

Waynehead803 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Fade vs Light-show

As Breeze and Ice Phoenix finished off Steelhead Fade and light-show were still going at it. These 2 seemed to be evenly matched. Apparently Light-show could manipulate the light into almost anything.

"So you thinking you can take me by yourself huh? Well thanks for making this easy for me. I'll decapitate you and hang your head up as a reminder that's it's a bad idea to be a hero."

"Hahaha your a coward that has to blind his enemies to win. That's the only strength you got because you punch like a teenage schoolgirl."

Light-show began to get angry. He summoned a hugh lightball that he bended into a large axe. Whatever weapon he makes out of his light it light as a feather to him so he could swing that axe pretty quickly. He charged at Fade quickly slinging the axe but he was managed to dodge. Ice Phoenix and Breeze came rushing over to help but Fade ordered them to stand down. As quickly as Light-show could swing Fade was able to evade all his attacks. Fade then swept his legs from under him then jumped into the blasted a sloar beam at light-show. The attack was so powerful it cracked the ground but seemed to have little affect on him.

"You looked surprised haha. Not only if is my power used for offense but i can also use to form i barrier around my body right before your attack. Now that i know your attacks can't hurt me it's all over for you."

Fade rushed in with a series of punches. Even though they little to no effect the kept up the attack. Light-show started dodging Fade's punches and when they did hit they still had little effect.

"Trying to break through my armor huh? Well it won't work. I can make it even stronger. Way stronger then Steelhead's metal so you don't have a chance.

Ice Phoenix and Breeze looked concern as if they were going have to jump in. But Fade ordered them to stand down again. Then looked at each other with confusion as they thought they heard fade laughing. Suddenly the small aura of light around Light-show got bigger.

"Not only can you not hurt me but hit way harder now. This was fun but it's time for me to kill you and your 2 sidekicks over there. And as for Steelhead I'll leave him for cops. What good are you if you get taken down by a couple of kids."

Light-show attacked Fade evaded all his attacks. As he was dodging Fade's hands began to glow. Fade dodged 1 more punch then punched him in the stomach breaking through armor. The punch sounded like a grenade going off. Then Fade hit him again with another explosive punch to the face. The punch was so hard it sent Light-show flying across the room and smashing into the wall. Breeze and Ice Phoenix stood in shock as Fade went over to check his pulse.

"What the hell Fade? You mean to tell me you could've been knocked him out? Why drag this out. You didn't really need me Breeze for this at all."

"Im sorry but not really. This was more of in training exercise. There are criminals out there that was alot stronger than these guys. We've got take every opportunity to get stronger if your serious about protecting this city."

Fade and the others stacked up the unconscious criminals and disappeared as they heard the police and swats teams approaching. Then Fade sent Breeze and Ice Phoenix home and was about to head home himself but got a call from the mayor. After the troll incident they decided to keep in contact. That's how Fade has beem getting his information on the criminals in town. The mayor congratulated Fade on taking down the robbers but his voice was all shaking up. Fade new some was wrong. He asked Fade to meet with him as soon as possible.

So Fade meet with the Mayor first thing the next morning. He informed Fade about that there have been murders every night last. A bunch of criminals have turned up dead. But is was the way they were killed that had the mayor in a panic.

"Every night these men where savagely murdered. It seemed they were attacked by so sort of animal. Some were even missing arms and legs. Nobody going to miss these criminals but i can have some psycho vigilante going around eating criminals. I need your help catching whoever is doing this before this news goes public and we have the whole city in an uproar. Here is a list of all the criminals and they all have 1 thing in common. They all worked for Mr. James Kellan. In the public eye he's a rich pretty boy that does alot for the city but i know him as an underworld boss but no dirt every sticks to him. Im guessing this killer os after him. There's only 1 of James who hasn't been killed yet. Find him and wait for killer to come after him."

Later that night Fade posted up on the building across the the thug's hideout. He decided to do this alone because he wasn't sure if Ice Phoenix and Breeze was ready for a mission like this. They were still kids after all. After a few hours of waiting Fade began to hear screams at the back of the hideout. When he got there 1 of the henchmen was already dead and criminal serial killer was already inside

Chapter 4 Nuun the Preyer