
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · Fantaisie
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First Sight

(Christopher)"Sir Rohn, do you swear until your last breath to stand for family through crime and justice!"

(Rohn)"I do sir!"

(Christopher)"Do you swear that even if your eternal soul must be dragged to hell with the family you shall go loyally!"

(Rohn)"I do sir!"

Finished with the knighting ceremony he felt it odd what the included but thought it was a cultural thing, so just thought it was just all talk. He was still kneeling when the sword tapped his shoulders signifying it was official, and gentle applause by the other attending knights filled the room.

(Stranger)"Mister would you have any idea for smoother carriage rides, I just love visiting the country side."

(Rohn)"I have a few, just needs to be tested out."

On his side was the extrovert youngest princess, she had similar blond hair to her mother and was the most outgoing to him. The three brothers talked with him briefly mostly focusing on more cannons, or stuff like cannons he might make. But the princess and him just enjoyed the simple pleasantry of talking, they were a bit apart in age.

(Rohn)"The carriages of today mainly just use an axel together with chasie, there is no suspension used or attention to detail for the wheel or tire as they."

(Princess)"I wonder how you learned so many things sir Rohn, you are like a well learned scholar in some things."

(Rohn)"I have said many times, I do invent but mostly I use what I learned through my life. Many great things are used all over the world, just not used to their full potential."

It was a strange feeling, unlike everyone who made him bored with talking with or got in his way of projects she was just fun to be around. It was just enjoyable talking with her, it felt no different to the fun of a new finished gadget. Although their ages were more than far apart, with her being a young teen and him in his early thirties, they bonded the most in the party.

(Stranger1)"Sir Rohn might turn into a prince at this rate"

(Stranger2)"I believe so, just look at the two."

They were being watched by the others as they mingled openly, it was clear to them as outsiders it was more then just simple first meeting. But the two in question didn't notice at all, and they didn't disturb them.

(Eldest Princess)"Good, that little rut can't do anything about time she did something useful."

(Christopher)"Watch your tone, that is your youngest sister."

The eldest princess despite being born a girl rose to great prominence as a female general and stood out in war zones proudly since youth, while the youngest just stayed at home like a flower. They never liked each other, but the youngest had the support of three brothers who kept her in a safe bubble.

(Eldest son)"This is good, Sir Rohn will just need to prove a military merit and he can marry into the family. Perhaps we should send out an expedition for the religious conflict in the north west."

(Christopher)"No, patience is key, wait for him to reveal more about himself so we know his character more."

The king and the second eldest his son who was a knight were discussing in low tones, they needed to know if Rohn was the right man for her. Or other than his ideas if the man had the right interest to be forever a member of their family.