27 Epilogue

A few years later.

"Mommy no!" My little girl screams as I push the plate of eggs and bacon onto her plate.

"Cmon honey, Mommy's gotta get dressed. She has an interview today." I wiggle my eyebrows and she grins.



A few months ago I adopted a little girl because. . . . Well, I don't even know.

One day I walked past an adoption agency, only to be pulled back by some distant rubbing thoughts in my head.

Trust me, my financial situation was far from perfect, but we were on our own and we made it just fine.

"Okay fine." She murmurs munching and I smile, kissing her forehead.

Ten minutes later, we're in the beaten-up car and on our way to her school.

"Have fun baby!" I yell happily she gives me a toothy smile before running into the school.

I'm late.


I rush towards the huge cooperation, wondering if I should still go ahead with this?


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