
Expectations Surpass Reality

whats a sypnosis i dont feel like looking it up;-;

KJAWESOME99 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

New troubles

"Wha- Where the hell is my stuff?" Said Xilo confused as ever. "Nice to meet you too" Said an familiar voice "Derek?" ( An B rank with an outstanding level of 5.6 and a shape shift ability) said Xilo puzzled

"Correct and your stuff is at your new house" Said derek poking around the fridge. "You could of told me ahead of time" Said Xilo before sliding on the wall and hitting the floor "Well you know now, anyways your ride will be here in 2 minutes they had to stop for gas" Derek mentioned before munching on coleslaw.

*Beep beep* the sound of an car horn can be heard echoing inside the empty rooms. "Oh there here right on time" Said Derek before putting away the container "Also another thing" He stammered. "You live by yourself so dont go getting trouble now go on you dont wanna be late" He said before doing a shooing motion with his hand.

Xilo stood there confused on what to do next before hearing a distinct ringing coming from his pocket. "Hello" He said firmly. "Hey i just wanted to check up on my son" "hey dad" Xilo said before stepping into the car.

The conversation go on for what seems like hours before Xilo's dad says "and remember now your living by yourself so dont go and get hurt you dont have an ability to protect yourself with" He said with an serious tone. "Alright dad i wont bye" Dad returns the bye and abruptly hangs up.

Time passes and Xilo arrives at his new location a medium sized house on a well built street. "what time is it" He says before looking down and realizing its well passed 12:30 AM. "Shit i gotta get ready for my first day tomorrow"

He says using the key Derek gave to him. stepping inside only to be astonished as all his belongings is already unpacked. He takes no time going up to his new room to and heading straight to sleep.

An alarm clock pierces through the silence *Beep Beep Beep* Xilo rises from his sleep to shut it off before getting ready for school. Xilo runs out the door heads towards his new school Plasma High for his first day of 8th grade.

He walks along the corridors and navigates the hallway to the principal office. "Hello Xilo" says a man in his mid 50s. "Hello Mr Vince" Says Xilo with assertiveness. "I take it this is your first time in this city right?" Mr Vince said "Y-yes it is" Said Xilo kind of nervous.

He can sense the Aura of this man and can tell he's really not someone to mess with. "Your classroom is 206, head instructor is Ms Parceling" Mr Vince said. "Yes sir" Said Xilo before leaving the office. Xilo reaches his classroom and opens the door.

"And that's is how you divide pie by quin-" The teachers looks at Xilo "Oh heavens silly me i forgot to inform you all we have a new student today from Millworth City, Xilo you can take your seat over in the right hand corner"

She points next to a girl with long black hair in a single pony tail who seems to be staring at Xilo. Xilo takes his seat next to the girl and starts to daydream until the bell rung.

He begins to stand up before someone puts their hand on his shoulder. "Soo Xilo wasn't it?" Xilo turnt around to look at a guy with orange yellowish hair. "Yes?" He said before trying to remove the guys hand from his shoulder. The grip tightens as Xilo winces in pain.

"I've heard about you you dont have an ability huh" *oh no not this again* Xilo thought. The guy glints before his eyes start to glow as his hand gets noticeably hotter before he raises his hand to shoot a fireball as Xilo dodges.