
Eye of Ice

Noah has been through a considerable amount throughout his life. Losing his entire family to a decree from the king of Winterguard to kill all magic users, he is taken in by a kind couple and given a second chance to live his life. Despite this second chance, Noah is essentially forced to grow up early as life continues to throw different situations his way. Everyone expects great things of Noah. Even so, he doesn't know himself if he wants to be a hero. Will he be able to gain the resolve he needs to constantly protect the ones he loves?

Danyul · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Heaven's Peak

When they got to the mountain, Noah and David immediately began their climb. Initially they had planned to rest, but they were only about two hours into their day and were well rested enough to start. Heaven's Peak's shape was strange in regards to the fact that there was no section that needed to be actually climbed up. The main danger was the constant blizzard that was always ongoing at medium to high points on the mountain. It's only possible to see a short distance in front of you, so Noah and David were attached to each other by a rope, making sure they wouldn't get easily separated. Nothing lived on the mountain, so the only danger should be the cold and lack of visibility.

The climb had been uneventful until about ten minutes in, when suddenly the base of the mountain was suddenly not visible.

Noah: "Um, why can't we see the bottom anymore?"

David: "It's probably the Titan's curse, guess we went far enough for it to activate. Now you really need to stick with me so we can get to the dwelling of the Titan's of Ice."

Anytime David spoke, he would always mention the Titan's of Ice. Despite knowing of the curse, he didn't know the specifics of it. Just wanting the final destination to be the dwelling should be enough to get them there without being eternally lost, but David didn't want to chance it.

Noah: "You said we might be able to get to where we need to be in one go, but shouldn't getting to the top take a lot longer?"

David: "We just need to get to the Titan's of Ice specifically, not the peak. This mountain is the tallest in the country, so it's a good thing we don't have to go that far."

Noah: "How do we even know for sure where we're going right now?"

David: "I was left with the general idea of what to do. Once we hike high enough, we'll enter the blizzard zone. Apparently we just need to keep walking forward when that happens and we'll get to the Titan's of Ice."

Noah: "Can we really just walk straight and get there?"

David: "The blizzard will be difficult to get through, but it's mainly just there to throw off travelers and make them question their sense of direction. Direction doesn't matter is what I was told, as long as you keep going forward with the resolve to meet the Titan's of Ice, we'll be fine."

It took about two days to hike up to the blizzard point. They might have been able to rush it in one go, but Noah was only so physically capable, so they had to make stops to rest for a while.

David: "Alright here we are, just keep thinking about the Titan's of Ice and even if we somehow lose each other, you should be fine."

Noah: "Okay, let's do this!"

With their journey's main destination so close, spirits were higher than ever. It was a little harder to breathe at this point of the mountain, so likely the two would have to take a multitude of breaks for Noah's sake. Continuously walking forward, three days had passed.

Noah: "I thought this would have taken a day at most."

David: "We just need to be safe. No need to rush to it, the Titans shouldn't be going anywhere."

Noah: "Do the Titans live forever or something? Because now that I think about it, you said they met your ancestors hundreds of years ago."

David: "They are immortal in terms of age, but I believe wounds can still kill them. Realistically, no one has probably met them since my ancestor first did."

Noah: "Wonder if it's as boring in their place as it is sitting in this tent."

The two continued to talk until they went to sleep. Noah's nightmares had been a slight annoyance through the trip, but in the blizzard zone the sounds of the wind were usually able to drown out the sound of Noah suddenly waking up in the night. Once both of them were rested and awake, they continued their trek. Both of them accept that there is no going back now. The blizzard quickly covers any and all footprints that the two make, and it isn't a guarantee that turning back would allow them to escape since it would indicate that they no longer have the resolve to meet the Titans.

The pair went through another day of the blizzard zone without reaching the Titans of Ice.

Noah: "This is sort of annoying."

David: "Good things come to those who wait, kid."

Noah let out a sigh.

Noah: "Another question, am I even actually able to get the Ice magic if I were to pass the trial?"

David: "Oh... I can't believe I didn't think of that possibility until now."

Noah: "I wasn't born with magic, so maybe I'm not able to earn it or something."

David: "That's something we'll have to ask when we get there. Glad you brought that up though."

Noah: "If I can't I guess that makes the choice of me wanting to be a hero or not a lot easier if you end up failing."

David: "Usually you're not so pessimistic. If it is getting to you, just forget the hero stuff for now, I've told you a million times you don't have to do it."

Noah: "I can't help but bring it up. Other than getting to the Titans, it's the only thing in my head right now."

David: "Let's just get to sleep and forget about it for right now."

After waking up, the two continued to trudge onward for around six hours. Eventually, their hopes shot high. Multiple times they had passed caves with nothing in them, but this was undeniable. Not too much farther ahead was the end of the blizzard. Once they reached the edge, they easily left the blizzard. It was strange to see the wind and snow being specifically contained to an area. Regardless, right in front of them was obviously their goal. There was a large set of doors in the side of the mountain with a snowflake pattern decorating it.

Noah: "Finally, we made it!"

Noah was more excited then David to finally be out of the blizzard and to be at the dwelling.

David: "It took a while, but here we are..."

Noah started to walk forward, but David stopped him.

Noah: "What's wrong?"

David: "We don't know if it's safe to walk forward or not. Stay by my side while we walk forward."

David then cut the rope holding them together for easier movement. Even after cutting the rope, David kept his sword unsheathed. He wasn't taking any chances after coming this far with nearly zero issues to speak of.

The two slowly started to walk forward. The most worrying thing was the two parallel rocks opposite each other, making it seem like some sort of gate. David and Noah passed the rocks. The instant that they did, the sky instantly darkened with storm clouds and the wind slightly picked up. Looking up, they could see a ball of electricity and ice forming in the center of the swirling clouds. After about ten seconds, lightning struck from the side of the rocks closer to the blizzard. David and Noah were both in shock and fear at what stood looking at them.

Noah: "I don't think that's a Titan."

David: "I have a feeling it isn't either..."

Before them had appeared a creature that looks straight out of myth. It was a large bipedal monster about the size of two of David, who was tall in his own respects. It had white hair on most of its body except for the face, which had black skin and entirely white eyes. It was drooling and seemed to have extremely sharp teeth. The claws it had were also something to be careful of.

David: "Noah, stand back..."

David stepped forward with his sword in hand and took a fighting stance. Noah backed up to the door to keep his distance.

The monster roared loudly at David's challenge, to which David replied to with a shout of his own as they ran towards each other with the intent to kill. If David failed here, forget the trial, forget the country's fate; it would be the end of both of them.