

Telera in a loud voice, " Hey idiot come out.. Crocodile on your back"

Henry , " You saying something , I couldn't hear you come inside"

Telera sees crocodile opening its mouth wide at Henry back

Telera in worried tone, " Henry come out.(sobs)..Please come out.. Crocodile on your " Aaaahhhhhhhhh" " she shouted as crocodile bited Henry and she sees blood oosing out..

" Henry...", Telera shouted and got inside water..

Her eyes shedded tears on seeing red bloods.." Henry...(sobs)...Henry ...Please...(sobs) don't leave me alone. I am nothing with you.. Please "

she shouted , " Henry.."

she reached the deep sea where Henry was calling her and started pushing the water in search of him" You can't leave me Henry.. You can't "

" You were right..You were right..I am not Telera or Princess of AquaFlora..(sobs)..(sobs).."

" I am your Melanin..Your wife Melanin always (sobs)..Please come to me..I can't live without you..Please (sobs)..Please come to me..I beg you please..(sobs) (sobs)"