
Eye of Aragos: The Darkness comes

[ ... In a momentous evening, Christopher Salvatore, a compassionate person who often feels manipulated by others, experiences a profound change when he encounters a mysterious woman. In a twist of fate, this unexpected meeting grants Christopher supernatural abilities as a vampire, forever altering the trajectory of his life. Not knowing what powers he owns, he later discovers that there is an individual residing within his very soul. The individual is known as Ardelean, a servant of The Darkness, the embodiment of Evil, who possesses an intense thirst for revenge upon his previous love partner, The Light. After Christopher is chosen by Ardelean to become his host, The Darkness is determined to possess Christopher's body and unleash its vengeance upon the Universe. If such an event occurs, his life will be lost. However... Is that truly going to happen? Or Christopher breaks free from his puppet strings and emerges as an indomitable Vampire, striking fear into the hearts of all in the Universe ... ] ________________________ ! Warning: Narcissism, Manipulation, and other Toxic behaviors are present in the later development of this book together with R-18 Chapters ! ! Reader is advised ! ________________________ [ Cover is mine. All covers are made by myself or at least edited if they are done by someone else. If an Author wants, I'll change it but only if you have proof the cover is yours :) ] ________________________ [ This story is fiction and any connection to the RW is mere coincidence... ]

Patrik_Crown · Fantaisie
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88 Chs

Forbidden Love

After leaving Vlad's castle, Elizabeth, Isobel, and Celeste returned to the Báthory mansion with satisfied smiles. Not only that they get the money they needed to pay the unknown person for contacting their son-in-law, Vlad even demanded to pay the entire price.

The only thing they didn't know was why.

"What do you think? Why did Vlad wanted to pay the entire price? " Celeste asked.

"I don't know, he always makes his moves in the shadows. The only one who will probably know something is Conrad. After all, Vlad is telling him almost everything." Elizabeth replayed while opening the main door of her mansion.

"Of course, he will know it, or at least something more than we. As the King's right hand, it's his privilege to know every plan or dirty secret Vlad is hiding..." Isobel spoke and then added:

"But what is more interesting is your reaction Elizabeth."

"What do you mean? " Elizabeth narrowed her eyes.

"Back in the castle when Vlad forbade us to have any closer relationship with Christopher than we have now, you acted strangely."

"Yeah, what did you mean by 'It's not you who decides that or something like that." Celeste perfectly mimicked Elizabeth's tone of voice and posture she had.

For a long minute, Elizabeth stared at those two women, until she said: "I don't know what you are talking about," turned and started walking deeper into the mansion, pretending to don't know about it.

"You are feeling something towards him, don't you? " Isobel said as she looked deeply on Elizabeth's back.

"Hah, he just saved me from the Second Inquisition Vampire hunters and is making my daughter happy, that's all! " Elizabeth spoke and started walking again, entering her daughter's room where everyone was already awaiting them.

Celeste and Isobel facepalmed: "Woman, do you think we are blind? " they thought together but didn't voice their thoughts and just entered the room silently.

"Alice, did you find the info we need? " Elizabeth dropped the subject and asked instead.

Taking a step, her gaze shifted to a woman leaning against the balcony door in front of her.

"Yes, here," Alice handed Elizabeth a small piece of paper with written information about the person they were looking for.

The woman leaning against the glass door suddenly turned and showed her beautiful, mature expression to the entire room.

Her blond hair was tied into a ponytail and she was wearing an old-fashioned pair of emerald green dress.

"Hello Elizabeth, you called me, I'm here." the woman said with a smile, adding: "What service do you want from me? "

"Hi Jeane, I need you to find a person named Seth Blake..."

"Seth Blake? What do you need from him? " Jeane narrowed her eyes as the green magic circle, rotating in her eyes, started glowing dangerously green.

"This type of information will cost you something in return Jeane," Celeste spoke as she approached Elizabeth and stood behind her.

Facing the blond woman from Elizabeth's left side, she was sneakily giving Elizabeth a small, unknown device.

"Are you willing to pay for it Jeane? " this time, it was Isobel who spoke and repeated Celeste's action, just on the other side.

So now, the three Countesses were directly facing the Witch who shuddered after hearing what they said.

She was extremely greedy but now, her curiosity was more than money and it was reaching extreme levels.

"That must be really juicy information if you are so secretive about it. Even your daughter and other girls didn't want to tell me why I am here..."

"You have no idea," Elizabeth smiled mischievously and then added: "How about a deal? "

"What deal? " Jeane quickly asked. She would do almost anything to get her hands on that information.

"I'll tell you the information you want and you'll tell me everything you know about where is a woman named Maria Salvatore, or as others used to call her, The white witch of Earth."

While saying this, Elizabeth sneakily clicked the button on the device Celeste gave her.

It was small so Jeane didn't see or hear anything, but she was the only one.

Every other individual, all Vampires, which were Alice, Vicki, Rose, Celeste, Claudia, Isobel, Sophia, Evie, the maids, and Elizabeth heard it perfectly.

"You know what, I need to be somewhere else right now. See ya," spoke Jeane as she quickly tried to open a portal somewhere else but... her magic wasn't working.

"Ohhh Jeane, you sneaky witch. Did you really think we would let you go after knowing so much information? " Elizabeth said with a wide, predatory smile.

"Even when you don't know the main details and reasons for this gathering, the smaller ones you heard would be enough for you to cause chaos and we don't want that."

"Why is my magic not working? What did you DO?! " Jeane shouted, panicking. The worst thing someone can do to a Witch is to forbid her from using her own magic. After all, without magic, they'll become regular, powerless humans.

"Stop shouting bitch and answer the question we asked! " Isobel ordered as her hands and eyes started catching in orange flames.

"I don't know what you are talking about! " Jeane started to be desparate. She doesn't like this situation one bit.

"Don't play dumb. Where is the Queen holding Maria Salvatore? " Elizabeth shouted but Jeane stayed silent.

"Isobel, please?" Elizabeth spoke and Isobel aimed her flaming hand at Jeane.

"Wait, what are you-" without a warning, a pillar of flames erupted from the ground under Jeane as she started screaming from the burning pain.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH! " Jeane screamed while her flesh was burning alive.

A few seconds later, Isobel moved her hand to the side and the pillar of flames disappeared.

The interesting thing was that the floor made by the best Vampire architects wasn't burned or anything. It was perfectly intact and even shining from how clear it was.

This was the perfect display of how precise the Phoenix Countess was in her bloodline powers.

"I'll ask again. Where is Maria Salvatore? " Elizabeth asked again while looking at Jeane with the eyes of someone who was not playing around.

On the other hand, Jeane was a mess.

Her body was black like a burned chicken, a few parts of her skin were missing but slowly healing. Her new eyes (new because the old ones she had literally melted 'cause of the fire) were now looking at Elizabeth with extreme anger and pain.

"Hah, fine~. Isobel pl-" Elizabeth was about to speak but was interrupted by Rose with Vicki and Claudia.

"Mother, what is happening? Why do you wanna know where darling's mother is? " Rose asked.

While gathering intel about Christopher in the past, all three found out who his parents were as well.

Therefore they knew very well who Maria was. And now, they were quite curious why their mothers were looking for her.

"Because she was looking for information about Christopher and his disappearance among Witches. As I know her, she probably felt something happened to her son."

"But looks like the Witches need her for something else. Last time, she was missing three years."

"So his dad contacted me after my training with Isobel and Celeste and asked me to find out what they need from her or at least where is she."

All this time, Elizabeth didn't take her eyes off the Witch kneeling in front of her. Witches are sneaky and when they are desperate, they will jump like a cat for every chance of fleeing they get.

"How did he find out about us? " Rose asked.

"Probably Christopher mentioned our names while visiting his parents last time," Vicki joined the conversation between the mother and daughter.

"That's possible, but how did his father contact my mother? She was all this time here in Redwillnet..." Rose placed another question.

"Daughter, did you hear about mobile phones? The pretty old and well-known technology made and used by humans? " Elizabeth asked her daughter with a smile of amusement.

"Mother I'm not dumb! Of course, I know about them! I just never saw you using one..." Rose answered with an embarrassed face.

"That doesn't mean I don't have it daughter," Elizabeth pulled out a red phone with a pear logo and showed it to Rose.

"And to answer your other question already forming in your genius head, Christopher's father is a secret agent. So it's obvious that he found out my new phone number pretty easily."

"Huh, Secret Agent? " Claudia narrowed her eyes and Vicki narrowed her eyes at her.

"Don't tell me you didn't know..." Vicki asked at which Claudia just stayed silent, judged under Vicki's intense gaze...

"But why you? " Rose suddenly asked.

"Every male in the human world you encountered or talked with ended up in depression because of your roasting tendencies, saying how incompetent men they are," Rose said, preparing other questions in her head.

"Because they know each other, right Elizabeth~" Celeste dropped the bomb with a huge smiling face as she sat down next to her adopted daughter.

Hugging Claudia, she started thinking: 'That's what you get after sneakily desiring Christopher! He's mine bitch! I'm the only milf he will have! '

"What? How do you know him? " Vicki asked this time. Seeing a chance to learn more about her Darling's family, she jumped after it like a hungry lion.

"Ten years ago, Humans started being subjugated by werewolves who wanted to establish a few bases on Earth, one of them being in New York."

"Therefore, humans contacted the Supernatural rival of Werewolves, Vampires, asking for help and Vlad immediately joined humans, because of the fear of losing his meal."

"But, what's wrong with a few bases, we have them as well."

"Mother why are you hugging me?! " Claudia's eyes widened at the sudden affection from her adoptive mother. But what more concerned her were Celeste's big boobs pushing against Claudia's arm.

'Why they must be so BIG?! ' she thought with a slight envy.

"I felt like it so I did it. Do you have a problem with a hug from your mother? "

"I don't know..." Claudia wasn't sure why. From one point, she wasn't against it, because of the lack of love from her childhood. On the other, she was pissed by the body structure of Celeste.

"It's not about the bases but the plans they wanted to accomplish with them." Elizabeth continued in her explanation.

"At first, they looked normal but with each passing day, more and more kidnapping accidents and sudden murders were appearing more and more. The causes of their deaths were abnormal. They died because of a transformation."

"Transformation on what? " Vicki asked.

"They begin to turn into werewolves." Isobel replayed while still fixing her gaze on Jeane who had her body already healed but was still breathing heavily.

"Therefore, I was sent by Vlad to help a group of secret agents to clear all these hostile supernaturals from New York and other cities around the globe."

"By this act, Vlad gained trust from humans and humans gained a powerful ally to turn on if necessary."

"The entire mission lasted for three months and after clearing New York, the only individuals who survived were me and Mark Salvatore, Christopher's father. He was part of the special agent group sent by the US government."

"Really? " Vicki opened her eyes wide. This intel was new to her, as well as to Rose and Claudia.

"Yes, he was the best they had. The Crimson Ace~" Elizabeth spoke with a smile.

"So he was part of it, huh?" Rose spoke.

"Yes daughter, after the entire squad was killed and only we survived, we somehow became inseparable," Elizabeth spoke as memories flooded her mind.

"Everywhere I went, he was with me, and everywhere he went, I was following. The government even insisted on not sending other agents so they don't alert the Werewolves."

"Instead, they prepared a perfect cover for us. Each time, we played a husband and wife on honeymoons."

"Really?" Claudia asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, at first it was awkward but after the third mission, I truly fell for him. We were called a Crimson duo hahaha."

"Hah, he was funny, powerful, handsome and I started to feel happy and alive again after being around him. The only problem was that he was married already."

'Fuck, I should have kidnapped him when I had a chance,' Elizabeth thought.

"A crimson duo? Why? " Rose asked.

"Because of my red hair and his powers."

"Powers? " Claudia asked.

"Yes, powers. He is not a normal human but a mutated one. The government was experimenting on him and after a few times, he was reborn with control over ice like me."

"The only difference is that the ice produced by his body is made from his blood, so the color of it is crimson red."

"Crimson ice? Cool," Vicki spoke.

"What happened then? " Rose asked.

"I found out that I was some much in love with him that after we cleared the last city, in Japan, I insisted on taking him here to live with me."

"A few times, from the possessive love I had for him, I tried to turn him into a vampire. I was giving a few drops of my blood into his drink when I had a chance and he wasn't looking, but that sneaky bastard always knew somehow."

"I don't know how though..." Elizabeth spoke in annoyance as she remembered all those times he found out about her, but never got mad.

"How did it all... end? " Rose asked carefully.

"He was too loyal to leave away with me. And he was already a dad of little Christopher so he said no. But still, I gave him my number if he ever wanted to talk to me."

"Of course, he never contacted me. Back then, he just smiled at me, kissed me on the cheek, and left without turning back. That was the last time we saw each other."

"Later on, I changed my number, so the one he had became useless..."

"Wow, I never heard the entire story... That must have been pretty painful to reveal, I'm sorry..." Celeste spoke, feeling stupid because of revealing this kind of info in front of everyone.

Because of her "revenge", she was making Elizabeth reveal the painful truth she was trying to forget.

"It's okay," Elizabeth smiled a little: "It doesn't hurt so much anymore."

"It must have been quite a surprise after hearing his voice again," Rose smiled at her mother.

"Yeah, it was, but not a positive one. His voice was desperate and angry. Not towards me but towards all who stand behind his son's and wife's disappearances..."

While saying this, Elizabeth's eyes grew cold as she remembered the pain in Mark's voice.

Then, she shifted her gaze back at Jeane.

"So I'm asking one last time Jeane, where is Maria Salvatore? "

"..." Jeane remained silent.

"Isobel burn that bitch-" Elizabeth wanted to continue when she got interrupted.

"Wait! Wait! Stop! " Jeane practically screamed.

"Hah, I'll tell everything I know..." she added with a helpless sigh.

"Good, now talk..." Elizabeth said, her smile monstrous and twisted.


... ... ... ... ...

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