
Overprotective mother

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To change the environment, Henry looked at Caspian , Caspian understood and pulled Saafiya

" Leave me , what doing" ,Saafiya asked him

" It's time to start the event",Chasper

" You could have said in soft way right ? What's the necessary to be rude? ", Saafiya

Saafiya took mic, " May I have your attention please..As you all know today is kids charity fund raising event. Everything you buy today it will directly go to fund. It includes all food bills too. So we'll begin the event with cutting a cake "

A big trolly came , it had a single tier vanilla cake as a base, and second layer was made with croquembouche with 4ft height made with chocolate.

A chocolate stand was made instead of normal stand to hold the croquembouche cake.