
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · Fantaisie
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179 Chs


"There is man single man waving a flag down at the base of the hill, what should we do?"

Vera listened to the message, and thought it over. He could be trying to scout their strength, posing as a messenger or merchant. They were all paranoid of the enemy finding out how few of them were defending the position, after all they lost many from the last battle. It was only a few days after her first death knight, and honestly they all wished to have more of them.

"I will go and meet him with a dozen soldiers and a group of undead, everyone must wear a mask!"

She knew they could leak the fear in their eyes by wearing mask it would be covered, and give a strong impression. If they couldn't be strong, they would try their hardest to pretend to be. Quickly a group formed with Brooke leading them, he made them all go shirtless to show they weren't rotting undead.

"That's something new."

The messenger sent by the Zotts family, watched a group of half naked men come down with a succubus in the center. Behind them was a group of undead with two death knights in their signature all black armor and single pitch black swords, it was like pervert show. The succubus didn't help the situation dressed with her body mostly exposed, she walked upright like the leader too.

"Greetings great elder, the Zotts family sends it's regards."

He bowed down, showing respect. The Succubus nodded but remained silent, awkwardly he waited for a response since it was the expected thing.

"Vera, I am an elder of the Monroe family. Speak your business man from the Zotts family."

Her tone was serious, with no play. But he responded like a merchant at a stall, not afraid of the half naked masked men around him.

"I am here to purchase your method of defending your hill, of course we can provide you with resources, gold, and even valuable information for it."

He went to the point, she remained silent at his request but eventually she responded slowly.

"By next year I will fully inform you, if that is acceptable."

He knew the offer wasn't good enough, the technique to defend the royal hammer was sought after by too many to hide it for a year. So he offered something he was prepared to use in this situation.

"I understand you need to defend this location, but if you share the method of defending partially, we will guarantee nobody will attack this place for half a year."

Vera was stunned at the offer, not fully handing over the trench technique but partially for so long in safety. It was like a beacon of hope, but she held it down. If this was all a lie they would die, painfully too. She spoke slowly stressing each word.

"I need proof to trust your word."

"I will send you three royal hammers, and black powder to use them. Will that be enough?"

She glanced at Brooke but he was confused, the royal hammer must be the cannons. The name to them was new, but she was somewhat confident they could use them even if they are small.


"Perfect! I will have them here before the end of the week, now I must bid you adieu."

He walked away without any of them stopping him, he sent the order away to bring the royal hammers. This was all according the script Issac Zotts prepared, they all fell for it so easily.