
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
70 Chs

20. An Intriguing Scam




Inside the gymnasium of the academy,

Many students were having conversations about how great the gymnasium was. It was a massive building located in the academy grounds with weights and practice weapons hanging everywhere. There was a shooting range for archers and magic casters. Magical cannons for tankers and even magical drones that could fight. Of course it wasn't that advanced, but it was still very impressive.

All the students were in the middle of the gymnasium waiting for the professor for now.

" Wow…."

" Is that a shooting range?"

" Look at those cannons!!"

The students were getting excited in the gymnasium when all of the sudden, A pink haired professor made her appearance.

" Hi everyone! I am S rank hero Lisa James and I will be your professor for the 'weapons arts' class"

Lisa James was a professional huntress and the reason why she was responsible for this class is because of her amazing talent ' Master of All Weapons'. This talent grant her with a higher proficiency rate than others. She can master a new weapon in a single week, but of course complicated ones like the elves spiritual weapons are much more difficult for her.

"I want everyone to line up in a row in front of me. Everyone will show me their moves and I will note out the mistakes that I see. By next week I will check once again and see If you have improved yourselves or you were wasting your time."

Everyone lined up as she asked, and the first in line was our dear protagonist Harold himself.

" Show me what you got, second rank"

Without any delay Harold brought out his sword from its sheath and performed a simple vertical slash with his mana coating it.

If others saw this slash they would think it was a simple mana coated slash with nothing impressive. However, Lisa knew that the slash she just saw, was profound and perfect in every aspect. Specially, the mana was so pure and condense that she was mesmerized for a sec. It wasn't a strong slash but in every other aspect, it was perfect.

The reason for that is because of his ridiculous talent. His strength at the start of the novel were only his stats and talents. He had no martial arts nor any skills. However, He had many talents like his [Magical Divinity] that boosts his holy magic as well as his [Swordgod Senses].

The word ' pure strength with no weakness ' was the best description for him.

Muttering in an inaudible voice… " looks like he just recently have obtained the system"

Currently he must be D rank, a rank that only a second or third years have. However, even though he was considered a genius that wasn't everything yet. He got his crazy system like at the beginning of his academy ark.

In the novel, There was only one goddess that was being worshipped by the whole continent. Her name was goddess Sia, all the holy light churches and priests were under her guidance. She was the one to bestow her blessing to Harold.

" but even that is not enough...…"

The reason why This novel was down rated is because of the stupidity of the power levels. The demons were at the apex of the food chain. A single S rank demon Can kill multiple S rank heroes, and also can fight on par with an SS rank heroes.

Just imagine how not only the SS rank demon that could take on earth alone, but the op immortal SSS rank demon king. Even the dragon lord couldn't eradicate his existence nor the vampire lord, who only killed him off one of his limitless lives in exchange of his rationality and his land.

The only possible way is to unite with the other races. Specially the dragon race since they are the best counter to demons.

" If I am not mistaken there was currently a dragon on earth…."

He flet from the war with the demons and hid in earth. Maybe if I meet him, I might build a connection, but dragons are very difficult to deal with, maybe….


While thinking about the future, a feminine annoyed voice interrupted my thoughts.

" Next…..Hello?...HEY ARE YOU LISTENING?!"

startled I looked at where the voice was, just to find the professor looking right back at me.

" S-sorry"

After I apologized I got closer and performed some of my dagger moves.


'Looking at the silent professor' I asked politely.

"So? What should I do to improve myself?"


A dejected sighing came from the professor before she said

"Utter trash… you have no talent.."



I know... but it kinda sucks when you hear it this blatantly....

"But don't worry. Your body is weirdly strong, maybe you should try a different martial art that utilizes your body rather than weapons"


How did I not think of this?….

A-amazing. As expected from ' Master of all weapons' she saw that I had no talent and provided a solution to utilize my legendary body strengthening martial arts in a better way.

" Do you have a suggestion of a good body utilizing combat techniques?"


While thinking about my request, an idea popped in the head of the devilish professor...

" You see.. my favorite martial art is actually a hand to hand combat technique, but I can't just pass it like that. I need at least…. 100 thousand…. no.....1 million gold a lesson"


W-WHAT?! is she crazy?? 1 million for a single lesson? That's impossible…..

" C-can't you do a discount for your student?"

Without even thinking she replied stiffly.


Thinking about her offer, it wasn't a bad deal. The best martial technique she had was the hand to hand technique ' Grothias maneuvers ' a legendary rank martial art technique. It wasn't a loss but if I calculate it then she would get at least a 10 - 15 million!!


That's an obvious scam!!!

This is a scam… but a tempting one…

While thinking hard of her offer, she interjected and said

" You can actually afford it?…. Anyway you don't have to worry just visit me at my office once you agree....Next!"

I walked back while thinking deeply of he offer.


