suddenly a white ball of energy hit Breeze in the back. The was Light-show back on his feet and he was free from zip tie. Breeze quickly jumped to his feet and pulled out his sword. Light-show created another energy ball but instead throwing it he created an energy sword. Apparently Light-show and Steelhead both had abilities Fade and others were not prepared for.