
Extra POV: Son Of Holy Pope

In a world of magic and turmoil, Noah finds himself unexpectedly reincarnated as an insignificant character in a novel he once read. While others seek power and glory in the prestigious Imperial City's academy, the central stage of the novel's plot, Noah opts for a different path. Yearning for peace amidst the chaos, Noah decides to join the Holy Church of Light. Little does he know, his choice will thrust him into a journey far beyond his wildest imagination. As Noah navigates the intricacies of church life, he discovers hidden depths within himself and uncovers secrets that threaten to shake the very foundations of the world. Join Noah on a gripping adventure filled with magic, mystery, and self-discovery as he defies fate and forges his own path. Notes: I do not own the book cover. It's been made by using an AI app temporarily. DISCLAIMER: work of fiction. All the names, places and events are all purely based on the authors imagination. any resemblance to an actual person or events is purely coincidental .

CHVA2001 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Ch 10: Star Heart Awakening

Either someone is definitely targeting me, or I am extremely lucky.

That's what Noah thought when he noticed the significant changes in his status. He was bewildered by the sudden change in his fate, especially his newfound affinities for Time and Space.

At that moment, Noah felt an inexplicable calling. He stepped out of his room, driven by a force he couldn't comprehend.

The surroundings were peaceful and lush. Not far away, a mountain spring flowed gently, and the cool breeze replaced the day's heat with refreshing air.

This serene environment was why Noah preferred staying here rather than in the accommodation provided by the Library.

His gaze turned upward to the countless glittering stars in the night sky. Among them, one particular star seemed to be calling out to him.

As Noah stared at it, his body instinctively began the breathing method of the Ancient Starry Sky technique.

Closing his eyes, Noah steeled his heart and entered a state of deep meditation, envisioning himself as a vessel.

Very swiftly, he managed to sense the star energy that had once been absorbed by an unknown person.

This was the first step in practicing the Ancient Starry Sky technique. The strength of his connection to the star he contracted depended on his compatibility with it.

His body began to attract Spiritual energy, circulating it through the pathways of his eight meridians connected to different parts of his body: both legs, both hands, brain, and chest.

Despite the immense strain on his meridian pathways and Mana Core, which were on the verge of breaking due to the overload, Noah continued to circulate the Spiritual energy throughout his body.

The meridian pathways in his legs tingled first, the energy seeping into his muscles and bones, enhancing his physical strength and endurance.

His hands felt a similar surge, filling his fingers and arms with a pulsating power that promised enhanced dexterity and precision.

His brain received the energy next, clearing his thoughts and sharpening his focus, making his mind as sharp as a blade.

Lastly, his chest expanded with energy, reinforcing his lungs and heart, bolstering his overall vitality.

He remained in this state for an indeterminate time until a silver light from the star he contracted began cascading down towards him, enveloping his body in a layer of starlight.

Noah started to feel a slight pressure, and his mind warned him of impending danger. Nevertheless, he pressed on, undeterred.

The silver energy began traveling through his body, healing his meridians and Mana Core before reaching his heart and fusing with it.

As the fusion continued, the pressure intensified. Waves of stabbing pain assailed his mind, but Noah gritted his teeth and persevered.


Rumbling sounds emanated from within Noah's body as the silver energy from his contracted star melded completely into his heart.

The extraordinary pain was almost unbearable, but even more extraordinary was the transformation of his heart into a Star Heart.

This Star Heart was crucial for Noah's unique cultivation path. In the world Noah lived in, it was considered impossible for a wizard to practice the path of a knight and vice versa.

The cultivation paths were fundamentally different, and the body typically could not handle the conflicting energies. However, the Star Heart allowed Noah to bridge this gap, making him the only person capable of practicing both paths simultaneously.

As the Star Heart gradually took shape, blood seeped from the corners of Noah's mouth. Finally, he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood before fainting into unconsciousness.


The night passed quickly, and as the sun rose the next morning, Noah opened his eyes.

With no time to waste, he immediately sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and resumed his breathing exercises.

He could feel the tremendous spiritual energy within his body waiting to be absorbed. After a few hours, all the accumulated energy was integrated into his system.

Noah opened his eyes, which now flashed brilliantly. He took a moment to assess his cultivation level and sensed that he had advanced to Level 2 Apprentice Wizard, a feat that would have typically taken nearly a month for him.

[[Name: Noah Blackburn.

Age: 15 years.

Affiliation: Holy Church of Light.

Spirit Aptitude: B+ Rank.

Affinity: Light, Time (Acquired), and Space (Acquired).

Cultivation: Apprentice Wizard (Level 2).

Fate: Unknown (cannot be discerned).]]

"If I can continue cultivating at this pace, I should be able to break through to the 4th level of Apprentice Wizard in less than six months," Noah thought, his excitement palpable.

Despite the unchanged Aptitude, Noah was far from dissatisfied. Since according to the technique's description, his cultivation speed would increase more than tenfold at night, almost reaching the level of an SS Rank.

So long as he worked diligently, Noah believed he could become strong enough to survive the future events and lead a peaceful life devoid of life-threatening troubles.

Reflecting on the drastic changes that had occurred in one night, Noah wasn't sure if his choice to cultivate this method was the right one.

Yet, he had no choice. Despite devising a plan with the least chances of dying in the future events of the plot, he still faced the issue of his Aptitude, which had been resolved today.

Now, not only could he practice Wizard cultivation, but he had also become the only human who could simultaneously practice both cultivation paths.

According to the novel, even the main protagonist and other key characters could only practice one path.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Noah decided it was time to freshen up. He made his way back to his room, his steps light with newfound determination.

He headed to the bath, letting the warm water soothe his aching body and wash away the remnants of his ordeal. The steam rose around him, a tangible reminder of his cleansing and rebirth.

After his bath, Noah dressed and sat by the window, gazing out at the tranquil landscape.

The sun had fully risen, casting a golden glow over the mountains and forests.

Finally he decided to walk out of his room and began his way to daily work in the Library.

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