
Extra's Death Evasion

What is an extra? An unknown character in a novel that has no mention or involvement in the plotline whatsoever. “A few thousand people died due to this horrible tragedy.” With these few lines of words, people or in actuality, extras simply die. There simply is no consequences to kill off some random person when they have nothing to do with the plot. This is the dilemma the author proposed to me. Should I just sit here and wait for my inevitable fate of dying? No. I can't sit here doing nothing to stop the avalanche that is to come. I need to change that unchangeable fate of mine and turn into something that can be changed. Change fate into destiny. The author said to me, “To prevent your death as an extra, you must first become something more than an extra like a side character or a main character and to achieve that, you must be relevant to the story at all costs.” [The setting of the novel is set in the 1910s with radio, blimps and everything. However, it's just related to the architecture and technologies. Not the way of thinking, common sense or everyday speech.] * * * Chapter release schedule: Inconsistent. Basically means I may release like seven chapters all at once and then never release a chapter for several decades. This novel is extremely inspired by a novel called: “The Demon Prince goes to the Academy”

Imperialus · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 • Terrible Experience

"Ugh. What's with that girl screaming so loudly?"

I was half awake due to that girl screaming her lungs out.

I wanted to go back to sleep. However, it was impossible to tolerate the screams and not get randomly jumpscared out of nowhere every five minutes.

Random screaming and cries were the norm in this dormitory block due to stereotypical male bastards harassing girls. So, I didn't give it a thought.

What was I supposed to do? Get my ass beaten up in something that had absolutely nothing to do with me? Hell nah.

I felt strange, though. There was a probability that it was just because I was half awake and feeling like dog shit.

However, I knew that it was certainly not the case since I felt a small, cold sensation moving throughout my face. Cold like metal.

Was someone pranking me again?



I heard a voice utter something, but I couldn't make anything of it. It was too quiet or too far away.

However, I simply dismissed it. It probably wasn't even a voice in the first place. I likely couldn't make anything of it since it most definitely drowned out from all the screaming from that random girl.

Poor girl. There also seemed to be more screams from likely other girls. Just how many were those dudes harassing?

"Sigh.. Let's get this over with."

There was no point in me laying in my bed when it was impossible to rest or even sleep comfortably. Especially with my uniform on.


I rubbed my eyes and opened my eyes to see a goblin with it's signature green skin staring right at me.


The goblin lunged at me and revealed it's dagger which was aiming straight at my heart.

Without thinking, I immediately leaped out of bed in an attempt to avoid an attack that would've certainly put me six feet under.

I successfully prevented the dagger from staring my heart but my right foot wasn't so lucky as it became the target of the attack instead of my heart.


The dagger puncturing and piercing through the flesh and bones of my right foot was another level of pain I had never felt before.

The most pain I had ever felt until this shitty attack was getting my finger chopped off with a butcher knife which sounds bad.

However, I was conveniently around the teacher which was also conveniently a paladin. So, my injury was quickly healed and the pain didn't last long.

The stabbing of my right foot was several levels higher in my pain scale.


The goblin was giggling in the sight of my pathetic face trying to resist the pain.

I felt furious at the goblin looking at me in amusement.

I was confident that I could, at least, cause the goblin to be unconscious with my hands alone since it was smaller than me. Likely as small as a three year old human toddler.

However, the goblin suddenly stopped giggling. It gripped it's dagger stabbed on my foot more firmly and grinned.

"Man, kill yourself."

I said in disbelief.

The goblin's grin was forsakenly hideous. It had crooked teeth and also had a golden tooth seemingly with a symbol on it.

However, those were just the random bits of details. It's teeth was incredibly bloody with even bits of flesh in its nooks and crannies.

I didn't know if those bits of flesh came from food or living human beings but it certainly was a shitty scene to look at.

The goblin then began to play around with it's dagger and moved around the blade. Tearing the flesh of bones really roughly as to make me suffer even more.

I tried to resist the god wrenching pain as best as I possibly could and the goblin just giggled staring at the sight.

Seeing the goblin openly giggling at me, I lunged my body at the goblin. I looked at the goblin and saw that it's eyes widened at me.

I knew from the moment it widened it's eyes, it was time for the roles to be switched.


As to not waste time, I immediately recovered and began to throw as many punches on the goblin's weaknesses.

I didn't actually know the location of the goblin's weaknesses. Nonetheless, I assumed that the goblin would eventually black out or even die if I were to hit it's skull as hard as I could repeatedly.

I kept lunging my fists at the goblin' skull. My lunges were getting weaker by the minute but that didn't matter. The only thing that mattered at that moment was to kill that wicked bastard.

What felt like hours was just mere minutes passed by and yet I kept punching the goblin's skull.

"Shit! Just die already!!"

Despite the fact the goblin's skull was being bluntly hit numerous times, it still wasn't blacking out.

As I continued to absolutely decimate the goblin's skull with my knuckles, I felt a sudden light sensation on my right foot as if something had been pulled out.

I didn't even give it a thought for a second. I already knew what that sensation meant.

My back was being stabbed and ripped apart by the goblin's attack with the dagger.

At that moment, I tried my very best to not pass out from the extreme pain from the continuous stabs on my back. I could even vividly feel the cool steel blade tearing my flesh and rupturing my blood vessels.

Despite the pain being so forsakenly painful, I continued to hit the goblin's skull considering that the stabs and tears were getting less powerful by the second.

I kept lunging punches and getting repeatedly stabbed to the point that I would rival the amount of holes in a sponge for few minutes. Those minutes felt like eons.

Eventually, the stabbings stopped as the goblin's head was now extremely indented. At one point, I could feel that I was no longer punching bone but instead a soft mush.


I dealt a finishing blow by crawling towards my sword from across the room and smashing the head of the goblin.

All the mushy bits and fine pieces of bone were blasted everywhere in my dorm room.

I didn't get the chance to get a hold of my sword due to my foot being stabbed.

"I guess I'm dying."

I thought.

'No shit Sherlock.'

I rebutted myself while throwing up blood.

Who wouldn't think they would dying when inflicted with such wounds like me?

I was bleeding so much from the stab wounds inflicted on my back. I just could sense how much longer I had left which wasn't a lot. Probably an extremely generous 4 minutes at best.


I laid on my back and stared on the slowly spinning fan on the ceiling of my dormitory.

Despite the fact the floor of the dorm rivalling the floor of a butchery, the ceiling was still spotlessly clean with not even a speck of blood on it.

Let's face it.

My life is practically over.

Even if a miracle happens and prevents me from dying generously, the wounds would lead me to become a disabled person which is definitely a no-go for an academy whose majority of students are majoring in a combat-related degree.

However, even if my life was over, there was still some people in my life that would absolutely hate for me to go away.

I couldn't die just yet. The pain I was suffering right now wouldn't be as bad as witnessing the expressions of the faces of my family staring at my corpse.


What else could I do?

Based on the noises I had heard before getting brutally attacked by a goblin, there was definitely a high chance that there were other monsters outside of my room.

So even if I did crawl outside my room, I would likely be attacked immediately.


I couldn't believe that the supposed author of the world was actually right. Not only that, I was actually looking forward to the tragedy which was happening at the moment.

My vision was starting to become blurry and the sensation of my fingers became more number by the second.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that I was likely seconds away from meeting my creator.

My breathing became more difficult as the seconds passed by and the beating of my heart slowed down.

'Any moment now.'

I thought. My surroundings had become so blurry and dark to the point that I couldn't even see the outline of my blood covered hand.

I waited for death to come. I wanted the gruelling pain to stop.

But it didn't come.

I couldn't see anything anymore as everything was pitch black now. My body felt like it was hardening. It felt cold as if it was figuratively buried under permafrost. The once fast beating heart of mine was now beating so slow.

And yet...

I was still conscious. I was expecting myself to pass out at any moment. However, I could still vaguely hear things. The loudest sound that I could hear was my own heartbeat.

And strangely..

My heartbeat was somehow beating faster. Everything that had happened to my body was reversing itself as if time was rewinding my body to it's original form.

Then a quiet familiar voice echoed throughout my head.

"I'm not going to let you die on my watch."

Although my hearing was terrible, the voice that had rang throughout my head was clear as day. Due to that, I immediately knew who that voice had came from.

The moment I had heard that voice, the door to my dorm room was busted open.

"Shit! Get the paladins here now! We got a survivor!..."

I couldn't see anything but I could tell that I was in safe hands as I heard the commotion. Knowing that, I finally passed out.