
Execrable Salvation

"Ye who acts righteousness will suffer greatly, only thee who cunningly wise will prevail," mutters Arnel as he stood on top of the mountains of human corpses. knowing the world he lived in is a brutal and unforgiving world for the naive and weak, he discarded his old self and become a person who is driven to survive by any means. even by taking advantage of others to suit his goals. "I will survive... even in this wretched world, I will survive..."

Rinal_Cruz · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
21 Chs

Episode 20

Sometimes in the near future.

Rain falls heavily on the ground where thousand or more corpses lying in a lake of blood. On top of the mountain of corpses, there stood a man, alone. His white hair now red with the blood of the peoples he had slaughtered.

"Ye who acts righteous will suffer greatly, only thee who cunningly wise will prevail." (Arnel)

Mutters him as he looks upon the Hero and his entourages with cold expression.

"You bastard!! all this lives, are they so petty in your eyes!? Speak, you devil incarnation!!" (Hedrick)


"Pff! Ahahahahha….!!" (Arnel)

Hearing his eerie laughs, the hero's party shudders in terror. But their leader, the hero was enraged by Arnel's acts.


"Do you found this entertaining!!? You, who's from the same world as I am, how can you do such things without consent!? Are you a murderer back on earth!?" (Hedrick)

(points blade)

"Oh, how cruel of you, hero… saying that I'm a murderer." (Arnel)

"Wha…?" (Hedrick)

"I'm just your average working man who works for a living back on earth." (Arnel)

"…..But why are you doing this!? They only attacked you because of their king's orders! You didn't even gave them a chance to surrender!!" (Hedrick)

"Surrender? Only taking orders? You sure are naive, Hedrick the summoned hero… they already make their choice when they followed their orders and attacked me and my servants. Why should I gave them the opportunity to surrender if they are coming for my life and those around me…?" (Arnel)

While he said these, three shadow looms from behind him and stand next to him. But one particular person managed to caught the hero's fiery glare as soon as he saw her face.

"W-what…? It can't be…? Valna?! What are you doing on that devil side!" (Hedrick)

Valna didn't spoke any word to reply but coldly stare at the man she once loved with all her being.

"Y-you devil!!! What did you do to Valna that makes her to follow you!? Speak!!" (Hedrick)

Irritation can be seen on Valna's face as she hears the hero's words. But Arnel stopped her before she spoke a word.

"Valna? Are you addressing my servant with that foul mouth of yours as if you know her…?" (Arnel)

"S-servant…? V-Valna…? He's joking right…? How come-…" (Hedrick)

"I am Lord Arnel's slave, hero. And don't you dare speak to him with that tone of yours!!" (Valna)


"Easy, Valna… the man is ignorant to the ways of the world." (Arnel)

(pull closer)

"Ah~… stop it, My Lord~…" (Valna)

"W-what are you-…!? S-stop…" (Hedrick)

The hero's tongue gone cold as he saw his lover, Valna kissed Arnel on the lips intimately.

"I said stop!" (Hedrick)

The enraged hero swing his blade aura, but easily deflected by Svana's flaming blade.

"Wha…?" (Hedrick)

"Is this all the hero's capable of? How disappointing…" (Svana)

Although mocked by Svana's remarks, the hero incapable to rebuke and stayed silent. Arnel then whispers the three and they leave him and vanish in the dark rainy night.

"Feel the hopelessness that you experienced today, Hedrick. Since nothing you can do to stop the Glutton Overlord for what you are now. And don't even dream of facing me and my servants ever again." (Arnel)

(turns away)

"Y-you… why are you doing this…? What wrong did I ever do to you…? With your power, we can be allies to save this world… why do you do all of this!!?" (Hedrick)

With desperate tone and hopelessness, the hero asked these words.

"I will survive… even in this wretched world, I will do whatever I could to survive." (Arnel)

"…..even at the price of others lives…?" (Hedrick)


"...I don't think you will understand those words since you are ignorant and haven't gone through what I've been… goodbye, Hero. May our paths won't collided with one another in the future. If so, you will share the same fate of these corpses who came to challenge me without thinking what's best for themselves." (Arnel)

As he finished with his sentences, Arnel vanish into the darkness. Leaving the hero's party remained on the mountain of corpses, wordless and despaired…


Back to the present.

(prostrating on the floor)

"I will forever in your debt, Master Arnel." (Valna)

[Valna had recovered from her injuries after two days of laying in bed. And once again, speaks of her gratitude toward me who saved her life.] (Arnel)

"Do you have any complication with your body?" (Arnel)

"No. But since my womb has been completely devoured by that Broodkin, I will unable to bare any child of my own blood as a female." (Valna)

"Good." (Arnel)

(stand up)

(place palm on head)

"With that said, are you prepare to accept my "seeds"?" (Arnel)

(slowly stand up)

(take off clothes)

"Please, give it to me." (Valna)

[For her to have such conviction, I guess I succeeded in bringing her to my side. Now that I noticed it, I can see why the justice fanatical hero favors her in the first place. Her beauty is not far if to be compare with Naiah and Svana. Not only I got myself a personal teacher to teach us three magic that we solely needed right now, I even got my hands on a beauty that does whatever I commands her to. But lets just stick to the latter since my goal is not to live a frivolous life of lust indulgent. Having mundane things like those is only a side dish since I had bigger ambition to fulfill…] (Arnel)


Two days later.

Hotel suite.

"Keep concentrating! Stop fooling around!" (Valna)


"Ouch! If it kills you if you only said it without smacking my head, elf!!?" (Svana)


"Master Arnel had given me a tasked to give you magic lessons. If you had any quarrels as to how I do things, go take that with him." (Valna)

"Ghh… damn you…" (Svana)

"If that is all, then start at the beginning!" (Valna)


The two bicker while Naiah is in deep meditation while floating in the air.

[Naiah seems to be catching up with Valna's lesson quite fast. But the problem is with Svana. Her mana control is a mess.] (Arnel)

"Say, are you sure I don't need to do what you taught with to those two, Valna?" (Arnel)

After she forced Svana back into meditation.

"Your way on controlling mana is far more superior than the ones I knew. If told you to do what I did with these two, it will only ruined your mana control that you already had right now." (Valna)

[well. if she said that, then I shouldn't ask further since she's more expert in these kinds of stuff anyway. But I still had some questions…] (Arnel)

"By the way, how does magic works to begin with?" (Arnel)

"Are you seriously asking me that? Just where did you lived previously that you had no basic knowledge regarding magic?" (Valna)

"That's why I'm asking. And to be fair, I'm only an orphan just like Naiah. I don't have any knowledge about magic." (Arnel)

Valna heaved a heavy sigh.

"…..listening to your words makes me wanted to question my sanity as to how you were able to cast magic without basic knowledge. Listen carefully, magic is…" (Valna)

[she began to gave me a lecture regarding the basic of magic. Mana is the prime source to use magic and its all around us. To use mana, one must be able to channel it through the body as medium and thus, magic was created. There are two ways that people can conjured magic using mana. The first one is the Lesser magic that a normal person can only do much such as weaker invisible psychological attacks or in using magic tools. The second one is True magic, where a person could manipulated mana directly to conjure visible attack and had greater fire power, but only those who had talent can use True magic since it used a huge amount of mana capacity and control.] (Arnel)

"And to learn how to use mana, one must have no magical knowledge roots to begin with. And since these two didn't have them, I taught them in the way I had learned since I know how to wield magic. From that root alone, one will develop their magic knowledge until it became a large tree or a mountain, depending on one talent. And since yours already mature that my gaze can't even see its peak, its best that I only gave you advance lessons after these two managed to create their roots. But I must say…" (Valna)

Staring at Naiah who's floating in mid air.

"This one only had a small roots on her at the start of the lesson earlier, but now? Its already grown into a small hill, what an amazing speed. Its almost frightening… " (Valna)

[If its Naiah, I can see why he growth is proceeding exponentially since she originally the final boss that blow the heroes party with just a swept of her finger in the final battle. Preventing her from succumbing to her fate is the most crucial decision that my past self made since woken in this world. Now that she is wholly devoted herself to my will, I have all the pieces that I need to start my first move for my world domination plans] (Arnel)