
Back in Town (Part 2)

Nicole awoke thinking of the night before. She smiled at the sight of the sleeping woman beside her. Neither of them had bothered to dress themselves after it all, they just fell asleep right there. Waverly's bare legs were tangled with Nicole's longer ones. Her face rested slightly against Nicole's chest, her breath tickling the exposed skin.

The redhead tried to move from her side onto her back without waking the sleeping beauty beside her. She groaned in pain as she rolled over, her body was so tired from the night before. Nicole closed her eyes but had no success in falling back asleep. She grunted and got out of the bed, again doing her best not to disturb the brunette.

The cold air stung shoulders and back as she rushed into the little bathroom. Nicole looked in the mirror to see bright red marks on her shoulders, and saw the same on her back as she turned. Some were scratches, others were hickies and a few bite marks. Waverly had had her way with her last night.

Nicole splashed cold tap water onto her tired face as she pulled herself out of last night's memories. When she left the bathroom she saw Waverly waking up and rejoined her on the bed.

"Is there anything better to wake up to than you walking around naked?"

"Cuddles?" Nicole suggested with a giggle. Waverly smiled and kissed her.

"Of course. Come here then."

Nicole wrapped herself around Waverly and kissed her cheek.

"Last night was fun," the redhead said after a few minutes of silent embrace.

"It was. Are you okay? I know I was pretty rough and I can see I marked you up well."

"I'm okay. I didn't think I'd like that kind of thing so much. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Waverly replied, curious as to what the question might be. The taller woman sighed, her breath warm on the other's skin.

"Have you been with anyone since me?"

"Romantically or sexually?"


"Only sex."

"I thought so; you've learned some new stuff."

Waverly giggled for a moment, then turned serious. "How about you?"

"No. No one at all."

"Good." She kissed Nicole again and held her tighter. "You're all mine." Nicole's mind tore back to last night at these words.

Waverly poked Nicole in the arm. "You're a million miles away, what're you thinking about?"

"Nothing," she lied. Waverly tilted her head with a face of disbelief. "Last night."

"I hope you're not wanting round two because I am so exhausted."

"Oh definitely not, as much as I enjoyed it. I can barely walk."

Waverly laughed and then rolled over to check her phone on the nightstand. There were several missed calls and 32 text messages all from Wynonna.

"I should get home, Wynonna's worried about me." Waverly sat up and started to collect her clothes from the floor. Nicole pouted and batted her eyelids. "Don't look at me like that."

"Can't you stay a little longer?"

"Not really. You could come with me, just brace yourself for facing the demon that is my big sister trying to protect me."

"I'm sure she won't be that bad, bub."

Nicole got dressed in a fresh outfit from her suitcase, opting for a turtle neck sweater and leggings in order to cover every mark Waverly had left on her. It definitely would not impress Wynonna to know exactly what they'd been up to.