
Execrable Salvation

"Ye who acts righteousness will suffer greatly, only thee who cunningly wise will prevail," mutters Arnel as he stood on top of the mountains of human corpses. knowing the world he lived in is a brutal and unforgiving world for the naive and weak, he discarded his old self and become a person who is driven to survive by any means. even by taking advantage of others to suit his goals. "I will survive... even in this wretched world, I will survive..."

Rinal_Cruz · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
21 Chs

Episode 6

(Seated anxiously)

"I-is that really true…? The calamity will again devour this world like what happened in the ancient times…?" (Charlotte)

[I had told her what will happen in two years from now. But I didn't tell her that I was a person from another world, and I know all of this from a novel. Mixed some white lies with the hard truth, I don't know if she will take my word in heart.] (Arnel)

"It's the truth. Though I only shared this with you alone. Even Naiah is oblivious to this knowledge." (Arnel)

"No wonder you know who to bet on in the coliseum battles… I was always skeptical about it, but with this… I think you are telling the truth." (Charlotte)

[that… was not what I expected. But alas…] (Arnel)

"So, do you understand why we need to leave the capital?" (Arnel)

"Still… I can't leave this place, not with Cal's condition…" (Charlotte)

[she still worries about her little brother even knowing the dark future…] (Arnel)

"That's why I want you to have the rest of the money. With those sums, you can get a better healer for Cal and move out from your home. And from what I had gaze into the future, there's a person that can heal Cal's illness. But you need a large sum of money for such treatments." (Arnel)

"…..Wait, don't tell me it's the bishop?! But how can I meet such man…?" (Charlotte)

[there is a certain bishop in the capital city that had miraculous healing ability from the novel. But the man is known by his greed for money and had a dark side that only few knows.] (Arnel)

"He will never treat a commoner like us…" (Charlotte)

"Twenty gold coins." (Arnel)

"Twenty…?" (Charlotte)

"Go to the temple and "ask" the priest there to have a personal meeting with the bishop. Give ten coins to the bishop as a start and give the rest after the treatment ends. That should get his attention." (Arnel)

"B-but won't he become suspicious to us to present such amount of money…?" (Charlotte)

[that man? From what I had read in the novel, he will do anything for money. And curing a sickly commoner is a mundane task for him to do if he got that much gold for himself.] (Arnel)

"Trust me." (Arnel)

(Takes out two gold coin from the bag)

"And after you do that, can you help me to buy train tickets for me and Naiah that scheduled to leave first in the morning for Arden two days from now?" (Arnel)

"…. I can. But why Arden? Why not take the train that directly leaves the kingdom?" (Charlotte)

"Well… I got things to do in Arden first." (Arnel)

(Silent in thoughts)

"…. Alright. After what you done, that's the least I can do for you both." (Charlotte)

"Thank you. I hope Cal's illness will be cured so that you will leave this place as soon as possible…" (Arnel)

(Slowly walks to the door)

"Wait!" (Charlotte)

"Yes?" (Arnel)

(Bow deeply)

"Thank you, Arne… I won't forget this for the rest of my life…" (Charlotte)

"That… I should be the one who say those words to you. Thank you, Char…" (Arnel)

(Suddenly hug!)

(Kiss lips)

"I pray your escape will be smoothly without any complications…" (Charlotte)


"Yes…" (Arnel)

(Kissing continues)


(The next day)

(Inside the director's office)

"Hahahahah~…! You surely make this old man smile, Arnel!" (Director)


(Grinning happily while playing with a gold coin on the woman's exposed chest)

"Ahhn..! Stop it, you bad director~…" (woman)

[these two bastards… shees!] (Arnel)

"….. Naiah's approval letter and our marriage certificate, please…" (Arnel)

"Sure, sure!" (Director)

(Opens drawer)

(Takes out two envelopes)

(Place on desk)

"You can check if you want to. All of them are legit." (Director)

[if you can read that is.] (Director)

(Approach desk)

(Open both envelops)

(Carefully reads content)

"….. Excuse me, Ser…?" (Arnel)

"What!?" (Director)


"I-I'm sorry! B-but there's no seal stamp on the letter on our marriage certificate…." (Arnel)

"What!?" (Director)

"I-I'm sorry…!" (Arnel)

(Quiver, quiver)

[this brat seems cleverer than I thought he would be. But seeing how terrified of him at me, I guess teasing him this much will do.] (Director)

"Don't be too hard on the brat, director~… can't you see that he's about to piss himself standing there~…?" (woman)

"You right. I don't want a stain on my carpet when you are here, Missy~…" (Director)

(Takes letter roughly)


"There, happy!?" (Director)

"Y-yesh…! T-the great director is really a benevolent man that this lowly one respected…!" (Arnel)

"Too bad you a boy. If you're a girl, I would already take you as my toy." (Director)


"Ahahahha! Don't get scared, boy. I'm not into that stuff. But I say, you go a great length for a witch… I pity you. Just what did you see in that disgusting spawn of a monster anyway?" (Director)

"Right~…? Only a fool or an idiot want to fuck that monster." (woman)

(Both laughs mockingly)

"Now, if that is all, out with you! I'm a busy man, as you can see~…" (Director)

(Lick neck)

"Ouhh~…! What a naughty director~… fuck off now, brat! Ahhahah~…. Ahhnn~…!" (woman)

"Y-yes…" (Arnel)

(Quickly leaves the room)

(Door close)

"Now that we had these much money, why don't we go to our favorite bar, honey~… I'm gonna spoil you like mad today!!" (Director)

"Kya~…! What a manly man… rawr~…" (woman)


[that blasted pig director really is obnoxious to deal with. But alas, I got what I wanted, and we should prepare to move out from this hell hole asap!] (Arnel)

(Suddenly appeared!)

"Arnel!" (Sola)

"M-madam…?!" (Arnel)

[fuck! Where did she pop up from?! Of all people, she the last person I wanted to meet today!] (Arnel)

"Where were you…?" (Sola)

"I-I was… uhm…" (Arnel)


"You from the director's office, weren't you…? Where's the papers?" (Sola)

[I knew she will ask for that. She really doesn't want me to leave, isn't she…?] (Arnel)

"P-papers…? T-this one-…" (Arnel)

(Quickly grab!)

"You know that you are still within my care, aren't you, brat!?" (Sola)

(Push towards wall roughly)

"Ack!" (Arnel)

"You know that I really care for you, don't you…?!" (Sola)

[mad! She's fucking mad! Her eyes are really frightening to look at right now…!] (Arnel)

"P-please… have mercy…" (Arnel)


"Arnel... Oh, my little toy Arnel… look what I had done to make you so frighten like that…" (Sola)

(Let go)

"I will keep these papers for safe keeping. I only did this because I cared for you, you know…" (Sola)

"P-please… the papers… I need them-…" (Arnel)

"Quiet!" (Sola)


"I-I'm sorry…! B-but I need the-…" (Arnel)

(Grab hair)

"Ack!" (Arnel)

"I. Will. Keep. These. Papers. Got it!?" (Sola)

(Tremble, tremble)

"Good." (Sola)

(Let go)


[that blaster wench! To think she's obsessed with me this much… fuck!] (Arnel)


(Later on)

(At Charlotte's flower shop)

"He's really late, isn't he…?" (Charlotte)

"...." (Naiah)


"Ah, he should be fine. He's our Arne, isn't that right…?" (Charlotte)

[ah crap… I usually don't know how to talk with Naiah without Arne. Just what is he thinking letting her go alone today?! Shouldn't they be prepared to leave for tomorrow? Just what has happened to him that made him come this late…?] (Charlotte)



[its already noon but he still hasn't arrived…! I'm started to have bad feelings now…] (Charlotte)

"….. Please just go… I will watch the shop until you return…" (Naiah)

[ohh! She finally speaks! I was getting really nervous when she hasn't talked or doing anything since this morning.] (Charlotte)

"I should stay, just in case…" (Charlotte)

"Please go. I know you want to meet with the bishop to cure Cal's illness. Arne told me." (Naiah)

[Arnel you idiot…! Now I felt really guilty for leaving her alone like this… but for Cal's health, I need to go to the cathedral since this is the only chance for me to meet up with the bishop for his public sermons.] (Charlotte)

"Please. I will watch the shop and wait for Arne." (Naiah)


"Are you sure…?" (Charlotte)


"Nn. Go." (Naiah)

[aahhh, geezz…!] (Charlotte)

"Alright! But please eat some of the meals I prepared for breakfast. You haven't eaten since you came earlier this morning." (Charlotte)

"Nn." (Naiah)

"Cal lets go. We will be back as soon as possible, alright? And don't leave the shop for anything aside for Arne. Okay?" (Charlotte)

"Nn, got it." (Naiah)

[she's such a strange girl… although she's only a year younger than me, she acts somewhat childlike usually. But right now, she's looks more mature that I am… she must be treated harshly in the orphanage for her to become like this… but she's a good child nonetheless…] (Charlotte)

"Sister… are we going…?" (Cal)

"R-right! Please wait until we get back, alright Naiah?" (Charlotte)


[Huh? This is rare… is she laughing?] (Charlotte)

"Big sis Char is really like Arne… thank you…" (Naiah)

[whoa… is she really this beautiful…? No wonder Arne is head over heels towards her… I think my heart skip a beat when she smiles just now. It's a shame that her hair is like tha-…] (Charlotte)

"Sister~…!" (Cal)

"Ri-right, coming…!" (Charlotte)

(Quickly piggyback)

(Leaves hastily)

(Door shut)

(Smiling stops)

(Sit on the floor while hugging knees)

"….. Arne… hic…" (Naiah)


(Half an hour after)

(Cathedral square)


[phew! I managed to reach the cathedral square before the sermons end! It's a good thing that Cal is light as a feather…] (Charlotte)

"S-sister… I'm dizzy…" (Callum)

[Cal's condition seems worse than he usually does. I should hurry and find the priest Arne told me about.] (Charlotte)

"Please bare it for now, okay? Your big sister will cure your illness today!" (Charlotte)

[now, according to Arne, the priest who can get me to meet with the bishop is wearing a green hat. But how can I find that person with all of this crowd?!!] (Charlotte)


"A-ah, I'm terribly sorr-… Arne?!" (Charlotte)