
I Feel College

Waverly made her way through the crowded halls toward her dorm room. Shoved her way, pretty much. Almost every inch of space was taken up by someone. Drunk juniors tossed around a ping pong ball. Many of her fellow baby-faced freshman could be found making out with someone in a corner or against a doorframe. The loud thumping of music came from the end of one hall where a bunch of seniors were having a party. Just like every other Friday.

Just as she was reaching for her door handle, Waverly was dragged with a crowd of students flooding toward the party dorms. It was like a stampede and if she didn't move with them she would've been crushed. Waverly came to a halt as the mass of young adults traipsed off into the few different already-crowded rooms. The music was close to unbearably loud now; Waverly could feel it in her chest like the bass was another heartbeat.

She looked into the room closest to her, a quick, curious glance. The room was larger than her own. Two beds pushed up against the back wall with two little desks between that were scattered with notebooks, pens, loose papers and textbooks. A couple of beanbags, in a corner closer to the door, were occupied by a tipsy redhead. She had two full shot glasses in her hands and when she saw Waverly looking at her she beamed at her goofily.

"Hey, cutie!" She called out and pointed, nearly spilling the contents of one shot glass, at the small brunette in the doorway. "Yes you!" She added when Waverly looked around behind her. "Come here!"

Waverly walked over hesitantly and crouched awkwardly beside the beanbags. "Do I know you?" She asks loudly, over the music. The girl shakes her head and holds out on shot glass to her.

"Drink it. It's just vodka, I promise."

Waverly took the glass but then she heard her mother's voice in her head. But this young woman wasn't about to give her a drugged drink. She took the shot and it burned in her throat.

"Nicole!" Her companion shouted suddenly after swallowing hers with a loud gulp. Waverly looked at her, an eyebrow raised.

"Umm, my name's Waverly not Nicole."

" Nicole, silly."

, she thought. She sat there for ten minutes listening to Nicole say her name over and over because it 'felt pretty on her tongue' and then she got up to go.

"Don't leave, sweetie, I need you!"

"Why do you need me?"

"You're my friend!"

"We know nothing about each other," Waverly said.

"Then tell me."

"Maybe some other time. I just want to go back to my room now." She made her way out the door only to realise that Nicole was following her, with amazing speed considering how drunk she was. Which isn't to say she wasn't stumbling about. Maybe she was just eager to follow her new friend.

"Right. So now here we are, in my room. Are you okay, Nicole?"

"Totalllly fiiiiine. Like fine but totalllly." She giggled at herself but then plonked herself onto the ground with a frown.

"You don't seem totally fine," Waverly said, sitting down beside her. Nicole's bent her head down, her neck at a funny angle, to rest it on Waverly's shoulder.

"I am. You're just soooo pretty. Which probably means you're straight. Or taken. Or both."

"None of the above."

"Shit, really?"


"Will you be my girlfriend then?"

"Umm, we know nothing about each other, remember?" Waverly reminded her.

"Right. Well I'm Nicole Haught. I'm a senior law student. Only child. Practically an orphan. I'm gay. And I like you. Tell me about you now! Please?"

Waverly looked at her sweet face and smiled. "Okay. I'm Waverly Earp. I'm a freshman. I don't know what my major will be, probably history. I have two older sisters and I'm the child of my mum's affair. Practically an orphan too. I'm bisexual. And I think you're really sweet but we should probably make our first date a sober one."

"You'll go on a date with me?"

"Yes, if sober Nicole is actually interested in me."

"Why wouldn't I be? You're the most beautiful cutiest babe in this whole school!"

Waverly could feel herself blush as Nicole lifted her head and planted a sloppy kiss on her forehead.