
She's Cheer Captain (part 5)

For the second morning in a row, Nicole Haught woke up entangled with Waverly Earp. Except this time they'd fallen asleep that way, and this time they dreaded getting up.

She traced circles on Waverly's back as the brunette slowly woke up, a smile spreading across her face and creating cute little wrinkles by her hazel eyes. Nicole kissed her forehead as she yawned and then said the dreaded words.

"We have to get up now."

"No, let's just stay here forever... I'm so tired."

"We can nap on the bus. Shit," she glanced at her phone and saw the time, "we're supposed to be downstairs in ten minutes."

"We can be late for breakfast," Waverly mumbled sleepily. Nicole sat up looking panicked.

"No, we missed breakfast, we're supposed to be leaving in ten minutes!"

Waverly groaned and got up too. They rushed around, getting dressed first. Nicole pulled on sweatpants and a T-shirt while Waverly slipped into leggings and started to search for a top.

"I don't have any clean shirts. Fuck."

"Wear this."

Nicole tossed her a navy blue hoodie that was clearly too big for Waverly. She thanked the redhead and put it on. It hung low, past her waist, and the sleeves had to be rolled up, with Nicole's help, just so she could use her hands. They tidied up the room in a hurry, making the bed and stuffing their belongings into their bags. Nicole retrieved the chair from the bathroom and returned it to its spot by the window right before they dashed out the door.

Down in the hotel lobby, they were met with a very cross, and probably hung over, coach who told them everyone was waiting in the bus for them. She scolded them as they walked outside and the mumbled back some apologies.

In the bus, Nicole helped Waverly get her bags onto the rack above the seats before the sat down together near the back. Nicole took the seat closest to the window and Waverly sat beside her as close as she possibly could without being on top of her. The taller girl wrapped an arm around her and kissed her forehead. The bus pulled out onto the road, beginning the long journey home.

"You look so fucking cute in my hoodie," Nicole whispered. Waverly giggled.

"Does wearing this make me your girlfriend?"

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

"Yes. Of course I want to."

With a finger under her chin, Nicole tilted Waverly's head back and kissed her. Waverly pulled away. "I am so fucking hungry."

"Well I only have one thing you could eat, but I don't think it's gonna help you hunger," Nicole laughed. Waverly slapped her playfully on the arm. "Ouch. Now I'm taking back the offer."

"Oh, shut up."

"I'm kidding, the offer is always there, babe. But for now, I just wanna sleep until we stop for lunch."

"Me too. You're my pillow, have fun with that window as yours."

"No fair," Nicole whined followed by a laugh as Waverly cuddled back into her. "Sweet dreams, cutie." Waverly's hand found hers and squeezed it gently as they drifted off to sleep.