
No Goodbyes

Waverly and Doc crouched behind the tangle of trees.

"Do you think we can rest here for a while?"

"Waverly, if you have not noticed, nothing in this garden appears to be bringing any harm your way. I am sure that we can safely rest anywhere here. The problem at hand is getting back out, and these plants do not want to lose their angel."

"Right. I just thought... what if it grabs me again. I don't want to turn to stone, Doc. I want to get back to Wynonna and Nicole and Jeremy and Robin and Nedley."

Doc's upper lip twitched at the thought of their friends, wiggling his bushy moustache. Before he could reply they were disrupted by a ringing sound.

"Oh my god. My phone? The Garden has reception?"

She extracted the device from the pocket of her dirty, pink pants. Nicole's face and name were displaying on the screen. The young brunette answered it in a rush.


"Baby, oh my god! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's so good to hear your voice."

"Is that Nicole? Ask her when in the damn hell Wynonna plans on getting us out of here," Doc interjected, grumpily. Waverly shoved his arm.

"What's going on?" Waverly continued.

"A whole lot has happened and umm, Wynonna just found us and explained what happened and we're trying to get to you. We just don't know how," Nicole answered.

"Found you? You were lost?"

"Never mind that now. Are you hurt? I mean, obviously you're okay enough to talk. Is Doc okay? What's going on in there?"

"We're fine, I guess. Doc fought off the vine monster thing that grabbed me and umm nothing else has happened really. We wandered around for a while and now we're just hiding behind some trees. The doors won't open," she paused debating whether or not her next remark would worry her girlfriend too much, "And I saw the throne... and it's like it's calling to me."

"Hold on, okay, baby? I will get you out, and I'd really prefer if you weren't stone when I do," her tone was now more serious than before, somehow.

"Can any of you get on the stairs?"

She heard Nicole sigh. "Only Jeremy but the doors won't open for him. It's so weird." She paused for a moment, and Waverly listened to the sound of her deep breaths, the most comforting thing she'd heard in a while. "We're trying to find Kate again, since Doc got up there. I don't know where she went after I helped her."

"This is all weird and terrifying. The doors don't open but there's perfect reception?" She laughed half-heartedly.

"I didn't even think to call until today, I mean I only really found out yesterday that you were gone. But I just miss you so fucking much and I thought at least I could hear the outgoing voicemail message."

"I miss you too. So much. If I don't get out-"

"Don't say that."

"Seriously, Nicole. I need you to know that I love you so so much. You're my whole world."

"I love you too, baby. And I am going to get you out. None of us will stop trying. You just stay put."

"I can't. I think it's up to me. I'm the half angel, after all. I think I need to find a way to make the garden listen to me and let me out."

"Okay, but please be careful, Waves."

"I will. You too."

"Jeremy and Robin have a bet on who will go insane first over missing you more. Jeremy bet on me, Robin on Wynonna." Waverly laughed again, Nicole even joined in this time. It was a moment that almost erased all the pain they'd each been holding in for the past few days.

"I'm with Robin," Waverly said, "my baby's tough."

"It's pretty close so far. Neither of us has been able to sleep. Last night we cuddled together in your scarf and cried... she's already denying it to the guys though so apparently it's not her proudest moment."

"Are you trying to make me cry?"

"No. Just letting you know that we miss you like crazy. And that we've got each other's backs."

"Will you give her a hug for me? And tell her that I love her."

"Of course, baby."

"I should go. I'll save what charge this phone has left for if I need to call to say goodbye."

"I'm not saying goodbye... you will make it out of this alive."

"Okay, okay...I love you, Nicole. I'll talk to you later."

"I love you too, Waves."
