
Eye System in RWBY

Our MC used to be an idol, singing, dancing and seducing were all in the job description. Unfortunately, a fan was a bit too enthusiastic about him and kidnapped him. Spending time in a crazy woman's sex dungeon was surprisingly fun but that’s beside the point. He ended up dying to a different woman that had found him chained up. Without explanation, he woke up in a far more attractive body in a world full of attractive women. There is no world better suited for out protagonist. …He also had an Eye Power System but who cares.

BillNyeThePGGuy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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93 Chs

Date with Blake

Gojo ended his flirts with Pyrrha and returned to his dorm. To his surprise, Rumi, Yoruichi and the whole of team RWBY was there.

"A girl's night?" He asked.

"Not really. Just talking about a common interest..." Rumi bit her lip while looking at Gojo, sending a very obvious message.

"Is that so? Can I join in this discussion?" Gojo asked with a knowing smile.

"Nope!" Weiss directly objected.

"Yeah, this isn't a 'guy' thing." Yoruichi giggled. She was just trolling for no good reason.

"How about this? Spin the bottle and whoever it lands on goes on a date with him! Then the rest will go out on a girl's night!" Yang suggested.

"Yay!" Ruby was happy with either option, so she happily exclaimed.

"Do you girls even have a bottle?" Gojo asked.

Yang then promptly pulled out an empty plastic of orange juice out of nowhere. Seeing that Blake and Weiss weren't participating, the rest of the girls formed the circle encompassing them in the circle.

Without their permission, Yang then spun the bottle with a smile on her face.

The plastic bottle spun around violently and flipped directly on Blake.

"It seems the Bottle Gods favor you, Blake!" Yoruichi cheered.

"I'll happily give this gracious reward to anyone else." Blake sarcastically spoke. Yoruichi heard this and beckoned Blake close to her.

"I heard what happened this morning from Yang." She spoke. Blake shot a venomous glare towards Yang who happily began inspecting the ceiling. "I'll happily take your spot, but I'm not good at keeping secrets." Yoruichi blackmailed.

Hearing this, Blake couldn't help but want to kill the girl in front of her, but she had to prepare for the date.

The rest of the girls left the second Blake started getting ready, so she was alone with her thoughts.

Strands of doubt surfaced in her mind, but not in the way you'd expect. Blake knew she could simply not turn up to the date if she truly didn't want to go, but there were two main reasons she was going anyway.

Firstly, the story that her mother told her surfaced in her mind whenever she so much as glanced at Gojo. The thought that she'd lose her mind and fuck him regardless of the consequences scared her.

And secondly, there's probably no one else she'd rather be stuck in this position with. Looking at it logically, Gojo was good enough as a lover to attract many women. There's obviously a reason they all stuck around, and she'd find that out pretty soon.

Gojo already told her they wouldn't be going to a fancy restaurant or anything like that. Not for the first date at least. Instead, they were going to the park. It was becoming night, so not many would be there. And having a relaxing night out is a good break from all the huntress training.

Gojo grabbed Blake's hand and they set off around the large park. Looking around, Blake was reminded of her hometown. Covered in greenery and shrubbery but also having the main paths carved out for them. A perfect mix of nature and man.

Neither of them spoke while walking around. Blake's mind was filled with memories and Gojo wasn't going to knock her out of that state.

The environment was quite serene, the only disturbances were the sounds of the city that surrounded them. The both of them made their way to a bench after buying a drink for either of them.

Gojo made sure to hold her hand while they sipped away at their drinks, looking towards the sky.

"It's beautiful tonight." Blake commented.

"It is." He agreed.

"It's similar to where I used to live." She spoke.

"Same." He replied.

"Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" She asked. He had only agreed with her so far.

"Of course, I am. I used to live in a cabin in a forest, pretty isolated from everything. How about you?" He asked.

"I used to live in a large settlement in Menagerie. We were completely surrounded by woods and forest, but paths cut through it and clearings were created for houses and markets." She spoke.

"It sounds like you hold it dear to your heart." Gojo spoke.

"I do." Blake replied. "I was happy about everything before I got sucked into the White Fang." She spoke.

"You're fine with telling me about it?" He asked.

"Since the fight with Weiss, I've felt the urge to spill about it. Everyone else seems to trust you, so I thought I'd see if I could as well." She told him. Obviously, her decision to tell him wasn't thought out like this, she was just justifying her dumb decision.

"Then I won't tell a soul." Gojo promised.

"Thank you." Blake spoke.

"What happened while you were a member?" He asked.

"...at the beginning, the White Fang were simply advocates for equality. Unfortunately, as leaders changed and ideologies differed, we turned into... this." She sighed.

After hesitating for a second, Gojo placed his arm around the back of Blake's neck.

"I guess that's what happens when crazy people are allowed to speak the loudest." He commented. She nodded.

"That's an understatement." She looked down in grief. "I thought I fell in love with some dickhead. Once I tried to leave, he tried to kill me and successfully killed my dad." She confessed.

Noticing tears wallow at the edges of her eyes, Gojo pulled her into a hug. There really isn't anything you can say to cheer somebody up when they tell you something like that, so he simply acted as a shoulder to cry on.

Blake quietly cried into the chest of Gojo for a couple of minutes. The dark of the night helped to obscure passersby from seeing the cute cat girl crying.

Eventually, Blake's sobs turned into sniffles. However, even once she finished crying, she didn't separate from Gojo's chest.

He soon realized that Blake was using this opportunity. She was sniffing Gojo. Most Faunus have a heightened sense of smell. And cat-girls in particular find a mate and stick with them until one of them dies. Now... what happens when you combine these two facts?

You get a Blake that spends 15mins using her nose to take in as much of Gojo's scent as possible. He suspected that she all of a sudden went from crying to sniffing because she was in a vulnerable mental state, but she could have just gotten horny being close to him. Yoruichi definitely could relate to the latter option.

"Y'know, you could've just asked and I would've let you." He spoke up. Blake froze like a deer in headlights after being awoken from her stupor.

"..." She didn't reply.

"Listen Blake. No one is going to shame you for being attracted to me. We're both adults, right?" He asked. She gave a shy nod. "Then what's the problem with it? We don't need to love each other at first."

He spoke as he leaned in towards her face. Seeing what he wanted, Blake didn't know what to do. So, instead of pushing him away or rising to meet him halfway, she simply waited.

And, surely enough, Gojo's lips planted on hers. Despite what he said about not needing to fall in love, Blake could tell it wouldn't be long until she fell. A combination of a failed first love and her race's special features she recently found out about almost guaranteed that Gojo would swipe her of her feet, and Blake knew that.

She instantly felt her heart jump in excitement. The longer she stayed in the kiss, the further she wanted to lean into it.

Then, she felt Gojo's tongue at the entrance of her lips. She let him in without thinking twice.

"Alright, grab the tow cables!" A voice could be heard.

At first the two love-birds ignored it. Their tongue action was far too important to let some annoyances get in the way.

"Hey! What's the hold up?" Another voice spoke. Once again, they ignored it.

"No, you idiot! This isn't a leash! What the fuck-" The voice that they heard all of a sudden had a blade to his throat.

I have 10 advanced chapters on my pat reon.

https://www.pat reon.com/BillNyeTheHentaiGuy

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