
Eyes Of Destruction

It’s a story about a weak character in which after an incident he gets an over-powered ability.

Noveller_jj_100 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Unleashing the Uncontrollable

As Finn poured milk into a saucepan and set it on the stove to warm, he couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that something had changed within him since the incident with the rhinoceros. The vivid dream, the uncontrollable power it hinted at, and the Archer's intervention had left an indelible mark on his psyche.

He sat at the kitchen table, cradling his warm cup of milk, trying to gather his thoughts. Bruce had gone back to sleep, and the apartment was eerily quiet, except for the soft hum of the refrigerator.

Finn's mind wandered back to the moment when the rhinoceros had targeted him. He remembered how, in a desperate bid to save himself, he had thrown a stone toward the creature, inadvertently diverting its attention away from the bearded man. And then, there was that inexplicable explosion, a sudden end to the creature's rampage.

Could it have been him? Could he have caused that explosion merely by focusing his gaze on the creature? Finn couldn't dismiss the possibility, but it seemed preposterous. He had never possessed any extraordinary abilities before.

Intrigued and slightly frightened by the idea, Finn decided to experiment. He glanced at a nearby potted plant on the windowsill. He concentrated on it, envisioning it disappearing in his mind.

To his shock, the plant began to wither and disintegrate right before his eyes. Panic surged through him as he realized that he could indeed destroy objects by merely looking at them. This was the power he had gained from that meteor.

Finn quickly diverted his gaze from the plant, and as he did, the destruction halted. The plant, however, was reduced to a shriveled, lifeless husk.

He took a few deep breaths, attempting to calm his racing heart. This newfound power was beyond his comprehension. He needed answers, and he needed them fast.

The next morning, Finn confided in Bruce about his ability. Bruce was initially skeptical but, after a few demonstrations, couldn't deny the truth. Together, they decided to research more about the meteor and Finn's unique power.

Their search led them to an ancient legend about a celestial event that had occurred centuries ago, involving meteors and mysterious powers. According to the legend, a select few individuals who came into contact with meteor dust during this event were granted incredible abilities, but these powers were unpredictable and often uncontrollable.

Finn's heart sank as he realized the truth. He was now one of those chosen few, bearing a gift that could be both a blessing and a curse. The legend spoke of a guardian who would emerge when the world faced great peril, and this guardian would possess the power to shape the future.

Finn and Bruce knew they needed guidance. They decided to seek out the Archer, the only person they knew who had faced a similar situation. The Archer had harnessed his abilities and used them for the greater good. He could be their mentor.

As they arrived at the Archer's house, Finn's anxiety mounted. What if his powers spiraled out of control? What if he became a threat to those he cared about? These thoughts haunted him as they knocked on the Archer's door and waited for guidance from the only person who might hold the answers to their questions.

Mike paused for a moment, his eyes flickering with memories of his own struggles with newfound abilities. Then, he continued, "I went through a similar experience when I first gained my powers. It took years of training and self-discovery to harness them effectively. I'm willing to help you both, but you must be committed to this journey."

Finn and Bruce exchanged glances, their determination clear. They understood the gravity of the situation and the need to master Finn's uncontrollable power.

Mike nodded in approval. "Good. The first step is to establish control. Finn, try to focus your mind on a simple task. Pick an object in the room and imagine it changing color. Concentrate on that image."

Finn chose a nearby vase filled with flowers. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and visualized the vase turning from blue to red. Slowly, he opened his eyes, and to his amazement, the vase began to change color, its hue shifting gradually from blue to red.

Mike smiled encouragingly. "You're making progress, Finn. The key is to keep your mind calm and focused. With time, you'll be able to control your powers more effectively."

Over the following weeks, Finn, Bruce, and Mike embarked on a rigorous training regimen. They practiced honing Finn's abilities, gradually expanding the scope of what he could control. Finn learned to manipulate objects, change their properties, and even create barriers of destruction when needed.

As Finn's abilities grew, so did his understanding of the responsibilities that came with them. Mike instilled in him the importance of using his powers for the greater good, emphasizing that they were protectors of their city, Warptown.

One evening, while training in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city, a news report caught their attention. The Undead, a dangerous faction of rogue metahumans, were planning a major attack on Warptown. Their leader, known as The Necromancer, possessed dark powers that threatened the city's safety.

Finn's heart raced as he realized that this was the moment they had been preparing for. He turned to Mike, determination burning in his eyes. "We have to stop them. We can't let The Necromancer destroy our city."

Mike nodded solemnly. "It won't be easy, Finn, but with your abilities and the training you've received, we stand a chance. We'll need to gather allies, form a plan, and be prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead."

Finn, Bruce, and Mike knew that their journey was far from over. The fate of Warptown rested on their shoulders, and they were ready to face the Undead and their formidable leader, The Necromancer, in a battle that would test the limits of Finn's newfound powers and the strength of their bond.

The city of Warptown buzzed with anticipation as the news of the impending attack by the Undead spread like wildfire. Citizens hurriedly fortified their homes, and the Guardian Association went on high alert, preparing for the inevitable clash.

Finn, Bruce, and Mike knew that they couldn't face the Undead alone. They needed allies, and they needed a plan. Their first ally came in the form of Sarah, a brilliant scientist who had been researching metahuman abilities for years. Sarah had developed technology that could help Finn control his powers more effectively. With her assistance, Finn's abilities became more refined, and he could now target his destructive gaze with precision.

Their next ally was the Archer's protege, a skilled marksman named Lana. She had honed her archery skills under Mike's guidance and could deliver pinpoint accuracy with her arrows. Her presence added both firepower and tactical expertise to their team.

As they gathered their small but formidable group of metahumans, they formulated a plan to defend Warptown. The Undead had a history of launching their attacks at night, under the cover of darkness, and they always targeted the city's power grid first to plunge the city into chaos. To counter this, Sarah developed a device that could temporarily disrupt the Undead's ability to manipulate energy, giving the team a crucial advantage.

The night of the attack arrived with an eerie stillness in the air. The streets were empty, and the city's residents had taken shelter in their homes. Finn, Bruce, Mike, Sarah, and Lana stood at the heart of Warptown, ready to defend their city.

As expected, the Undead struck first. Their leader, The Necromancer, emerged from the shadows, his dark presence casting an ominous aura over the battlefield. He raised his hand, and bolts of energy surged toward the city's power grid. But before they could reach their target, Sarah activated her disruptor, causing the energy to dissipate harmlessly into the night.

The Necromancer's eyes narrowed as he realized his plan had been foiled. He gestured to his minions, and the Undead began their assault. Metahumans with various abilities, all corrupted by The Necromancer's dark influence, advanced on the city.

Finn felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders as he gazed at the approaching Undead. It was time to put his training to the test. With a determined focus, he unleashed his powers, causing the ground to tremble beneath the Undead's feet. The streets cracked, and buildings crumbled as his destructive gaze swept through their ranks. The Undead's advance faltered, and panic spread among their ranks.

Lana and Mike coordinated their attacks with precision. Lana's arrows found their marks with deadly accuracy, incapacitating Undead with each shot. Mike, using his crossbow, fired bolts infused with his own metahuman power, creating devastating shockwaves that sent Undead flying.

Bruce, not to be outdone, had developed a unique ability of his own during their training sessions. He could create energy shields to protect their team and deflect attacks. His shields formed an impenetrable barrier, shielding them from the Undead's counterattacks.

Sarah's disruptor continued to wreak havoc among the Undead, preventing them from using their powers effectively. It was a fierce battle, with each member of the team using their unique abilities to push back the relentless assault.

But The Necromancer was no ordinary foe. He unleashed dark energy that enveloped him, shielding him from their attacks. With a sinister grin, he began to counter their efforts, corrupting the very ground beneath their feet. The city's buildings twisted and contorted, becoming grotesque monstrosities under his control.

Finn realized that defeating The Necromancer would be their greatest challenge. He focused all his power on The Necromancer, his gaze intensifying. The ground quaked as The Necromancer's defenses strained against the destructive force bearing down on him.

The battle raged on, with the fate of Warptown hanging in the balance. The Undead continued their relentless assault, and the city's skyline crumbled in the wake of their destructive powers.

As the dust settled and the battle reached its climax, Finn's gaze locked with The Necromancer's. He poured every ounce of his energy into his destructive abilities, determined to overcome this formidable adversary.

With a deafening roar, a blinding explosion erupted from their confrontation. The shockwave rippled through the battlefield, toppling buildings and sending debris flying. When the dust cleared, The Necromancer lay defeated, his dark powers extinguished.

The Undead, now devoid of their leader's control, retreated in disarray. Warptown had been saved, but at a great cost. The city lay in ruins, and its residents faced a long road to recovery.

Finn, Bruce, Mike, Sarah, and Lana stood amidst the destruction, weary but victorious. They had prevailed against the Undead and The Necromancer, but the battle had taken its toll.

In the aftermath, Finn realized the true weight of his abilities and the responsibility that came with them. He had used his powers for the greater good, but he had also witnessed the destructive potential they held.

As they surveyed the city they had fought so hard to protect, Finn knew that their journey was far from over. They would rebuild Warptown, stronger than ever, and continue to stand as its guardians, ready to face whatever challenges the future held.

The sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a glimmer of hope on the battered city. Together, they would forge a new beginning and ensure that the darkness of the Undead would never again threaten their home.

With the dawn of a new day, Warptown emerged from the ashes of the battle against the Undead. The city's residents rallied together to rebuild their homes and restore their lives. Finn, Bruce, Mike, Sarah, and Lana worked tirelessly alongside them, using their abilities to assist in the reconstruction efforts.

The once-devastated city began to take shape once more, but this time it stood as a symbol of resilience and unity. Finn and his team had not only saved Warptown from the Undead but had also inspired the community to come together as never before.

As they worked side by side with the citizens, Finn couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had led them here. He had gone from being an ordinary, weak individual to someone with incredible powers and responsibilities. His initial fear of his own abilities had transformed into a determination to use them wisely and protect those he cared about.

Mike continued to mentor Finn, helping him refine his powers and control. Under Mike's guidance, Finn learned to channel his abilities more precisely, avoiding unintentional destruction. He also delved deeper into understanding the origins of their powers and the ancient legends that surrounded metahumans.

Sarah's scientific expertise proved invaluable in developing technology that enhanced their abilities and protected Warptown. She and Lana formed a dynamic team, constantly pushing the boundaries of what metahumans could achieve when working together.

Bruce, always the loyal friend, had developed his own unique abilities during their battles. He could create energy constructs, forming weapons and tools as needed. His newfound talents were a testament to his determination and the extraordinary circumstances they faced.

Months passed, and Warptown's recovery progressed steadily. The scars of the battle were still visible, but the city's spirit remained unbroken. Finn and his team had become local heroes, a symbol of hope and protection for the citizens.

One evening, as Finn stood on the rooftop of a partially rebuilt skyscraper, gazing out at the city he had come to love, he received a message from Mike. "Meet me at the old observatory tonight," it read. Finn knew that Mike only contacted him when something important was afoot.

Arriving at the observatory, Finn found Mike waiting, his expression grave. "Finn," Mike began, "I've been researching the ancient legends and the origins of our powers. I've discovered something unsettling. The Undead were merely a small part of a much larger threat."

Finn's heart sank as he listened to Mike's revelation. "What do you mean, a larger threat?"

Mike explained, "The legends speak of a cosmic force, an entity known as the Voidbringer. It seeks to consume the energy of metahumans and gain control over their abilities. The Undead were its pawns, but the Voidbringer itself is far more powerful and insidious."

Finn realized the gravity of the situation. They had faced the Undead and The Necromancer, but the true adversary, the Voidbringer, remained a looming menace.

Mike continued, "We must prepare for the inevitable confrontation with the Voidbringer. It will come for us, and we must be ready. I've gathered information on other metahumans across the world who may be able to aid us in this battle. We need to form an alliance, a united front against this cosmic threat."

Finn nodded, his determination unwavering. "We'll do whatever it takes to protect Warptown and the world from the Voidbringer. We'll find these other metahumans and stand together."

The stage was set for a new chapter in their journey. The battle against the Undead had been just the beginning, a precursor to the true test that lay ahead. Finn, Bruce, Mike, Sarah, and Lana were ready to face the cosmic force known as the Voidbringer and protect not only their city but the entire world from its insidious grasp.

As they left the observatory, Finn couldn't help but feel a sense of both trepidation and hope. The road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but they had faced adversity before and emerged stronger. Together, they would stand as guardians of the light, ready to confront the darkness that threatened to consume their world.

With their resolve unshaken, Finn and his team embarked on a quest to locate and unite with other metahumans who might join their fight against the cosmic menace, the Voidbringer. Mike's research had led them to various parts of the world, seeking individuals with extraordinary powers.

Their first stop was in the bustling metropolis of New Horizons, a city known for its thriving metahuman community. There, they encountered Luna, a telepathic empath who could read and influence the emotions of those around her. Luna had long felt the call to join a greater cause, and when she met Finn and his team, she knew her abilities could be a valuable asset.

Next, they journeyed to the remote mountains of Zenith Peak, where they discovered Solara, a metahuman with control over fire and heat. Her fiery powers were a stark contrast to Luna's empathic abilities, and together, they formed an unlikely but potent partnership.

Their travels took them to the mysterious Enigma Island, where they encountered Zephyr, a metahuman with the power to manipulate the very air itself. Zephyr's mastery of wind and weather made him an indispensable addition to their growing team.

The final member of their alliance was found deep within the Amazon rainforest. Terra, a metahuman with the ability to control the earth and plants, emerged as a guardian of the jungle. Her affinity for nature and her protective instincts aligned perfectly with their mission to safeguard the world.

United under a common purpose, the metahumans from different corners of the globe formed a formidable alliance. Each possessed unique powers, and together, they represented a force to be reckoned with.

As they gathered, they received a dire warning from Mike, who had continued his research on the Voidbringer. "The Voidbringer is growing stronger," he explained. "Its influence is spreading, corrupting metahumans and causing chaos across the world. We must act swiftly."

The metahuman alliance devised a plan to confront the Voidbringer. They would draw its attention by disrupting its corrupting influence in various locations, hoping to force it to reveal itself. It was a dangerous gambit, but they had no other choice.

Their first target was an underground facility where the Voidbringer's influence had taken hold of a group of metahumans, turning them into mindless servants. With Luna's empathic abilities, they aimed to break the mental bonds that enslaved these metahumans.

The mission was a perilous one, as they faced not only the corrupted metahumans but also the looming threat of the Voidbringer itself. The battle raged beneath the earth's surface, with Solara's flames, Zephyr's gusts of wind, Terra's control over the earth, and Luna's empathic influence all coming into play.

As they fought valiantly to free the corrupted metahumans, a dark presence began to manifest—the Voidbringer itself. A swirling vortex of cosmic energy materialized, a malevolent force of unimaginable power.

Finn knew that the time had come to put his own abilities to the test. With unwavering determination, he focused his gaze on the Voidbringer, channeling all of his energy and training into a single, intense stare. The ground trembled, and the air crackled with energy as the destructive force of his gaze bore down on the cosmic menace.

The Voidbringer recoiled, its form writhing and contorting as it struggled against Finn's power. It unleashed waves of dark energy, but Luna, using her empathic abilities, projected waves of hope and determination that bolstered their team's resolve.

In the climax of the battle, Finn's destructive gaze clashed with the Voidbringer's cosmic might. The very fabric of reality seemed to warp and bend as their powers clashed.

With a deafening explosion, the Voidbringer's form shattered, dispersing into the cosmos like a dissipating storm. Their victory was hard-fought and costly, but they had defeated the cosmic menace.

The corrupted metahumans were freed from the Voidbringer's influence, and the alliance stood victorious. Yet, the battle had taken its toll, and they were left to contemplate the price of their victory.

As they regrouped and tended to their wounds, Finn couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and gratitude. They had faced the Voidbringer and lived to tell the tale. The world was safe, at least for now.

But they also knew that the threat of the Voidbringer would always linger, waiting for an opportunity to return. Their alliance remained vigilant, ready to stand against the cosmic forces that sought to disrupt the balance of their world.

Finn and his team had come a long way from their humble beginnings, and their journey was far from over. With each battle, they grew stronger, and with each challenge, they forged bonds that could withstand the most formidable of adversaries.

As they looked to the future, Finn knew that they would face more trials and tribulations, but they would face them together, as a united force of metahumans, guardians of the world, ready to confront whatever darkness threatened to consume their world.

In the wake of their victory against the Voidbringer, Finn and his team continued to stand vigilant, watching over the world and protecting it from metahuman threats. They had become a beacon of hope, a symbol of unity, and an unwavering line of defense against cosmic forces that sought to disrupt the balance of their world.

Months turned into years, and the metahuman alliance faced various challenges that tested their abilities and resolve. They thwarted a rogue metahuman who had sought to use his powers for personal gain, prevented a catastrophe caused by a malfunctioning metahuman technology, and even aided in disaster relief efforts when natural disasters threatened entire regions.

However, a new threat loomed on the horizon, one that was insidious and far-reaching. Reports of metahumans disappearing under mysterious circumstances began to surface. These disappearances spanned across different countries and cities, and the victims all had one thing in common—each had shown remarkable powers.

Finn, Mike, Luna, Solara, Zephyr, and Terra realized that they were dealing with an unseen adversary, one that operated in the shadows, abducting metahumans for an unknown purpose.

Their investigation led them to a clandestine organization known as the Metahuman Blackout Initiative (MBI). This organization had been secretly capturing metahumans and suppressing their powers using advanced technology. The captured metahumans were imprisoned in hidden facilities, their abilities neutralized.

The MBI's motives were unclear, but it was evident that they posed a grave threat to metahuman-kind. The alliance knew that they had to take action to stop the MBI and rescue the captured metahumans.

Their first step was to infiltrate one of the MBI's facilities, located in an underground complex hidden beneath an abandoned research facility. With Luna's empathic abilities, they gathered information on the facility's layout and security protocols.

Under the cover of darkness, they launched a coordinated assault on the facility. Solara's flames cut through the reinforced steel doors, Zephyr created a gust of wind that disoriented the guards, and Terra manipulated the earth to create a path inside.

Inside the facility, they encountered the imprisoned metahumans, their powers suppressed and their hope dwindling. Luna's empathic abilities came into play once more as she projected waves of reassurance and strength, rekindling their determination to escape.

As the battle raged on, Finn's gaze targeted the MBI's technology, causing it to malfunction and freeing the captive metahumans from their power-suppressing restraints. With their abilities restored, the liberated metahumans joined the fight against the MBI.

A fierce confrontation ensued, with metahumans from both sides clashing in an epic battle of abilities. Finn and his team fought with unwavering resolve, their goal clear—to dismantle the MBI and ensure that no metahuman would ever be subjected to their tyranny again.

In the midst of the chaos, the MBI's leader, a metahuman known as "The Puppetmaster," emerged. He possessed the ability to control the minds of others, manipulating them like puppets on strings. The Puppetmaster sought to turn the tide of the battle in his favor, using his powers to control members of both teams.

Finn realized that they were facing a formidable adversary, one who could manipulate their thoughts and actions. With Luna's guidance, they devised a strategy to protect their minds from The Puppetmaster's influence.

As The Puppetmaster attempted to seize control of Finn's mind, Luna established a psychic barrier, shielding his thoughts and emotions. Finn's focused gaze then targeted The Puppetmaster, his destructive power surging forward. The Puppetmaster struggled to maintain control as Finn's energy bore down on him.

With a deafening burst of energy, The Puppetmaster's control faltered, and he was overwhelmed by the sheer force of Finn's power. He lay defeated, his mind unable to withstand the relentless assault.

The MBI's forces, now leaderless, began to crumble. The remaining members surrendered, and the captive metahumans were freed once and for all. The alliance had succeeded in dismantling the organization and putting an end to their reign of terror.

As they stood amidst the wreckage of the MBI facility, Finn and his team knew that they had faced a grave threat and emerged victorious. They had protected their fellow metahumans and ensured that the world would no longer live in fear of the MBI.

Their journey had been marked by battles against cosmic forces, ancient legends, and secret organizations. Yet, with each trial, they had grown stronger and more united. They had become true guardians of the metahuman world, ready to confront any threat that dared to challenge the balance of their world.

The world remained oblivious to their efforts, and the alliance continued to operate from the shadows, safeguarding humanity from the unseen threats that lurked in the darkness. As they looked to the future, they knew that their journey was far from over, and that new challenges awaited them on the horizon.

But they faced the unknown with unwavering determination, united as a force for good in a world that needed their protection. Together, they stood as a beacon of hope, ready to face whatever darkness threatened to consume their world, their bonds stronger than ever.