

continuation to facade:alpha

weedsmoke · Romance
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3 Chs


She ran back to me and started by filling out her resignation form, surprising that she got it so fast but what do I care

Melissandra replied, her eyes widening with excitement. "I had no idea it was for such a massive reward! I mean the army is still lame but the money isn't"

I nodded, appreciating her enthusiasm. It was refreshing to meet someone who'd accompany me, I mean hey an acquaintance even before entering the division. "Exactly," I said. "This city has become stagnant for me. I've been living a monotonous life, and I crave something extraordinary. Joining the special division seems like the perfect chance to break free from this cycle and experience something new."

Melissandra's gaze grew intense as she leaned closer. "I couldn't agree more," she whispered, her voice filled with determination. "I've been feeling trapped in this routine, working at the bank every day, with no real purpose. This opportunity could be a turning point in our lives."

As she spoke, I could sense a shared understanding between us. We were two individuals who had lost touch with the world and yearned for something more. The prospect of joining the special division held the promise of excitement, challenges, and a chance to rediscover ourselves.

"I believe this is our chance to find meaning and purpose," I said, my voice steady and resolute. "We can break free from the shackles of our past and embrace a new path. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it."

Melissandra nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. "You're right ! I don't know what shackles you're talking about but we're gonna do it together."


"Together, we'll embark on this journey and create a future that's beyond our wildest dreams."She said, her voice filled with newfound hope

I firmly shook her hand, sealing our pact. In that moment, I knew that our decision to join the special division was the right one. We were no longer individuals confined by our circumstances; we were now frie- acquaintances, ready to face the unknown and rewrite our destinies.

As we left the bank, the world seemed to shimmer with possibilities. The posters that had initially caught my attention became symbols of a new beginning.