
Expectations Surpass Reality

whats a sypnosis i dont feel like looking it up;-;

KJAWESOME99 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

New Matlock Prep School

1 year flies by after Xilo was put in rehab for his anger issues and behavioral problems. He's living with his dad and rarely comes out of his room. Knock Knock his dad steps in "Hey son I know you might not look at it but I just finished my comic and I wanted you to read it" Xilo was silent.

"Ill leave it right here" He leaves the comic on Xilo's light stand. A few hours past before Xilo grabs the comic and flips through the pages before going to sleep.

The next day arrives "Hey dad" Xilo said steeping out of his room as his dad greets him with a smile. "You wanna go hangout or something?" "Sure" They both drove off to the boxing training site.

A few months pass as School is going to start soon Xilo agrees to be sent a prep school "Remember now this school is the most powerful in terms of levels the highest level besides you at your school was a 3.8" "I know dad" "Good"

A month later. "Well son you'll be living near the school I already bought the house and paid off the note" "Alright".

1 week later. "Alright bye dad" Xilo steps out his car into his new house. "Hm what's the name of this school?" Xilo looks down at his paper. "Oh right Matlock high prep school that's right"

"Cmon Xilo this is gonna be different dont fuck it up, Speaking of different im hungry I wonder what places they have to eat here" After Xilo gets something to eat and picks up his uniform he goes to sleep.

The next day starts as Xilo walks on campus he hears whispers all around "Is he new?" "Never seen him around here before" "Wonder what kind of ability he's got" Xilo cant help but frown at that last sentence.

Xilo walks into the building and heads straight to the headmasters office. He opens the door. "Headmaster Sharp?" "Ah mr Xilo im glad you can join us please sit" "You look different then your photo on your track record you really are a changed man"

"Uhm yes sir" "So what brings you here before class starts?" "Well um I wanted to request my rank and power be kept a secret" Headmaster Sharp looked confused. "You do know if you enroll powerless others will push you around right?" "Its just better this w-"

Xilo jolts his head up and turns towards the door. "What's wrong?" "Hold on" Xilo rushes towards the door and swings it open and looks down both hallways. *No ones here?* "I uh thought sensed someone of something." He goes to sit back down. "Oh well then"

"Ill change your record to an 1.0" "Alright" Xilo gets up and walks down the hall to his classroom. Everyone stares at him. "Oh this is our new student" The teacher said "Introduce yourself" "Hello my name is Xilo and I hope we can all be on good terms". "You can sit in the middle all the way in the back" Xilo takes his seat.

The class is over. *Ugh English is next* He thought "Hello your Xilo right?" A cute short girl with pink hair spoke. "Oh, yeah" *Wow she's cute* "How's your first day here?" "Oh its been good so far" "So, Xilo What your rank and ability?"