

Reception was held after the wedding in a hall near the church

Everyone started congratulating Melanin and Henry..

Henry was taking with his friends and ladies were talking with Melanin..

The hall became silence on hearing a foot steps..

A man wearing a cream tuxedo with purple shirt entered the hall..

Unlike Henry the man was coming with smiling face. When the ladies drool on his handsomeness he winks at them.

He carried a boquet with different kinds of flowers..

He waved hands at Melanin and with a loud voice, " Hello.. Barbie Doll "

He went directly where Melanin is. Without looking at Henry or we can say he ignored Henry presence and he hugged her tightly..

" Happy Married Life BarbieDoll " , Melanin smiled and hugged him back..

He break the hug and kissed Melanin forehead making her shocked and igniting rage of anger to Henry..