
Execrable Salvation

"Ye who acts righteousness will suffer greatly, only thee who cunningly wise will prevail," mutters Arnel as he stood on top of the mountains of human corpses. knowing the world he lived in is a brutal and unforgiving world for the naive and weak, he discarded his old self and become a person who is driven to survive by any means. even by taking advantage of others to suit his goals. "I will survive... even in this wretched world, I will survive..."

Rinal_Cruz · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
21 Chs

Episode 15

[The villagers, led by Frena share their thoughts with Nia until nighttime. Saying that they did had their suspicions as to the strange occurrences that they felt while staying in this village.] (Arnel)

"I had my suspicions when I haven't starved even without eating nor drinking." (Arik)

"L-like we never been attacked by bandits l-like we did back in our old villages…" (Mina)

"My skin is always smooth even after those years! What more can I wish~…!" (Alra)

[…things like that…] (Arnel)

"….what we were trying to say is that, you did us no wrong, Mother. You saved us and that's all that matters…" (Frena)

"Hic. Y-you guys… i-I'm sorry~….! I thought you all will abandoned me if you know the truth! Th-that why… hic…" (Vesnya)

(all hugging Vesnya)

"There, there… *sniffles…" (Frena)

(heartwarming tears)


(a bit later)

(wipes tears)


"Thank you for sharing your feelings, everyone… but I still have something to say." (Vesnya)

"Don't sweat it, Mother! Hehe." (Arik)

"Yup. We can always do this if you want to again in the future, right guys?!" (Frena)

"Aye!" (villagers)

(happily giggling)

"….. Thank you… but, there will be no next time…" (Vesnya)

(giggling stops)

[From the cheerful scene, it quickly turns gloomy as Vensya continues to speak and the villagers didn't utter any words as they listen to her every word…] (Arnel)



"Are you sure about this even after heard the others says earlier?" (Arnel)

"I'm sure. Leaving them in Frena's care will be enough since she always being their leader while I'm just nags around them." (Vesnya)


"We're here.." (Vesnya)

(hand gesture)

(scene suddenly changed)

[So, this is the cave where the Essence pool was located. No wonder I can't find it before even after five years of searching all over the village. They were hidden by Nia's magic…] (Arnel)

"Now, lets proceed…" (Vesnya)

(step, step)

[The three of us, followed Vesnya into the dark cave from behind with only a torch as our light source. After several minutes of walking, we finally stopped after reaching the deepest part of the cavern where there's a large pool that illuminates the whole area with its strange glimmering glows of magenta color.] (Arnel)

"Now, take all of your clothes and enter the pool, together." (Vesnya)

[We did as she tells us and go full naked before entering the pool. As I dip my foot on its surface, I felt somewhat warm but in the same time, strange feelings that I can't put into words.] (Arnel)


"Now, we will begin the Ritual of consummation. But first…" (Vesnya)

(approach closely)

(wrapped arms on neck)

"Hold me while I cast the spell. And when I give the signal, do it." (Vesnya)

"Yes. You two, get ready." (Arnel)

(both nod simultaneously)

(place hands behind Vesnya)

(slightly lift up gently)

"Whatever you don't get consumed by the pain. Fight it as much as possible, understand?" (Vesnya)

(the three nod)

"Alright. *exhale…! (starts chanting)." (Vesnya)

(light shimmers)

(slowly become intense!)

"N-now!" (Vesnya)

(slide in!)

(whole body flinch)

"Nhh!!" (Vesnya)

"Nia-…?!" (the three)

"Don't stop, Arnel!!" (Vesnya)

(continue chanting)

[t-this feelings… its…. Argh!!!" (Arnel)

(splat, splash!)

(chanting accompanied with slight moans)

"Aarrrhhgg!!!!" (Arnel)

(light intensified!)



(the next morning)

[I don't had any memories after the light suddenly brightens. But right now. The strange pool that we were in last night are now had emptied with the three of us at the center where we stood last night. Nia is nowhere to be seen since I opened my eyes just now. But one thing is for sure, I can feel myself drastically changed, not just by appearance, but my very essence of a being…] (Arnel)


(the two levitates)

"So, this is the power of an Ancient Transcendent…? Moving object with just a finger gesture…?" (Arnel)


"Nnh… eh whaytt…?! Why am I upside down?! I'm levitating…!!" (Svana)

[oh. She's awaken…] (Arnel)

"Did you do this!? Put me down, now…!! I'm naked for fuck sakes!" (Svana)

[Now that I noticed… Naiah and Svana appearances changes as well. Naiah's fair skin now looks more paler and her hair is full blown pitch black. And Svana's slender physique looks even more fit than she was before. Even her red hair had now turned crimson color and her pupils golden yellow…] (Arnel)


"Let me go." (Svana)

(body suddenly enveloped by flames!)

[ohoo…? I don't know she could do that. I thought she can only imbued her flames on her weapons inside the book.] (Arnel)

(stops levitating)


"Ouch… that hurt you, bastard!!" (Svana)

"I let you go, haven't I? And I advice you to quickly distance yourself from Naiah right now." (Arnel)

"What are yo-…!?" (Svana)


(eyes open!)


(thrown away)

[Th-the hell…? I-is that…. Naiah…? W-why is she acting like that!? And how can Arnel stood motionlessly after that impact?! What is happening?!] (Svana)

"Aaaarrrrhhhhhgggg…..!!!! Argghhh….!!!" (Naiah)

(struggling while hovering)

(body pulsing more intense!)

"Aaaackkk…!! It hurtssss…..!!!" (Naiah)

[Her transformation to becoming the Brood Mother is now happening, huh? I was beginning to worry why things goes smoothly last night…] (Arnel)

(slowly approach)

(extend hand)

"Grrr!!! Argghhh…!!! Kill!!! Kill!!!" (Naiah)

(bit hand!)

"Grrr!!! *Heeelll….!" (Naiah)


(extend other arm)

(gently pat head)


"!?" (Naiah)

"Biting me makes no difference, Naiah. I will subdue you." (Arnel)


(stop biting!)

(tries to lunge!)


(bit shoulder!)

"Gggrrr….!!!" (Naiah)

"Good. Stay in that position while i…" (Arnel)

(slide in forcefully)

"!!?" (Naiah)

"Ghaaa!!!" (Naiah)

(tries to get away!)

(grabs tightly!)

"Arrrrhhhggg….!!!" (Naiah)

"Oh, no you don't! I've been waiting for this moment since I opened my eyes in this world!" (Arnel)

(sluck, shluck!)

"Ahnn~…! Aaaarrrhhhhggg!!!" (Naiah)


(bite shoulder once again while moaning!)

(blood oozing uncontrollably)

"Just do that until i….!" (Arnel)

(humps fasteer!)

"Arrhhg…!!" (Arnel/Naiah)

(both falls to the ground while gasping)

(Naiah's hair color slowly changes to white like Arnel's)


(face all crimsoned up!)

[what the hell did I just witness…? Those two-…] (Svana)

(Naiah suddenly pinned Arnel and started to devour his mouth like a angry luscious beast)


[t-they started doing it again…?!! A-a-and why I'm getting turned on seeing them fuck like wild animals?!] (Svana)

(the two moans while humping with one another like animals)

[fuck this… fuck all of this! I too want….] (Svana)

(approach slowly towards the two)

(the two stops doing it and peek at her)

(both nod and pull her hand together)


(a while later)

"*humming tune~…" (Naiah)

(happily cling in arm)


"...bastard… my legs all numb." (Svana)

(rubs crotch to ease the pain)

(walks wobbly)

"Need a hand?" (Arnel)

(extend hand)


"N-no need! I can walk myself…! I swear, you two are sex fiends incarnation. Even after that, how can you two still walked straight like that?!" (Svana)

"I healed our exhaustion before we leave the cave. Want me to healed your as well?" (Arnel)

"What!? You should said that to me earlier!" (Svana)

"You didn't ask." (Arnel)


"Tch! Never mind… I will etched this pain and exhaustion so that I will not fallen to that deviant sexual temptation after this…" (Svana)

(throw away flustering gaze)

"Suit yourself. We almost at the village anyway." (Arnel)

[There were no words after that exchange between us three until we reached the village…] (Arnel)


(The village square)


(weeping children)

"Mother really had left us, ain't she…? I felt like a part of me suddenly vanished and I can tell that time has started moving normally than before…" (Frena)

(wipe tears)

"But seeing you change, I guess the ritual succeeded, right? W-we should celebrate this… hic…" (Frena)

[After finding out that Nia had departed from this world, the village's air is filled with sorrow unlike the cheerfulness it had before. I guess they really loved her truthfully even though they are practically her prisoners.] (Arnel)

"I know that she had told us that she has reached her end, but to separate with her like this…!?" (Frena)

(gently hold shoulder)

"Rather than a celebration, lets us mourn of her passing…" (Naiah)


(embrace gently)


(a month later)

[The three of us help the villagers to set up Nia's memorial stone at the center of the village where we usually have our banquet. After that, we stayed in the village for about a month since that day. But before leaving, I set up a barrier using the remaining Essence liquid that I managed to gather from the pool where we had our ritual to protect the village from outside danger. But time will go normally as it was in the outside world. This is the least I can give to them for all that Nia has done to me. Though its just a way to get rid of my guilt to be honest…] (Arnel)

"Thank you for taking care of us, everyone." (Naiah)

(bows down)

"Its alright. Have you guys packed all the things you needed for your journey?" (Frena)

[Frena has taken the role of Mother and donned Nia's priestess robes. I have no quarrel for her to do so since this may be a way for her and the others to cope with the loss of Nia, their beloved mother. Though, its a good thing that no one blames us for her passing and still treats us as their own. They are good people, alright. I hope they can live in peace even after we leave them afterwards since I had no intention to come back here for what I'm about to do in the future.] (Arnel)


"I'm gonna miss you guys. Though, your white hair is dashing, man." (Arik)

"I as well, Arik. Please take good care of this village for us." (Arnel)

"Yea, and get married with Arla already!" (Svana)


(the two flustered like mad)

"I-I was going to, don't rush me!" (Arik)

(everyone laughs heartedly)

[Our departure is a good and pleasant one. Though, this may be the last time that we three might experience such occasion from now on…] (Arnel)