
Back In Town

"Guess who's back in town, baby girl?" Wynonna called out as she shut the front door behind her. She made her way into the kitchen where her younger sister Waverly was busy baking. The smaller brunette paused her mixing.


"Nicole Haught."

Waverly felt herself tremble. She hoped Wynonna couldn't see the effect that name still had on her. "Nicole Haught? As in my high school girlfriend Nicole Haught?"

"That's the one. I saw her at Shorty's, I thought I should warn you."

"Did you talk to her?"

"Yeah, she came to me. Asking about you, of course," Wynonna scoffed.

"About me? What specifically? Oh god, what did you say?"

"Geez, Waves, you're coming off a little desperate there." Waverly scowled at her. "Umm she wanted to know if you were still living here and umm if you're still single."

"And what did you tell her, Wynonna?"

"Just that you and I still live here together and that while you are single she wouldn't stand a chance, not after dumping you the day she left for college. And I might've told her to stay the fuck away from you or I'd kick her ass," Wynonna said and then flinched as Waverly threw a tea towel in her direction.

"Wynonna! Why would you say that?"

"Because you deserve better than her, Waverly. You deserve someone who won't walk out on you!" Wynonna opened her arms but Waverly stormed off, abandoning her vegan cake mix. "Waves?! Please don't do this, remember how hurt you were? You cried every day for months! I don't want you to go through that again."

Waverly swapped her apron for her coat and opened the front door. "I can make my own decisions, Wynonna!" She stepped out onto the front porch and slammed the door behind her.

Waverly arrived at Shorty's a half hour later, hoping dearly that her ex would still be there. It was a Friday afternoon; the place was packed. She tried to look through the crowds, her height not working in her favour. Then she saw it. A glimpse of fiery red hair caught her eye.

Nicole Haught was seated at the far side of the bar with a beer glass in her hand. Waverly forced her way through the groups of drunk until she reached the empty stool beside the long legged woman she was so eager to see.

"Waverly?" Nicole slammed her glass down on the bar, her jaw dropped a little.

"Hi," Waverly said loudly over the music.

"Hey," she smiled sweetly, dimples pressed into her cheeks. Waverly got the urge to poke those dimples like she used to do to tease Nicole. "It's been so long! Can I get you a drink?"

"I drove here so I shouldn't."

"Not even one?" Waverly shook her head. "Alright, well sit down. How about a water."

"Okay, thanks."

Nicole waved to get the bartender's attention, her shirt lifted exposing some skin for a moment and reminding Waverly of nights with Nicole from long ago. She was brought back down to earth when a water bottle was placed in front of her. Nicole leaned in so she could talk over the music.

"How are you?"

"Pretty good. How about you?"

"Not bad, bit tired from travelling though."

Nicole gazed softly into her eyes with those soft brown eyes, making Waverly feel like she could see her thoughts.

"So what brings you back here? I didn't think there were many jobs for lawyers out here not that you'd be finished your degree. I mean it's only been two and half years."

"I dropped out of college a year ago. It was too much. I've been working at different shitty jobs and training and I just got a job at the Sheriff's department here."

"Wow, that's great. So you're moving back here for good then?"

"Yep. I didn't expect to see you, you know? Wynonna kinda threatened me earlier to stay away from you."

"Sorry about that."

"Don't be. Do you wanna get out of here? We could talk and actually hear each other. I've got a motel room just up the road," she paused as she realised how that must have sounded, "I promise I just want to talk."

Waverly smiled, nodded and let Nicole lead her outside. The cold evening air hit them; Waverly pulled her coat closed and shivered. "You haven't changed; still always cold," Nicole giggled. The brunette stuck her tongue out childishly. Nicole put an arm around her, "hey, you know I've always found it cute."

"Only cause it's a good excuse for you to get cuddly," Waverly teased.

"Here we are," Nicole said as the reached an old building at the end of the road and dropped her arm. She pushed open the door and held it for Waverly. Then she lead them one flight up in a dim stairwell.

They walked silently down the small hall to a door at the end. Nicole extracted a key from her pocket and unlocked the door.

The room was small and tidy. A few suitcases and bags sat at the foot of the double bed. Everything else seemed untouched. Nicole shut the door behind them and took off her coat. She moved around to a closet and hung it up in there. "Can I take your coat?" Waverly slipped it off and handed it over to the other woman who hung it up beside her own. "Make yourself at home," Nicole said with a gesture to the bed.

Waverly sat down on the edge of the bed and Nicole joined her a second later. They sat in an awkward silence for a minute until Waverly impatiently nudged Nicole in the side with her elbow.

"Are you gonna talk?"

"Yeah. I wanted to apologise, actually."

"For what?"

"For leaving."

"I'm listening," Waverly remarked with a smirk.

"I was a jerk and I'm really sorry, Waves. I never wanted to leave you," Nicole started. "I was afraid if I asked you to come with me or try long distance you wouldn't want that. And I got all worked up in my head so I just kept putting it off and hiding things from you. It was stupid. And then I convinced myself it was selfish to ask you to leave your life or spend your time calling and texting me every day. It got to the point where I just was too scared to tell you that I was going to college until it was the moment I was going. And well you were there, I was such an ass that day. I'm really sorry I did that to you, Waverly."