
Eye of the Moon Plan in RWBY

A boy who cursed the world for its harshness and hated the cruel reality he lives in, unlike everyone else who is living happy lives with money, love and safe from what truly lurks around. He envy's how they don't have to feel the fear of death almost everyday or be killed. Watching the beliefs of Madara Uchiha and his dream, he wondered why anyone would turn down the offer to live in a dream world such as that. Committing suicide, he decided to leave the world in hopes of never suffering anymore. However, once he dies, a god decides to help him start the Eye of the Moon Plan in another world. Cinder Fall x Male

AyanoChibi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Prologue 3: The Silver-Eyed Faunas

As the years passed, Y/N grew older and closer with Vinshki, but still worked to carry out his plans. In those years Y/N became stronger and faster than most huntsman and huntresses. He encountered many people with different semblance's which would come of use in the future to rebuild the Akatsuki.

But, however those notions of his failed as he realised how pathetically naive everyone is. He realised why Salem could only collect so few valuable pawns to join her side at the moment.

Y/N tried to so hard, but only got so far as he looked for people. These ideals of becoming some sort of hero infuriated him as they're simply leading themselves to their deaths. And so, as soon as they rejected Y/N, they were killed once the word 'no' had came out from their mouths.

Sighing, Y/N looked at the faunas in front of him. This was no ordinary faunas as it was a silver eyed warrior, one he encountered a few days ago. But as Y/N tried to negotiate or bring him to his side, the faunas rejected his idea like the others, not willing to kill anyone even if they are human.

Vinshki- 'How disappointing, he would've made a great ally.'

"If you don't plan to join me, then there's no reason for you to exist." Y/N said in his Madara voice as he walked towards the faunas.

"Hmph, don't think I'll go down that easily."

As the faunas attacked with multiple slashes, he was surprised to see it all go through Y/N. Grabbing his neck, Y/N simply looked at him with his Sharingan, instilling the fear of death into the faunas. Eyes going wide and starting to shake, the faunas tried to slash his arm, only to phase through it. However, it also forced Y/N to let go of the silver eyed warrior. Jumping back, he sighed in relief before wiping west off his forehead.

His eyes started glowing as he looked at Y/N, who spoke. "So your going to use your eyes."

"Not even the strongest Grimm I've fought against survived this, and you won't as well."

"I see... then I guess I should prepare myself."

As Y/N says this, he takes off his right glove, revealing a diamond mark on his palm. Soon tattoos appeared all over his hand and unseen to the faunas, the tattoos spread throughout his arm.

Vinshki- 'Get ready Y/N.'

Vinshki warned him of the incoming attack, making Y/N raise his hand in front of him with his palm out.


A loud scream came from the faunas as a brilliant white light appears from him in the shape of wings, the radial flash of light coming directly from his eyes. As the white light goes towards Y/N, enveloping him, it can be seen that the light is slowly decreasing in power and being absorbed. However soon Y/N's left hand clutches his right arm as it starts to overwhelm him. Closing his right eye and opening it, which revealed a ripple pattern forming in his eye.

Soon the light dies down as the faunas is out of breath and is on his fours breathing heavily. When using the power of the the silver eye, it relies on emotions and the willpower of the user, inevitably draining them. As the faunas looks up, his eyes widen in fear and disbelief when he sees Y/N standing there with smoking coming from his right arm.

The tattoos that were once there were disappearing, leaving the diamond shaped mark on his palm. But what he was focusing on was the eye of Y/N. It was no longer red with commas in it, but purple with a ripple in it. He couldn't help but feel like an ant when under its gaze. No, just some lowly life form.

Vinshki- 'You almost had it, but your still not ready to use the power of the karma to its full extent.'

'I know. It's obvious when I had to activate my Rinnegan at the last second.'

As Y/N says this, the ripples on his eyes disappear as his Mangekyou Sharingan appears instead.

"H-how? I-it should be impossible to survive. N-no. Your absorbed it! How many semblances do you have?! And that eye—!"

The faunas's yelling and questions were stopped when he simply sees his masked target disappear into the ground. He looks around as he slowly tries to stand up, but is stopped short when he feels someone place their hand on his right shoulder. Looking back, he sees those eyes, the cold eyes that seem to embrace death itself.

That was his last thought as he felt his consciousness fade, while Y/N sucked him into his dimension.

Vinshki- 'Your not going to kill him?'

As Y/N went to pick up his glove and put it back on, Vinshki had asked him a question.

'Salem's been experimenting with her powers and the Grimm for a while now to see whether or not she can use them to her advantage against Ozpin.'

Vinshki- 'So you're planning to give the faunas to her, so she can what, turn her into some human Grimm.'

Vinshki- 'I don't really care what she does with him, but since I wasn't able to assemble the Akatsuki, I'm gonna have to join her. It should be easy since we have a common enemy and want the same thing.'

Vinshki- 'I see, and as a proof of your loyalty, you'll be giving that lowlife to her.'


As Y/N goes into his Kamui dimension and sees the sleeping faunas, he ties him up before sitting down and preparing his next steps. Contemplating for a few moments, Y/N teleports out and appears at the top of of Atlas academy. Phasing into the ground he stops to appear in the hallways.

Looking to the corner he sees a camera slowly turning towards him. Not bothering to hide, he continues walk down the hallway and looks for the command centre. Simply phasing through the doors, he appears in front of everyone.

"W-what the?! Who the hell are you?!"

"Hey you can't be here!"

Two people yelled after seeing Y/N and shouted, dragging everyone's attention to him. Y/N simply ignored them and approached a computer, seeing someone sitting on a chair, he picks them up by the collar and throws them at a wall. Sitting down on the chair, Y/N starts typing away, looking for the vault.

"Hey are you listening!"

As someone tries to grab him, they immediately fall down in pain, seeing a hand lodged into their stomach.

"All units! We have an intruder in the command centre, Code Orange! We need immediate back up and medics!"

Someone pressing the button of a radio, yelled into it, contacting for help. As Y/N was done as there was a restricted are only for Ironwood. Y/N immediately knew this is where the vault is. Standing up and destroying the computer, Y/N gets ready to walk out the door, but he sees it open and a bunch of men holding guns at him come through.

"Get on your knees right now!" Ignoring him, Y/N keeps walking. "Stand down or we shoot."

Y/N simply walks passed the man speaking and as he did, the man just fell flat onto the ground, beheaded. No, instead of behead, his head popped and blood splattered everywhere.

"What are you waiting for?! SHOOT HIM!!"

A man yelled, as everyone who was stunned at the display, were brought back to the real world and started shooting at Y/N. However, Y/N had used Kamui in the midst of the shooting and disappeared, reappearing at the vault, underneath the academy.

As he looked up at the door, he began walking towards it and stairs had appeared, letting him walk up towards the vault door. Arriving at the front door, Y/N put out his hand on it and touched it. Y/N starts walking and tries to phase through, however all that happened was him appearing on the other side of the door. No relic, no other world behind the door. It's seems like the maidens are needed either way to activate it.

What a pain.


General Ironwood walked into the command centre 10 minutes after Y/N left, but in time to see the medics take 2 dead bodies away. As he looked around, he sees blood splattered on the floor and a destroyed desk. Looking to his left, he sees Winter Schnee approach him with a tablet in her hand, as she addressed him;

"Sir! We were able to gain footage of what had happened."

"Show me."

As Ironwood stated this, he looked at the video. It showed an empty hallway and as the camera turned away and turned back to it, a man with an orange mask was there.

"We don't know how he got in, this is the only video of him when he somehow appeared in Atlas. He then somehow phases through the wall and appears in the command centre. But we don't know how he did this."

As Winter explained to her General, she continued to play the video. It showed Y/N getting up from the chair and walking past the armed soilders. But then one of them just suddenly had their heads burst and pop like a ballon.

"Any idea how he did that?" Ironwood asked.

"No sir, that's still a mystery. Possibly some semblance that hasn't been heard of yet." Winter replied.

Ironwood nodded and asked another question. "What was he looking for?"

"No idea sir, he just vanished into thin air like he wasn't even hear."

"I see."

Ironwood started walking away and went into his office and sat down. He then took out his scroll and looked at the footage of his person camera he has watching the vault underground.

"It looks like this masked individual was after the relic but couldn't open the vault. If he had then Atlas would have started falling." Ironwood muttered to himself.

Sighing, Ironwood rubbed his temples and called the headmaster of Beacon, Ozpin, to inform him of this situation. Ironwood just hoped that it was one of Salem's and not anyone new into the fray, after the relics.