
Exclusively for the Villain Lord

He ruffled my hair and smirked, “Silly girl, come find me when you're older. When you’re ready.” And he disappeared. ** Kim Aera, a college student working on her essay about the villain Lord Eros and his enemy King Augustus, in a famous novel called To Be Loved, but ending up transmigrating herself in the novel as an orphan who turned out out to be Princess Asteria, a descendant of King Augustus and the sister of the male lead Crown Prince Apollo. On her 18th birthday, every prince around from other kingdom went to Ardis kingdom to be her husband, each having their gifts to show their love. However, Princess Asteria wanted nothing but to run away from her suitors, ending up kidnapped by a strange man named Anteros who says that she possesses incredibly rare magic, and Anteros asked her to revive the legend and dangerous dark mage, Lord Eros, the villain of the story. As Lord Eros lived again, she ends up diving deeper into his past. And what's more, the second lead Prince Galician was supposed to go to the female lead but ended up chasing her. How can she return to the real world with the dark mage tailing behind her back, brothers, and countless almost-death situations from the king’s concubine? To Lord Eros, she was the future. To her they were the past that she mistakenly brought up and caused chaos in the story, entrapping her. (UNEDITED)

Hiraeth_Faith · Fantaisie
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136 Chs

A free ride in the sky

At the palace, knights played their trumpets and some band marched around while the citizens looked with so much interest too, excited for the future winner who could capture the princess's heart.

The event was held in the forest, in the royal palace's territory.

Princess Asteria looked at Lord Eros who was drinking some coconut juice and eating carefreely.

Princess Asteria quirked an eyebrow, "Are you not going to prepare anything for the contest? Or are you not that eager to join this?"

He shrugged, "No, I'm all good. I don't have to exert effort as I'm sure I'll win anyway."

Leave it to him for being such a boastful man.

Asteria rolled her eyes and looked at the other participants. She didn't even look at their eyes, what more to their determination to win her.

From the side, Prince Galician tried to catch her attention and winked at her, "Wish me luck."

She cringed at his wink. Eww.

Prince Griffith came also to stare at her for a minute before leaving.

That weird man.

She just shook her head at him. They waited for a while. A hand rested on her shoulders and stole her attention, "How are you feeling, Ria?" Asked her brother Ares.

"Kind of good. I wish I could play it myself." She sighed.

Prince Ares pinched her cheeks, "Awe, is the princess sad about the contest? Don't worry, he will win."


"Lord Eros of course. It's obvious you like him by how much you get closer these days."

"I do not."

"Keep denying it, sister."

An hour of waiting felt like an eternity and when the contest time arrived, a loud whistle appeared from the side and the. 20 suitors came in line.

She watched beside her father who was beaming widely, happy at the event.

"Look for the best husband, my daughter." Said her father as the show was about to start.

The event was simple. Just like in the novel, there will be two rounds for this. The first contest is now which is to hunt the best meat they could find in the forest. Be it a rabbit, bear or some whatever meat and offer it to her. Whatever impressed the princess will be chosen as the winner for this round. They are given fifteen minutes to hunt.

"Start!" William yelled and the suitors all disappeared.

Asteria could see how Lord Eros didn't move to his position. Everyone in the area saw his inattentiveness and whispered to themselves.

"Is he giving up? I had high hopes for him." Said Prince Ares.

Princess Asteria could also feel her heart beating rapidly, not wanting to be married off to Prince Galician.

C'mon Lord Eros. Move! She wanted to yell at him.

Five minutes passed. Then ten. And slowly a minute only.

It was then that Lord Eros stretched his body and started to walk to the forest.

Twenty seconds later almost everyone returned except Lord Eros.

Everyone caught goats, deer, and rabbits while Prince Galician had turned in the biggest which is a bear.

Time is ticking and Princess Asteria gulped, as she counted off in her head.










Just then, a sudden loud roar appeared from afar.

Everyone stopped and looked in the direction of the sound. A shadow of a huge beast appeard on the skies. No…if she could hear it right…

It's a dragon!

She watched as Lord Eros rode a red-colored dragon with its hard scales, knocking off a few trees in the way.

It stood 530 feet long and from its head to its long black tail, it measures 30 feet long.

She felt a bit relieved and scared having to see it face to face.

Plus, Lord Eros is overdoing it! Everyone would notice how he caught this animal! They'll suspect him and his identity!

It's like revealing himself to the whole kingdom that he's a mage. The famous dangerous dark mage.

"Unbelievable! That is indeed a huge animal!" Commented her father, who looked shocked himself seeing the creature. "In my sixty years of existence, I never have seen one!"

Everyone cheered for Lord Eros as he came down from the dragon.

For her it's horror!

She could see her other suitors' disdain in their faces. Lord Eros came to her and kissed her hand, "How was it?"

"That was such a dangerous move. For yourself and for the kingdom!" She said, wanting to yell at him but she maintained herself as her father is there.

"No one in the whole century except the dark mage managed to catch a dragon that it almost turned into a myth…" Mistress Geneva commented, her eyebrows raised in a suspecting expression.

But the king ignored that as he approached Lord Eros and pulled him into a hug,

"Lord Eros…" Her father commented, hugging him. "That was indeed a great show. I enjoyed this."

Everyone in the palace was in awe and news traveled fast. People outside who heard the news was desperate to see the dragon themselves but the royal knights stopped them.

"The competition is over! The next round will be held in a week!" William yelled through the crowd, hurrying them to leave.

It took a while for the royal guards to let everyone leave, including the royal family. The two of them were left alone for now.

Lord Eros then offered his hand to her, "This is my gift to you, do you like it?"

She hesitated for a bit, but then sighed, "I love it!" She exclaimed, looking at the big creature before them. "But why do you have to bring a dragon? You know that it's only the dark mage Lord Eros that could summon one! Yet here you are, showing it to-"

"Don't worry, they won't even suspect. I have performed a spell to bewitch them." He shrugged, "Well, more like made them forget about it.

She clicked her tongue, really, how bold is that move, Lord Eros! He's only endangering himself...

He smirked at her reaction, "Then shall we?"

She blinked, "Where?"

"Don't you want some adventure?" As he said that, she hesitated a bit but looking at the huge creature, she instantly nodded and accepted his hand.

He then pulled her and made her sit in front of him.

"Hold on tight, princess. We don't want you falling later." He commented.

She just rolled her eyes at his remark. He made sure she was comfortable before muttering a spell and the dragon flapped its wings, knocking over some trees on the way. They continued going up and reached the top of the palace and from there, the dragon roared to the wind, going around the kingdom.

Princess Asteria gasped in shock, not expecting to see a full aerial view of the whole kingdom. They continued going upwards where the people looked like ants and the king were getting smaller in view. The wind harshly blew on her hair and they reached the clouds.

Now that she's high up in the sky, gone were all her doubts and blame on Lord Eros. All she could focus on was the fact that she could fly in the wind and have a ride! Plus, how cool is that, having a dragon as a pet? She only watched it in the movies back in the real world!

It's almost like she's dreaming-except she's not, she's just living now in a novel…

"Where did you even find this beautiful creature? I thought they are extinct? Gosh, I wanna name her now!" She excitedly exclaimed.

Lord Eros chuckled. "It's a he, not a she."

The dragon roared as if protesting that she called him a 'she'.

"Oh, hi cutie boy. I wonder what I'll name to you…" Princess Asteria caressed the dragon's skin as she thought about something and sighed, "I want to give you a beautiful name, but I'll give up." She then paused, "But you're scales are red so I'll name you Red."

Lord Eros cocked an eyebrow, "Red? Sounds lovely. What do you think, Red?"

The dragon roared and Lord Eros laughed at it.

"Good. He seems to like it." Said Lord Eros.

They explored for a few moments in the sky until riding in the sky finally finished and Lord Eros put her back in her room.

She felt a bit disappointed that it had to end. If anything, she only wanted to stay in that position forever, riding the dragon and flying through the wind, her hair all over her face but she doesn't care anything about the world.

It was such as life-turning experience. And she couldn't ask for more.

She stood by the balcony and looked at Lord Eros who got down for the dragon.

"Where will you put him now?" She can't help but ask.

"I'll make a big home for him. For now, I'll have to chain his feet to a big rock by the forest." He said and rode the dragon, saying his goodbyes before flying to the woods.