
Execrable Salvation

"Ye who acts righteousness will suffer greatly, only thee who cunningly wise will prevail," mutters Arnel as he stood on top of the mountains of human corpses. knowing the world he lived in is a brutal and unforgiving world for the naive and weak, he discarded his old self and become a person who is driven to survive by any means. even by taking advantage of others to suit his goals. "I will survive... even in this wretched world, I will survive..."

Rinal_Cruz · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
21 Chs

Episode 17

(clop, clop)

(gaze suspiciously)


[I had some imaginations as to what is the living condition of this fortified city from the book that my old self read, but to see it with my own two eyes, its much worse that was was written. Despot refugees that had no where else to go are all living on the streets and back alleys. With such living conditions, I can see why this place will fall in the future since the officials of this city can't give them the attention that they needed because of the tide problem on their hands.] (Arnel)

"Ugh… this place is no different than back in the tainted lands… even the stench is unbearable…" (Svana)

"Just be patient. We'll soon reach the Bounty Guild Hall." (Arnel)


[Since this City became the Bastion for humanity against the tides of corruption, the last remaining humanity alliance establish the Bounty Guild Hall as a place to gather and buy Broodkin loot drops from those who managed to get their hands on them for other uses such as for alchemy ingredients or for weapons and armors.]

"Halt!" (Guard)


"State your business!" (Guard)

"I had some loot drops that I want to exchange with the Bounty Guild's Hall." (Arnel)

(gaze irritatedly)

(spit on the ground)

"Seeing you people, I guess they might be useless drops. Get in anyway, but leave your cart wagon outside the Guild grounds!" (Guard)


"This-…!?" (Svana)


"H-hey why did you-…?!" (Svana)

"Thank you. We will do as you say, Ser." (Arnel)

(smile, smile)

"Tch! What a waste of time…" (Guard)



"I swear… this rude man is really…" (Svana)

"Relax, Svana. Arne, we will watch the wagon while you go in." (Naiah)

"Ghh… fine!" (Svana)


"Then, I'll return soon." (Arnel)

[it a relief to see Naiah managed to control Svana's fiery temper aside me and… Nia of course.] (Arnel)

(place hand on chest)

[hmmm… I thought my emotions has already numbing after devouring her for sometimes now, but it seems that I'm still had these old feelings. its a strange sensation indeed…] (Arnel)


(the Bounty Guild Hall)

(receptionist desk)

"P-pleasure doing business with you, Ser~…! You there, go and collect this good gentleman's loot from his wagon, fast! P-please forgive our incapable workers, good Ser~…!" (Receptionist)

(bows down fervently)

[The receptionist attitude change drastically from the moment I meet with him and now. When he heard I was going to sell the horns, bones and skins, his expression looks really annoyed and talks rudely toward me. But when he heard that I had several mana stones in various sizes, he quickly turned one eighty.] (Arnel)

"When can I expected to be payed for all of this?" (Arnel)

"A-ah, of course! The Guild will pay half on front and the rest will be transfer in your account! Please fill this form while I handle your front payment~…!" (Receptionist)

(quickly ran to the back room)

[Well, having an legal account will surely be a good backup in the future if we needed funds. Since we got quite the haul after selling our loot. But I can feel gazes looking at me as I fill this form from the people inside this hall.] (Arnel)

(a while later)

"Once again, I thank you for selling your loots with me, kind Ser! Please come again!" (Receptionist)


(walks away)

[seeing how wide his grin's are, he must be receiving quite the reward for this transaction as well.] (Arnel)

(nearing the entrance)

(step in)

[Sigh… I know this would happen… I can see the other groups looks quite bitter since this one made their move before they had the chance.] (Arnel)

"You seems quite loaded, pretty boy… care to share your burden with this big sis~…?" (Buffed Female warrior)

(laugh sinisterly)

"Step aside, please." (Arnel)


"Wha…?" (Buffed female warrior)

(group stops laughing)

"It seems you don't understand your situation, pretty boy~…! I "asked" you to give your money!" (Buffed female warrior)


(pull up)

"Whuooo~…! Big sis is mad I tell ya~…! Kid is in trouble~…!" (Bandit like hunter)

(whispers, whispers)

(walks out the hall quietly)

[They really don't want to get caught in this mess and quickly bails. Lucky them, but I can't say the same with this group.] (Arnel)



"Wha-…!?" (Buffed female warrior)



(blood splatter)

"Gyaaakkk….!!! M-my arm…!!!" (Buffed female warrior)

(squirming on the floor)

(the others stunned)

"Wind magic surely amazing to make such clean cut. Well, I did warn you earlier." (Arnel)

"Y-you bastard….!! How dare yo-…" (Bandit like hunter)


"Gyaaakkk….!!! M-me leg…!!! Argghh…!!" (Bandit like hunter)


(look at the remaining two)

"Eeekkk…!" (Bandit hunters)

"Wanna go?" (Arnel)

"Eeeekkk…!!" (Bandit hunter A)

(quickly ran out)

[huh? Did the other one pissed himself and faint while standing? Not that I care but, disgusting.] (Arnel)

"I'm sure you hiding in your desk after seeing this, my good man Receptionist." (Arnel)

(under the reception desk)

(quiver, quiver)

"Deduct the pay for the inconvenience from my account. I'm sure you will do a good job from making a big deal out of this, right?" (Arnel)

"Y-yesh! P-please j-just leave~….! I will do what you ask!" (Receptionist)

[That settles then. I should go back to where Naiah and Svana is and look for an inn to stay for a couple of days in this city.] (Arnel)

(walk pass the female hunter squirming on the floor with their own pools of blood)


(later in the afternoon)

(in a certain inn inside the fortress city of Engel)

(jumps on bed)

"Kyaa~…! I miss this sensation~…." (Svana)

(rolling on the bed happily)

"At least go take a bath first, Svana… you'll dirtied the bed with stains if you do that now." (Naiah)

"Awwww~….! But we haven't got any sleep since we left the village~…! Can I just wash after I got some sleep~…?" (Svana)

"If you do so, forget about making love with Arne tonight." (Naiah)


"….dammit… alright, alright! I'll go already! Shees…!" (Svana)

(walks away from the bed while grumbling)

[I think I have a sense the hierarchy in our group after traveling with these two after a month. Naiah is the second in command, and you guess it, Svana is the bottom feeder. Although she's grumbling like that all the time, but she sure respected Naiah after knowing that she's more powerful than her in terms of magic and physical abilities. But Svana is no weakling for what she is now compare to her back in the book. She may be more powerful than those justice fanatics whom called themselves heroes. Then again, what are those idiots up to right now…?] (Arnel)


(in another place)

(Alarnton Kingdom)


"I don't know why they do these mass execution… despicable! If this were to happened back on earth, they would already be punished by law!" (Hedrick)

(grit teeth!)

"P-please calm down, Ser Hero… t-that's just what they usually does to those who had been fully corrupted but not yet transformed into Broodkins…" (Helena)


"How can you use such excuse!? They are killing innocent peoples regardless of age and gender just because they were corrupted!!!" (Hedrick)


[its been five years since I summoned this man from another world because of the revelation I had seen in my oracle that warns me the coming of the Glutton Overlord. Not to mentioned that in order to summon him required many lives as payment to cast the taboo ritual, even those of my closes friends and family. I get he is strong just like a Transcendent or even more, his only downfall is that he is to ignorant of the way of this world work and keeps on rambling about his old one… did I made a mistake bringing his soul to this world? Will he be able to save us from destruction?] (Helena)


"A-ah… I'm sorry for getting worked up, my dear Helen…" (Hedrick)



"Forgive me…" (Hedrick)

"Its okay… I understand your feelings since I was the one who brought you into this world in the first place…" (Helena)

(squeeze tightly)


[I still have my doubts on him, but I don't have any other choice since there are no ancient Transcendent living in this world aside from the newer weaker generation that he already defeated and became our comrades. Though, I still can't handle his excessive skin-ship towards me and the other females within our group. He even got one of our comrade pregnant and she was unable to follow us in our journey a year ago. Its a great loss since she was useful in combat and a good cook as well… but no matter, its good that she was unable to continue with our journey since now I can focus on handling this hero for the sake of our future...] (Helena)

(two continue to smooching passionately)


(later on)

(palace audience chamber)

"I cannot keep my mouth shut much longer seeing this massacre, King Valam-Ere! The killings must stop!" (Hedrick)

(seated on the throne)

(gaze coldly)

"I respect and thank you for what the Hero has done to us, but this matter is for me to handle as the king and for my people! If you disagree with the way I managed my kingdom, you can leave and be on your journey, young Hero! And didn't I already reward you our nation's sacred treasure, the Branch Staff for your Saintess as you see fit!?" (Valam)

Said the elf in a monarch garments with composed yet bitter tone.

"Ghh! T-that's…!?" (Hedrick)

"If that is all, leave this chamber at once! I had much more pressing matter than listening to your audacious words. Be thankful that I didn't chase you out from this kingdom for disrespecting me like this! There's a limit even for a hero like you to acts." (Valam)

(chamber door shut!)

"Dammit! Just why is he so stubborn!? Kalia." (Hedrick)

"Y-yes, your l-lordship?" (Kalia)

"Did you do as I say?" (Hedrick)

"I-i have. The o-others is waiting for your s-signal." (Kalia)

"Good. We act tonight. Liberate those prisoners from the dungeon and be ready to leave." (Hedrick)

"Y-yes!" (Farrel)

(walks away)

[If that so called king is stubborn with her choices, I will act as a normal human being should!] (Hedrick)

(staring quietly)

[...this will be a mess… just what is he thinking inside his mind right now!?] (Helena)