
Exotic Prime

Dan Thatcher with his mates venture off to the outside world. Where they learn how to awaken their exotic abilities to wage war.

XColdenburg · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Forging a Legend

In the Linztown market, we see our mate walking by. Dan Thatcher, he is our in this part of town to find a sword shop to where he buy a new sword to replace his old one. While walking by, he stumbles across his classmate and cousin "Novi Thatcher". "What are those orange mops on your head, Novi?" Annoyed, Novi responds back "Come on, I spent 100 Cuts to get that!" He responds, "100 cuts? *smirk* pathetic" Pushed to her breaking point Novi responds back "I legit saved my money for 10 months for this hair, you moron!" Dan stutters "Wha- what- th- th- the- fu." then Novi slaps on Dan on the face after that he exclaims "Weakass Dan, you'd to eat my ass if you're going to act like a barbaric monkey." Then Novi sits on Dan afterwards, and then Dan pushes up and grabs Novi's skirt and legit tried to bite her ass, "YOU MORON" As she exclaims and then she grabs Dan's hair and threw in the sea. "The garbage's out, now I've heard there's a sale over that, hmm." Then Dan proceeds to climb back up, soaking wet, then he coughs out water then says "That damn Novi". Then he walks up to the Swords Store named "Tactician's Blades" then walks up to the owner. The owner laughs at Dan because he is soaking wet. "Why is there a fountain at my shop, hahahaha!" Dan sighs then speaks to the Shop Owner. "Say, I'm looking for a brand new blade. What cutters do ya got?" The Shop Owner replies "Hmm, I could offer you the Coldenburg katana. It's expensive but holds exotic abilities" Dan replied "I have no used for such an overpriced blade, I'm on a 2,000 Cuts budget." The Shop Owner replied back "Moron, didn't you see the sign in front of the shop! It literally says "All blades 50% off". It was at 4,000 cuts but now it's sliced om half! Bahahahahaha." Dan fueled with interest replied "Say, tell me more about this Coldenburg." The Shop Owner replied "So, let me tell you a story. Once I was a legendary swordsman under the old Linztown Kingdom, I sliced up strong foes, cut off cliffsides, and destroyed an entire village all by my self." "Oooh nice" Dan exclaimed. The Shop's Owner replied "Shut up you moron let me tell the story already." "Well, my swordsmanship was unrivaled until I met a man named "Nate The Battleship". I was with my regiment that time and there stood a lone swordsman, he has red eyes, staring at him was hard. And then he dashed in shock he turned invisible then appeared a meter before me he slashed with his blade at my torso, I managed to dodge this strike, we fought for 4 days. Unfortunately in the final moments of the battle he ripped my arm out but then I managed to score a lethal blow to him. His dying words were "Tell my what's your name, swordsman" I replied "I'm Hunter, that's it." Nate replies "That name is familiar, wait that's the name of my nephew." "Are you my uncle that my father told me tales about" He replies his "Yes, I had to serve as a mercenary. I'm going to give my wealth and my sword, "Coldenburg". Please take care of it." In tears Hunter replies back "I will! I will! I will!" Nate replies back "One day, there will be a young man which will have to inherit the sword. I want cunning young swordsmen to handle my blade." then he finally dies. Hunter breaks out in tears "UNCLE!!!" ." "So kid, this is the story about the sword. I'm going to have to give it for free." Dan replied "Really?" Hunter replies back "Yes! Now take it, use it for good." Then Dan walks out of the store shouting "Thank You!" "Moron, you don't have to scream so loud!" Hunter replies back.

Message from the writer: Hello, this is my 1st novel published. If y'all like this I will write the entire novel! ;)