
Chrysanthemum Tattoo

As the baby speedily grew in age, the thunderclouds dissipated just as fast. Soon, when the child reached the 2 years old milestone, only thin layer of vapor and thunder separated the outside world and this inner splendor. As the sheet was thinning, however, the harsh sunlight suddenly dimmed, like a flashlight running out of juice. In a blink of an eye, only a faint light remained of the yellow brilliance. Along with the drop in the Sunshine's luminosity was the emergence of pink flower tattoo with 12 petals on his left chest-side. The tattoo perfectly resembled the Immortal Chrysanthemum before the Sun's Primordial Qi rap—, uh, entered it. The only difference was that the tattoo version had only 12 petals.

It was only a matter of time before the gray clouds finally dispersed, and forest returned to its usual calm.

The baby ogled curiously at the forest scenery around it. But before it could register any of it, a spotted leopard took it by the nape and dashed out of the forest at breakneck speed. Surprisingly, however, the baby seemed to be fine despite the harsh wind batting against its skin and even giggled cutely.


The air was tense in the core regions of the forest. The Beast Emperor had gathered his Kings to watch the leopard take the anomaly away from the forest boundaries. The ignorant inhabitants in the outer regions rejoiced while the felines gazed proudly as one of their kind contributed to the safety of the forest. For them, it was an honor to serve the the Beast Emperor, especially when the Emperor of this century came from the feline race. But while their crown-bearing Kings were cheering and smiling on the outside, their minds were elsewhere.

'What will Satyrus do?'

It wasn't even a question of whether he would or would not do something anymore. The Beast Kings were friends for almost a millennium now and they were familiar with each other's characters. They knew he was going to strike.

His excuse for not attending the assembly was that the Bull King's words had hurt his feelings. He was apparently wailing like a baby inside his home and had even wet the messenger monkey with his "tears" to prove it.

They all knew this was a ruse. This was just another one of his elaborate schemes.

They all waited for something to happen with bated breaths. The Snake Queen's long tongue danced in the air as she looked for any sign of Satyrus. The Bull King's hooves made the Earth quake with every stomp. Lupin, the Wolf King, ran rounds around the forest while sniffing vigilantly. All the Beast Kings prepared anxiously.

thump thump thump

They all listened intently to the sound of the leopard's paw-steps, fearing that they would be a step too late when it stops.

But all this anxiety turned into confusion when it crossed the border safely, baby in tow.

It was impossible for a Beast King like Satyrus to enter even one step outside the forest borders. Even their attacks couldn't pierce through the boundary wall. Likewise, foreign attacks and invaders couldn't penetrate the wall either. The Great Mountain Passage is only possible because it follows a World Fault, a volatile rift in the realms where two planes meet, though the humans aren't aware of its presence and dangers.